Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 189 The Gaunt Family Ring

"Secondly, if I had rescued you at that time, according to your character and the situation at that time, you would not have taken the family so seriously. The most likely thing would be to give the family's assets and this house to the Order of the Phoenix. To Dumbledore, right?"

Sirius heard this and nodded. What Feeney said was indeed very possible, maybe more than just possible.

Feeney continued,

"Last and most important, that is my plan. I am young, and I am always accompanied by a guard team of house elves. Other wizards may not know it, but the Oath Family of the Presbyterian Council must know it. House elves are not inferior to goblins, and their protection is naturally the most powerful."

"Furthermore, before I entered school, I spent most of my time in this house protected by the Loyalty Curse. After I entered school, I spent most of my time in Hogwarts. It would be difficult for them to find opportunities to take action against me. Therefore, if they want to If the Black family takes action, the only breakthrough is with you."

Sirius nodded when he heard this and said,

"And there are some problems in my case. I was caught in Azkaban without trial or punishment. I was sent there right after I was caught. So, once something goes wrong with me, you will have the opportunity to deal with it." Ministry of Magic launches attack,"

Feeney nodded, shook his head and said,

"It is certain to launch an attack, but the target is not the Ministry of Magic. They can only be regarded as incidental at best. If something like that really happened, I would have reason to complain to the Presbyterian Council and launch an attack on the Rich family and the families below it. Investigate this matter thoroughly, and when the time comes, I will use your life to exchange a lot of resources for the Black family,"

Sirius took a deep breath and said,

"And nothing happened to me, which means someone has thought of your plan. Maybe they won't think so clearly, but they must have sensed it. No wonder they are so afraid and restricting you. If you really have the power to participate in the consular meeting , the Rich family will be much restricted,"

Feeney nodded and said,

"They may also have the idea of ​​limiting my access to high-level information about the Presbyterian Church. The fewer people who know about those things, the better."

Sirius was stunned.


Feeney said,

"I don't know much. I had a fight with that lunatic from the Rich family last year. He told me some things before he died,"

"Wait! The madman from the Ritchie family? That Sakaski?"

Sirius suddenly interrupted Finny and asked,

Feeney nodded,

"Yes, it was him. Many of his plans at that time were related to a concept,"

Sirius, being an excellent flatterer, asked,

"What concept?"

Feeney replied,


Hearing this word, Sirius didn't even bother to look at the account book in his hand. His eyes widened and he stared at Finny and asked,

"What did you say? God? The God I thought of?"

Feeney nodded and said,

"You and James Potter are so close, you must have seen that thing,"

"You mean, that invisibility cloak?"

"Of course, apart from the Cloak in Deathly Hallows, how else can the Potter family have anything to do with God? The Elder Wand, the Cloak, and the Resurrection Stone. I know where they are now, and they are all real. "Well, what about the God of Death in that story? If he didn't exist, how could these three items have been so powerful for thousands of years."

Feeney said calmly, as if the Deathly Hallows, the three treasures that many people have been looking for all their lives without finding any clues, are so worthless.

Sirius thought of another thing,

"Do you know their location, that is, they are all with Dumbledore now?"

Feeney looked at Sirius in surprise, and after a moment, laughed again,

"Sure enough, sure enough, my worries are unnecessary. Those families will regret what they did next,"

Sirius smiled and said,

"It's not difficult to think that I know that James's invisibility cloak is with Dumbledore. After all, I was there when he borrowed the invisibility cloak, and it is said that Grindelwald once obtained the Elder Wand. Dumbledore, who defeated Grindelwald, is naturally likely to have the most powerful wand. I don't know about the Resurrection Stone, but it's not hard to imagine."

Feeney sighed and said,

"Dumbledore is likely to be the terminator of the Elder Wand. Of course, let's not mention this beforehand. The Resurrection Stone has always been circulated in the Gaunt family. I told Dumbledore not long ago. I think he should have found it by now. "

Sirius looked in disbelief;

"You mean, that Gaunt family ring?"

Feeney nodded,

"Of course, besides the Resurrection Stone, what else can have that effect?"

The Gunter family's ring is not an unfamiliar item among the Presbyterian sworn families. Of course, only a few families may still remember it now. In the time of Feeney's grandfather, this thing was a rare treasure. ah.

The Gunter family is different from other families in that they do not have their own property, but they can still become a consular family of the Presbyterian Church because of this ring.

Their family has its own set of means. Through this ring, it can connect to the world of death, allowing the living to communicate with their dead friends, and even, through some special techniques, the dead can be resurrected.

However, because to resurrect the dead requires not only four souls, but also a body, and a large amount of magic power, and the magic power is permanently lost, no one thinks about it as a legendary item like the Resurrection Stone.

Everyone has more or less dead friends, some regrets, or people they want to resurrect.

Especially for some pure-blood families, pure blood itself is a difficult thing to achieve. Nowadays, most of the pure-blood families in the magic world are not pure blood. However, a large part of the oath families in the Presbyterian Church are still Pureblood.

Pure blood means marriage between close relatives. Not only does the mortality rate of the offspring be extremely high, but it is also difficult to produce offspring. In that era, medicine was not as developed as it is today, and direct descendants of the family often died at birth.

The ability of the Gaunt family's ring to resurrect people is particularly valuable. Most families are willing to pay a huge price in exchange for the resurrection of their heirs. This also makes the Gaunt family one of the consular families.

By the generation of Feeney's grandfather, there were few wars in the magic world, and there were enough medical methods to keep young wizards alive.

As for the Gaunt family, as a rare family that combines brother and sister, their character has become increasingly crazy, and they have slowly lost the ritual of the ring's effect.

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