Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 32 Ravencarlaw's Private Library

After hearing Professor Flitwick's words, Feeney scratched his head in embarrassment and said,

"I thought the inheritance of the treasure was a secret."

Flitwick smiled and said,

"The four founders left their corresponding heritage treasures, Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, Ravenclaw's library, Hufflepuff's kitchen and Gryffindor's Sword of Courage. Hogwarts was founded like this. Over time, there have been too many students. How could no one think of inheriting the treasure? Over time, this has become an open secret. Since you are interested and have answered so many questions, come with me. Bar,"

After speaking, Flitwick smiled and knocked on the door of the common room.

"What is death?"

"It's the end of everything and the beginning of everything."

"That makes sense."

After the door opened, Flitwick took Finny into the lounge of the Eagle Courtyard.

This is the first time he has entered the lounge of another college.

Just when he stepped into this lounge, a beeping sound came from the system in his mind,

"Enter the Ravenclaw common room and unlock the hidden achievements. The current progress of 'Exploring Hogwarts' is 35%. You will receive rewards after reaching 100%. Fiery Mastery (including counterspells)."

Looking at the system prompts that suddenly appeared in front of him, Feeney was stunned. This task may be difficult or not difficult, but the reward is too generous. That is Li Huo, a very powerful black magic. This magic can summon an increasingly powerful flame, and these flames can also mimic the form of some monsters under the control of the wizard, chasing down all flammable objects regardless of friend or foe.

Moreover, Li Huo also has the power of a curse, and other spells except special counter-curses cannot undo it.

Of course, the Ending Spell is an upgraded version of the Spell Stop. As a spell that forces the surrounding magic elements to stop magic, it can end this spell.

However, the spell All Curses End is a very powerful one and requires extremely high magical energy to be used. You must know that when Jiuliduo fought against Grindelwald, many wizards were able to use this spell together.

Therefore, before learning the counter-spell, few people dared to use the spell "Fire Fire", and its counter-spell has been slowly forgotten by most people because it is too difficult to master. Finny can obtain "Fire Fire" as long as he completes this task. The curse and its counter-spell can be used without worrying about one's own safety, which is enough to show how generous this reward is.

Thinking of this, Feeney checked the achievement again.

Explore Hogwarts: Tour all places in Hogwarts (except *****), including common classrooms, corridors, stairs, etc. (completed) Common rooms of the four major houses (Slytherin, Ravenclaw completed ,) Professor's Office (Unfinished) Kitchen, Room of Requirement, Secret Passage (Room of Requirement Completed) The Inherited Treasures of the Four Founders (Unfinished)

Seeing that this achievement had specific content, Feeney breathed a sigh of relief, so that he could complete this achievement in a targeted manner.

In reality, he followed Professor Flitwick's footsteps and came to the sculpture of the Ravenclaw lady directly opposite the door of the Ravenclaw common room.

I saw Professor Flitwick draw his wand towards the sculpture,

"Trace Revealed"

It's a Revealing Spell, and it's a Revealing Spell that requires a very high level of magic to use.

"Actually, there is no need to use this advanced spell at all, just a general manifestation spell, such as the prototype of the instant appearance."

Flitwick explained,

At this time, Feeney noticed that a black hole appeared on the base below the sculpture, with a handle inside.

"Is that,,,portkey?"

Feeney asked with some uncertainty,

Flitwick smiled and nodded, and said with admiration,

"You are really smart, but it's a pity that you are not a student of Ravenclaw. Ms. Ravenclaw's private library is restricted and does not allow apparation. It can only be entered through the door key. Okay, hold this handle. You can go in.”

As he spoke, he held the handle first,

Seeing this, Feeney quickly grabbed the handle.

Just like it was completely different when Kreacher took him to apparate, being moved by a portkey was even more unbearable. It felt like an iron hook had hooked my navel, and then I was thrown into a rotating laundry bucket. I was nauseated, dizzy, and extremely uncomfortable.

"Okay, when you sixth graders can learn to apparate, you will get used to this feeling,"

Feeney retched twice, waved to Professor Flitwick and said,

"Professor, I think I may not be able to accept this feeling for a long time."

Professor Flitwick shook his head and said nothing.

Feeney then began to observe the private library.

The library was completely different from what he had imagined. It was a circular room, about the same size as the Ravenclaw common room. It was not very spacious. The semi-curved dome was made of a kind of glass. formed, with stars twinkling above,

"The starry sky above is the same as the real one, and will change accordingly. Although I don't know how Ms. Ravenclaw does it, it must be a very advanced magic,"

Professor Flitwick said with emotion,

Feeney nodded. He didn't know what to say. Although his library in Grimmauld Place was much larger than here and had a richer collection of books, it was far behind this dome. .

There are not many books in this library. There is only an arc-shaped bookshelf close to the wall. On it are some books, large and small, placed in categories according to thickness.

The bookshelves are completely connected, and there is no candlelight in the library, but it is still as bright as day.

Feeney walked over and took a closer look. Although there were not many books here, they were all books that recorded a lot of profound magical knowledge. There were even more books that could no longer be found in the magic world today. There were also many Raven books. Ms. Crowe's private records.


Feeney turned back to look at Flitwick and said,

"Can I borrow some of the books here to read?"

After all, this is the library of Ravenclaw Academy. It would be fine if Feeney discovered it by himself, but now that Flitwick had brought him here, he naturally had to ask.

Flitwick smiled and said,

"Of course, as long as the books are not destroyed, we still like smart people. There is not only Ms. Ravenclaw's collection of books here. Have you seen the later cabinet? In it are the graduates of Ravenclaw Academy over the years. some research information,”

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