Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 16: Deal at Dinner

Finally, Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment in her hand and left with the Sorting Hat and the four-legged stool. However, the plates in front of the many young wizards were still empty.

At this time, Dumbledore stood up, opened his arms, and stared at the students in the audience.


He said,

"Welcome to Hogwarts and welcome the new school year. So before starting the dinner, I would like to say a few words. Well, what I want to say is: idiot! Crying nose! Residue, screw it! Thank you!"

After saying that, he sat down, and many young wizards clapped and cheered. Finally, it was time to start eating.

Feeney noticed that the empty plates in front of them were now filled with food, including roast beef, roast chicken, pork, lamb, sausages, bacon and steak. Of course, there were also some vegetarian dishes, such as boiled tomatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, and potatoes. Strips, Yorkshire dices, pears, carrots, ketchup, and mint-flavored hard candies.

Even Feeney, who grew up in fine clothes, had to admit that the food at Hogwarts was very good, and the house elves here could show that they were proficient in cooking.

After taking a few simple bites, Feeney looked at the little wizards of his own age at the table and said coldly.

"I don't think any of you would be willing to share a dormitory with me, right?"

The faces of many young wizards showed a mixture of complex emotions of embarrassment, fear, and disgust.

When Feeney saw this, he understood in his heart. He put down the knife and fork in his hand, looked at the little wizards, and said slowly,

"If I remember correctly, Slytherin has an ancient and traditional ritual, a ritual that has long been abandoned by the other three houses."

A little wizard's eyes widened and he looked at Feeney in disbelief.

"You are talking about the prefect system. You want to be a prefect? ​​This is impossible!"

As if his neck was being strangled, he let out a sharp cry,

Not only him, but the faces of other little wizards also became ugly.

Even the older Slytherin student looked at Finny with an ugly expression and said sternly,

"You Blacks don't deserve to be our Slytherin prefects!"

Feeney smiled disdainfully and asked,

"Why, do you think these little wizards will be my opponents? From the moment I knew about your pure-blood family's rejection and greed of my family, I have never stopped practicing magic."

The little wizard who spoke before looked very ugly and said,

"Then you can't be a prefect, you're not worthy!"

Feeney shrugged and looked at the little wizard,

"But, what can you do? Wizards of other ages are not allowed to participate in this ceremony. You only have the fate of being defeated by me, right? Accept your fate. You will all be with me in your next study and life at Hogwarts. under the management of

After saying this, Feeney even sneered,

"To be honest, I'm looking forward to how you will feel mentally and emotionally under the management of me, Blake, who is looked down upon and rejected by you."

When many young wizards heard this, their faces became more and more ugly, but they were powerless. There was no way to stop Fini from doing this.

Of course, some of them think that they will not lose to Feeney, but they just think that if they really lose, the consequences will be the last thing they want to see.

Although Slytherin's biggest characteristic is ambition, each of them can be said to be very smart, especially when weighing the pros and cons.

Adrian Pusey was different from the barking little wizard before. He looked at Feeney rationally.

"Now that you mention it, it should be clear that we are not going to allow you to become a first-year prefect no matter what. So, what do you want?"

Feeney smiled slightly and looked at Adrian,

"You are very smart, at least much smarter than him,"

Feeney pointed at the angry little wizard just now and continued,

"I can withdraw from the prefect selection, but I need the prefect's privileges, which is a single room, how about that?"

Derian thought for a moment and said,

"Are you sure these are transferable?"

Feeney shrugged.

"Of course, the prefects are selected through a ceremony and cannot be transferred, but a single room is totally fine, right? How about, I can let the person you choose win, but the single room belongs to me."

Derian nodded,

"make a deal."

Feeney laughed.

In fact, the prefects of Hogwarts still have a lot of power. For example, they can deduct points from students who are not prefects, although the deductions are not many at a time. There is also a single bath, and the prefects of Slytherin also have a single dormitory. , and, it is said that this single bedroom also has a single bathroom.

With power, there are naturally responsibilities, such as passing the password for the lounge, managing students in the same grade, etc. However, for Feeney, only the single dormitory can be seen.

After all, he was very aware of his situation in Slytherin. When he mentioned the matter of prefects just now, he also saw the reactions of other young wizards. If he shared a dormitory with them, the next seven years would be terrible. It's uncomfortable.

Don't say that children come and go quickly, and they can become friends in a few days. This is possible in the other three colleges, but in Slytherin, it is a joke.

Slytherin is a small pure-blood wizard society. Even the relationship between first-year students is determined by the relationship between their families.

Some people are friends since birth, while others have to remember who is their mortal enemy before they are mature enough.

This is Slytherin, a school that puts interests first.

Soon after, everyone finished their meal, and the leftovers automatically disappeared from the plate. The plate became as dazzling as it was at the beginning. After a while, the dessert appeared.

When the desserts were finished, Professor Dumbledore stood up again, and the wizards fell silent again.

"Now that we are all full, I will say a few more words. First, let us welcome Professor Jonathan Reed, who will be in charge of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class for grades one to seven, and then there are a few notices for the start of school."

"First-year freshmen should pay special attention: students are not allowed to enter the forbidden forest on campus,"

"Our administrator Mr. Filch asked me to remind you that you are not allowed to use magic in the corridor during class breaks."

"Finally, the review of Quidditch players will be carried out in the second week. Students who want to represent their colleges in the competition, please go to Mrs. Hodge to sign up."

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together."

Dumbledore shouted loudly in the dull eyes of other professors, waving his wand at the same time.

A long golden ribbon floated out of the wand, rising high above the table, and snaked into words.

"Everyone chooses the tune they like. Now, ready, sing!"

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