Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 17 Public Lounge

Following Dumbledore's words, almost everyone in the school roared loudly,

"Selfish, warty Hogwarts, please teach us that whether we are old or bald or a young man with crazy legs, our heads can be filled with new and interesting things because they are empty. The air, the dead flies and the broken fluff, teach us useful things, let us remember the forgotten past, do our best, care for each other, and learn until our brains rot.”

At this moment, Feeney finally understood why the professors' eyes looked like that when Dumbledore said this just now.

Without a fixed tone, everyone's songs may be long or short, fast or slow. The extremely inconsistent sound will turn into noise, and it is a noise that is completely torture.

I don't know how long it took, but the singing finally stopped. Dumbledore clapped excitedly, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

Feeney very much suspected that the tears were caused by the fact that the singing was really too unpleasant, and Dumbledore, as the principal, could not speak out about it yet, so he suffered in silence.

"Ah, music, how beautiful it is, this is a kind of magic that transcends one's own realm. Well, it's time to go to bed now, children,"

Feeney stood up together with the Slytherin seniors. After lining up in order, they walked through the whispering crowd, walked out of the Great Hall, and walked down the marble stairs.

Among the four houses, only Slytherin and Hufflepuff’s lounges are underground, and Slytherin’s is the lowest one.

The kitchen is right below the hall, and Hufflepuff's lounge is next to it. As for Slytherin's lounge, you need to follow the prefects down the dark stairs and pass through the dim corridors before you can get there. To the lounge in this dank dungeon,

Slytherin's common room is actually under the Black Lake, protected by a wall. The wall is also engraved with Slytherin's symbol, the snake with its tongue sticking out.

"Pure blood!"

The Slytherin prefect read out the slogan, passed through the stone door that appeared on the wall, and led the young wizards into the common room.

This is a long, narrow, low basement. The walls and ceiling of the basement are made of stone. The dark green decoration tone is quite Gothic style.

Surrounded by some weird and magical sculptures, exquisite fireplaces, medieval tapestries depicting Slytherin's famous adventures, and more.

The most impressive thing about this lounge is its overall structure. Its walls are intricately carved and almost no stone is intact.

Because the lounge is located under the Black Lake, the lake reflects the glass of the lounge into dark green. From time to time, the giant squid in the Black Lake swims by outside the window, making the whole atmosphere like a mysterious underwater boat ride, quiet and wonderful.

"Quiet! I am Prefect Gemma Farley, and it is my pleasure to welcome you to Slytherin House. Our emblem is the snake, the most intelligent of creatures: our house colors are emerald and silver, and our common The lounge is located behind a hidden entrance to the dungeon. As you can see, its windows look out onto the depths of Hogwarts Lake. We often see giant squid swooping in, and sometimes even more interesting creatures we like. Our retreat has the aura of a mysterious underwater shipwreck.”

A female prefect spoke to the first-year wizards,

"Before the break, you still have one thing to complete, and that is our Slytherin tradition, a tradition that has been abandoned by the other three houses of Hogwarts and has been maintained since the founding of the school. Select you. The first-year prefects will be next..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Professor Snape who came here. Snape was the dean of Slytherin and a former student of Slytherin.

"Freshmen, all stand in the middle. I don't care what method you use. When only the last person among you is left standing, that person will be the first-year prefect. Now, start immediately. Hurry up. I Your time is precious!”

As mentioned before, Feeney didn't take any action and just watched the other little wizards pecking each other.

Yes, the only word to describe the scene at this time is novices pecking each other. In fact, it is conceivable. After all, the little wizard who just entered Hogwarts is only eleven years old. The little wizard in the magical world Generally speaking, the first magic riot occurs around the age of seven. Even if you start learning magic immediately afterwards, you will not make any progress in four years.

The little wizards' control over magic power and the accumulation of their own magic power are too weak. They are not Feeney. With the help of a system, they can now be compared with wizards of six or seven years old.

Of course, there were some unwilling little wizards who didn't believe that Finny was so powerful and tried to sneak attack Finny, but they were completely helpless in front of Finny's transformation skills.

Feeney didn't do anything ruthless, he just turned the surrounding tables and chairs into long ropes and tied up the little wizard who attacked him.

In the end, as Feeney expected, Derian won the final victory.

"So now do you want to fight with me, or do you want to follow the previous agreement?"

Feeney looked at Derian curiously, waiting for his answer.

Derian glanced at the ropes that Finny had transformed, and then shook his head at Finny. He was not stupid, and Finny's transformation technique was already beyond the ability of first-year wizards like them.

"Then, the prefect's single dormitory is yours."

Derian said to Finney, with a hint of win-over in his tone.

Unlike others, Derian was not very repulsive to Finney. He knew very well that, after all, those things had little to do with Finney. Even if he reported some Death Eaters, there would be others who would do so if he did not.

As the only heir of the Black family, and with such superb magical talent and strength, if Derian did not win him over to his side, he felt that his work as a prefect was in vain.

Finney did not care about the win-over in Derian's words, but came to the dormitory assigned to him, took out his suitcase, and looked at Snape,

"So, professor, where is the single dormitory of the prefect?"

As mentioned before, the prefect cannot be transferred, but the dormitory can be.

Snape's mouth twitched slightly, but he still pointed out the location of the dormitory and let Finney go in.

The single dormitory for the prefect is larger than the general dormitory, because it has a bathroom dedicated to it, and there is even a bathtub in it.

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