Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 190 189 Brothers Conversation 3

Therefore, the Gaunt family ring has slowly been lost in the magic world. Only a small number of families have complete records, and only those families with elders who have lived long enough will remember this item. Remember this.

The Black family has complete family records and has many elders. Finny and Sirius naturally know about this.

It was precisely because he knew that Sirius was so surprised when he heard this. You know, if the news that the Gaunt family's ring was the Resurrection Stone had not spread in that era, the magic world would There will definitely be a bloody storm.

However, that won't happen now, because the Gaunt family has been exterminated by the descendants of their own family. The mysterious man's mother is one of the last members of the Gaunt family. However, this person is from the most powerful family in the magic world. A witch from one of the noble pure-blood families fell in love with a Muggle who didn't love her back.

Although the mysterious man was born under the influence of magic, it also gave him a tragic childhood, which eventually led to the extinction of the Gaunt family.

When the news that the Gunter family was wiped out first came out, many families who knew about the ring wanted to go find it and take it for themselves. However, there was no clue, even if a descendant of the family found it next to the mysterious man. No trace of the ring was found, either.

In the end, it can only be considered that the ring was completely lost, which also made it very likely that the crisis that would once again set off a bloody storm would be resolved without any surprise.

Sirius sighed and said,

"It seems that the ring is in a place ignored by everyone,"

Feeney nodded and said,

"That thing was tampered with by the mysterious person. Based on the principle that the most dangerous place is the safest place, it is in the old house of the Gunter family. It has always been there."

Hearing this, Sirius smiled bitterly and said,

"I still remember that when the news of the demise of the Gaunt family came out, many pure-blood families searched for this ring all over the world. They all thought that the mysterious person might not know its function, but such a ring symbolizes the Gaunt family. I didn’t expect that the ring that holds the status of the head of the Te family would be taken away by him.”

Feeney smiled and said,

"Of course he is valued. You know, he made the same items, but they are Slytherin's pendant box, Ravenclaw's crown, Hufflepuff's golden cup, etc. If it weren't for Gran Fendo's sword has always been in Dumbledore's hands, and it may have been tampered with by him. "

Sirius looked at Finny and asked suddenly,

"So, what are the tricks he did? Is Regulus's disappearance related to this trick?"

Feeney was stunned when he heard this question. He really didn't expect that Sirius could be so keenly aware of this, and it was something he didn't reveal any clues about.

"How did you guess that?"

Sirius sighed and said,

"You just said that these are the items that have also been tampered with. However, as far as I know, among these items, only Slytherin's pendant is the only one with clues in the past ten years. Almost all other items have been lost. Traces, and you mentioned before that you made a deal with Dumbledore in exchange for casting the Fidelity Charm on the house,"

"Moreover, you just said that Dumbledore went to find the ring. This shows that Dumbledore attaches great importance to these items that have been tampered with by the mysterious man. The deal you made with him must be like this. kind of items.”

"I know very well that these things did not exist in the Black family before, and you were only two or three years old at the time. Therefore, the items you used to trade could only be brought back later. In the situation at that time, only Regule It is possible that Si obtained the mysterious person’s items and then he disappeared, so there must be a connection between the two.”

Feeney sighed and said,

"You did guess it right. The first item that Dumbledore and I traded was brought back by Regulus, or in other words, he exchanged his life for it. Slytherin's locket, which was tampered with by the mysterious man. Among the items, it is the only one that is carefully protected.”

What Feeney said is indeed correct, because this is really the only item that the mysterious man made a trap and specially protected.

Among his Horcruxes, the diary was given directly to Lucius, the gold cup was placed in Bella's vault, the crown was in the Room of Requirement, and the ring was placed directly in the old house. Although Nagini was not sure when it was made However, it was an accident that Harry was kept by his side. Only the locket was placed by him in a place that only he knew when he was a child, and he did not know about many magics, as well as a large number of living corpses to guard him, and even A special potion was made to cause those who tried to steal the pendant to be attacked by living corpses.

Feeney has always suspected that this is because the pendant is the only relic left by the mysterious man's mother to him, and he is so protective of this thing not only because it is a Horcrux, but also because it is the same year he was. The only good memory, so the place where it was placed was the only place that brought him joy in his childhood, even though those joys were brought about by the pain of other orphans.

"At that time, the mysterious man wanted to hide an item and needed the help of a house elf. To show his loyalty, Regulus sacrificed Kreacher,"

"After Kreacher came back, he told Regulus everything he had to do. Later, with the help of Kreacher, he found the locket. However, he himself could never come back because of the arrangement there. However, Kreacher had to bring it back due to the wizard's order. When I found out, I used it to exchange it with Dumbledore."

Sirius sighed, his face filled with memories. He still cared about Regulus' younger brother. Although he would later like his mother and others, he finally accepted the theory of pure blood, it was still in his childhood memory. The most important part is that although I have long guessed that the so-called disappearance must be death, I still have extravagant hopes.

Now that he knew the final outcome, Sirius was very sad and didn't know what to say.

Finny naturally saw Sirius' sadness, stood up, walked behind him, patted his shoulder and said,

"Regulus' incident is still caused by a mysterious person. Now, we are still sure whether he is completely dead. Once he comes back, we will make him pay for everything he has done. For the sake of Bo The special couple, Regulus, and even more wizards, as well as Muggles are welcome to pay!"

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