Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 31 Crazy Question Answering

He did not go to the restaurant for breakfast but went directly to Ravenclaw's tower. He came there yesterday evening and again this morning.

As a student of the Snake Courtyard, Feeney's behavior at this time was very abnormal in the eyes of these young wizards of the Eagle Courtyard. However, they didn't care. As mentioned before, as long as they could answer the question about the bronze door knocker, they would be fine. Access to the Ravenclaw common room, as it has been for thousands of years,

So they didn't care about Feeney's purpose at all. After all, they were allowed to enter the lounge. Is there anything else that they should pay attention to?

Of course, the premise of not caring is that they are sure that their dormitory cannot be entered by people from other colleges. In fact, this is also true. Ravenclaw can be said to be the only college besides Slytherin that has set up protective magic for the dormitories. Even the wizards of their own college cannot enter other people's dormitories without permission. Bedroom.

Arriving at the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker of Ravenclaw Tower, Feeney stopped.

Just as he speculated last night, Feeney thought that opening the Ravenclaw treasure inheritance might require continuously answering the knocker questions correctly, so he came,

He stretched out his hand and knocked on the wooden door. The eagle's beak on the door knocker opened and said in a voice like music,

“What can fill a room or a heart, something that can be owned but not shared?”

Feeney smiled slightly. It seemed that he was lucky. This question was not difficult, so he smiled and said,

"It is loneliness. It can fill a room or a heart. However, loneliness only belongs to one person. There is no way to share it. If you share it, you will not be lonely."

"That makes sense."

The sweet voice answered. As soon as the voice fell, the door to the Ravenclaw common room opened.

However, Finny's purpose was not to enter the Ravenclaw common room, so he reached out and closed the door, and knocked on the wooden door again.

The eagle's beak opened again, making the same sweet, gentle, musical sound,

“What question can you never answer?”

Feeney reached out and touched his chin and said,

"Are you dead?"

The door knocker didn't respond immediately. He seemed to be stunned by Feeney's answer, and then made a sound,

"That makes sense."

The door was opened again, and Feeney did the same thing as before.

“What animal starts out walking on four legs, then walks on two legs, and finally walks on three legs?”


This is a very famous riddle of the Sphinx. Finny did not expect Ravenclaw's Eagle Ring to be so knowledgeable.


Feeney cheered himself up and knocked on the door knocker again.

"Where are the dead?"

"In memory."

"That makes sense."

More and more questions appeared, and it became a little difficult for Feeney to answer the questions from the easy at the beginning, and the speed of answering the questions became longer and longer, as if the eagle ring would strengthen based on the number of correct questions answered. The difficulty of the questions is the same.

Feeney's eyes became brighter when he discovered this, because the change in the eagle ring was telling Feeney that his previous guess was correct.

Finny, who was sure of this, became even more crazy when answering the questions, and his crazy behavior made the little wizards in the Eagle Court feel strange. They could obviously enter the Ravenclaw common room, but the result was unexpected. To enter, you have to answer the questions, what? Are you addicted to answering questions?

Even the young wizards of Ravenclaw are not very willing to answer the questions of the Eagle Ring, because some of its questions are really difficult to answer. Which one comes first, the phoenix or the fire? Where do the dead things go? It feels easy if you know the answer, but it's really uncomfortable to encounter such a question when you don't know the answer.

Therefore, even in the eyes of the people at Eagle Yard, Feeney's actions looked like a lunatic.

Slowly, Feeney answered many questions from morning to noon, and helped many young wizards in the Eagle Court return to the lounge.

Normally, there would be many little wizards standing at the door of the Yingyuan common room who couldn't answer the questions and couldn't get in. However, none of them were like this today, because they were all put in by Finny.

Later, Feeney also realized that something was wrong, because the questions he answered began to repeat themselves, but there were still no clues about treasures, secret rooms, or inheritance.

This surprised him and made him a little confused. Finally, Feeney's crazy behavior attracted the headmaster of Ravenclaw, Filius Flitwick.

After Professor Flitwick arrived, he stood aside and watched Finny's crazy behavior without stopping him, waiting for Finny to give up on his own.

Finally, after Feeney answered two rounds of questions, he finally gave up. Because the question had been repeated for the third time, there was no need to continue answering. There were no clues about the inherited treasure. It seemed that his The guess is wrong.

"give up?"

At this time, Professor Flitwick spoke,

Only then did Feeney realize that the professor had been observing him for a long time, and Feeney had just seemed to be trapped in some kind of demonic barrier. All he could think about in his eyes and mind was answer questions, answer questions, answer questions. He didn't notice the professor's arrival at all.


Feeney greeted Flitwick,

Flitwick waved his hand and said nonchalantly,

"You are perfect for Ravenclaw, but it's a pity that you were sorted into Slytherin."

Feeney smiled sheepishly and said,

"I'm just a little curious. Is there a question bank for the Eagle Ring at the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room? Or are there infinite questions? Now I'm sure that there must be only more than 200 questions, and then it will start to cycle."

Flitwick smiled and said,

"It doesn't matter. We won't exclude any smart people. You know, extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind."

Finny frowned when he heard this again and asked,

"Professor, what does this sentence mean?"

Flitwick looked at Finny with some surprise, and his eyes also revealed a meaning of "I see, so it's so."

"So, the reason you answered the Eagle Ring is because of this sentence, right?"

Finny was stunned. There was no loophole in his answer and question. How did Professor Flitwick guess it?

As if he saw Finny's doubts, Professor Flitwick smiled and said,

"This sentence is a key in our common room that can open Ms. Ravenclaw's private library. Some people also say that it is Ms. Ravenclaw's inherited treasure. I think you came to answer the question because you think this sentence has something to do with the inherited treasure?"

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