Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 335 The Magic World Comes to a Temporary End

As for what Feeny has to do is very simple, that is to continue his magic power, reach the peak of legend, and then set out to become a demigod.

As I said before, if the enemy doesn't want you to do anything, just do it.

The last thing the elders want Fini to do is undoubtedly to become a demigod. Therefore, what Fini has to do is to become a demigod.

"Damon, go and contact Sirius about the family power under the Black family. The Weasley family, Arthur and Molly, are members of the Order of the Phoenix and are very averse to war, so there is no need to go to them. However, They are not the only ones in the Weasley family."

"As for the Baronton family, don't go looking for the direct lineage. During the war with Voldemort, there were only two direct lineages left. The Ollivander family also shouldn't go looking for them. Their family has always been They are all passed down from the same line, and the population is sparse."

"As for other families, even if their direct descendants do not participate in the war, they still have to contribute a certain amount of strength. Otherwise, I would rather clean up the internal affairs first and then fight the Presbyterian Church. Even if this means losing the war, I will not hesitate!"

"Stefan, you and others will lead the rest of us to attack the Presbyterian Church's deployment from other European countries. Since war has been decided, we must fight, and we must beat them painfully! We do not seek victory in the war. , but we must also prevent their Presbyterian Church from attacking us easily."

After saying this, Feeney turned to look at Hope,

"Hope, you are also a direct descendant of the Black family and the only heir today. Therefore, the stability of the British magical world during the war is left to you. Do it with confidence and boldness. If any family dares not to cooperate with you, then it will be cleared directly. Yes, during the war, everything is under complete control!”

It is said to be a deployment, but in fact, what Feeney is talking about is just integrating all the forces in their hands, conducting surprise attacks and launching frontal wars. Feeney has never been a person who is good at war strategies, but fortunately, wizards are not good at it. In this regard, surprise attack is already a very good strategy.

With the actions of the Black family, the Presbyterian Church suffered a certain blow without knowing it.

On the other side, the Rich family, which was in opposition to the Presbyterian Church, saw that the Black family had started a war, and immediately sent troops, which involved a large part of the Presbyterian Church.

With the cooperation between Kuzan and Feeney out of thin air, they fought back and forth with this organization that had ruled the magic world for thousands of years, and even gained some advantages.

The two of them don't have this advantage over me, so don't panic and try again.

Instead, they fought steadily and pressed harder step by step, stabilizing the advantages they gained from the Presbyterian Church, developing them continuously, and feeding war with war.

For a moment, the Presbyterian Church had no choice but to call a truce, acquiescing to the status of the Rich family and the Black family after they rebelled against the Presbyterian Church.

The attitude of the Presbyterian Church also caused some small families with ulterior motives to have the same idea. However, they were all suppressed by the Presbyterian Church. Only then did everyone understand that not all families can be compared with the Black and Rich families. .

The structure of the Presbyterian Church also changed due to this war that lasted for two years. The status of the consular family was directly abolished. For the first time, the Presbyterian Council stood at the front desk and directly commanded all the sworn families of the Presbyterian Church.

The war was temporarily over, the situation calmed down, and three years passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, five years had passed since the very beginning of everything, the Quidditch World Cup that changed the entire wizarding world.

Leia has graduated from Hogwarts.

During this period, Harry, Neville, Ron, Hermione and others also graduated one after another. Dumbledore did not sacrifice as in the original work, but he still resigned as the principal of Hogwarts because he was too old. It is said that he moved to Nurmengard to guard his archenemy, the Dark Lord.

When he learned the news, what Feeney was thinking was different from the rest of the wizarding world. Dumbledore had gone to coax his wife, but that was right, after all, he had been locked up in solitary confinement for so many years. As the saying goes, wife abuse is a temporary pleasure, but Professor Dumbledore will be busy in the future.

I don’t know if it was because of Feeney, but Hermione and Ron did not end up together like in the original work. Today, two years after graduation, she is still single, but she still became the Ministry of Magic’s No. 1 as in the original work. The one-man Muggle wizard minister, although in the original work relied on the power of the Weasley family, now he relies on the power of Leia's Greengrass family.

Harry finally married Ginny, but it was understandable. Even Feeny had to admit that Ginny was indeed a rare beauty. She inherited the red hair of the Weasley family, but she didn't look like it at all. Her brothers inherited their father's freckles and looked more like her mother, who was also beautiful when she was young.

After Harry graduated, he inherited all the Potter family's property and their ancestral home in Godric's Hollow. Now, their first child, James, was born. However, Finny has been practicing magic in seclusion. , I haven’t seen it yet.

Finally, on this day, Finny became a demigod. It was also at this moment that he finally understood why the Presbyterian Council had been so anxious to control himself.

Because there is only one place left to become a god in this era. Yes, the chief elder of the Presbyterian Church became a god a year ago, and the second elder and the third elder are now sprinting with all their strength, trying to become half a god before Fini. God, it's a pity that Feeney was one step ahead.

Fini understood everything, and also knew that if he didn't make progress, he would regress, and there was no room for easing the tension with the Council of Elders.

However, it was precisely because of this that his life span was fixed, whether he became a god or not, and it was time to give Leah a suitable answer.

After a brief discussion with Leah, they finally set the wedding ceremony for the two of them in a month.

During this month, they told all their relatives and friends about this matter, including Elrond and his grandson, who were hiding somewhere unknown.

Speaking of this pair of grandparents and grandchildren, Finni couldn't help but think of the fact that a long time ago, Elrond's granddaughter, Silna, had once been attracted to him, and the Selwyn family had also tried to marry the Black family.

Looking at it now, everything has changed. Silna died in the turmoil of that year, and only Elrond and his little grandson, Solim, are still alive, but they are still avoiding the pursuit of their family and the Council of Elders.

Kuzan also had a grandson who was promoted to Legend, and took another step towards becoming a god. It was a pity that in this era, he no longer had the chance to become a god.

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