Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 336 Chapter 334 Finale! A fantasy that ended in vain

In the end, the battle to become a god can only be fought between those who have become demigods and those who are about to become demigods, but I don’t know who the final leader will be.

Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye it was the day when Feeney and Leah got married.

The wedding of Phineas Black, the second young master of the Black family, will naturally not be so simple, especially after the Black family broke away from the Presbyterian Church and became the only family that still existed after leaving the Presbyterian Church, and the Rich family was even more valued by others.

Harry, Neville, and Hermione also came to help with this wedding.

In fact, in Feeney's original plan, he had no intention of inviting Hermione. After all, Hermione once had some different feelings for him. Due to various considerations, he could not choose Hermione, and there was no need to let her go. Such a little girl coming to his wedding affected his mood.

However, after Hermione learned the news, she still came to attend the wedding.

Several of them held the seating chart in their hands and stood at the door of the garden where the wedding was held, helping the guests find their seats.

The waiters in white robes and the band in golden coats have already arrived at the venue to adjust their equipment and make preparations.

Many wizards who came to watch the ceremony also came here in advance, sitting in their respective seats, gathering in twos and threes, smoking pipes and chatting quietly.

Above the garden, where the wedding ceremony will be held, is a huge white tent, which not only blocks wind and light, but also makes the place look more noble.

At the entrance of the tent is a long purple carpet, lined with golden chairs, and the four pillars supporting the tent are wrapped with gold and white flowers.

George, Fred and Lee Jordan, three of Feeney's close friends from school, would naturally not miss this occasion. They were standing in the garden, tying a large number of golden balloons around the whole The sky above the garden creates a romantic atmosphere.

"When I get married, I will never do this. This outfit is too uncomfortable to wear."

George tugged at the collar of his robe and complained to Fred,

"I'm sorry for this, but, George, I am the second young master of the Black family after all. Even if the patriarch is Sirius now, I still represent the face of the Black family. My wedding can only be like this,"

Feeney was about to find the twins when he heard George's complaint and replied with a wry smile.

George shrugged.

"Okay, okay, what else can I help with?"

"No, you two just enjoy it. A lot of the food at tonight's dinner was specially prepared by Sirius,"

While the three of them were talking, in the distance of the yard, figures appeared one after another out of thin air. They were all wearing solemn robes, with golden patterns sewn on them showing their respective identities.

This group of people was getting closer and closer to the tent, and Fini and the others also heard the excited and chattering voices among them.

Lupine and Tonks also appeared in the garden. Yes, that's right, although there was no more Voldemort, Lupine and Tonks still met and fell in love. The two had entered into a relationship a year ago. to the palace of marriage,

Naturally, not only members of various families came to attend this wedding, professors from Hogwarts also appeared here. After all, both Finny and Leah can be said to be their very outstanding students.

Hagrid's huge body also caused a chaos, but it was quickly solved by Sirius.

The guests gradually arrived, and the wedding started as usual.

Dumbledore stood at the front, presiding over the wedding.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather here to celebrate the union of two devoted souls,,,,,"

"Phineas Black, will you marry Lady Astoria Greengrass?"

Sirius and the Greengrass couple sat in the front row, looking at the couple in front of them. Mrs. Greengrass had tears in her eyes. From time to time she covered her face with a handkerchief and sobbed softly.

Hope and Daphne sat next to them, watching the union of their uncle and sister, with this look of blessing on their faces,

Hermione and Luna sat together, both looking a little unnatural, with unconcealable sadness in their eyes.

Suddenly a trumpet-like sound came from the crowd. It was Hagrid's voice.

",,,, I declare you to be lifelong partners."

As Dumbledore announced loudly, waving the Elder Wand in his hand over the heads of Finny and Leia, large silver stars fell on them, spinning around their bodies that were hugging each other tightly at the moment,

The twins and Jordan clapped happily, and the balloons above everyone's heads exploded, revealing the bird of paradise and the little golden bell inside.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please stand!"

Everyone stood up, and as Dumbledore waved his wand, all the chairs floated into the air. The same happened to the tent. Small tables covered with white tablecloths appeared out of thin air and fell together with the chairs.

The band that arrived early began to perform, and waiters appeared from all around, serving pumpkin juice, butter beer, fire whiskey, and, of course, various foods.

In such a peaceful atmosphere, a big silver guy suddenly appeared above the dance floor and landed among the dancers.

It was a dog-shaped patron saint, and a voice suddenly came from it. It was Damon's voice.

"Master, run! They are coming!"

The voice stopped, and it could be seen that Damon's outcome at this time would not be very good.

With the appearance of this voice, everything seemed to slow down. Feeney took out his wand from his sleeve. Many people also realized the problem, reacted, and apparated away from here.

Just when Feeney was about to leave with Leah and others, he suddenly discovered that Apparition was no longer available.

The protective magic around Lisa's manor was suddenly destroyed, and a large number of figures wearing black robes and masks broke in.

They completely ignored who they were facing and what family they came from. Green lights flew all over the sky, taking away fresh lives one after another.

"Damn it!"

Finny roared angrily,

"Lea, you and Hermione go first, Sirius..."

Before Finny finished his instructions, he saw Sirius being hit by a white smoke, his head exploded instantly, red and white things sprayed out,

",,,,,you really deserve to die!"

Finny became even more angry, raised his wand and started to fight back.

The demigods in absolute rage were not something ordinary wizards could resist. A large number of elemental creatures prepared by Fini in advance appeared in the garden and attacked the black-robed wizards who broke in.

"Take good care of yourself!"

Feeney could only leave this sentence, and then went up to fight,

Leia has never been a flower vase, so she will not sit still and wait for death. She also drew out her wand and participated in the battle.

Similar to her actions, Hope and Harry were also stimulated by Sirius's death. Naturally, the Weasley family, Hermione, Daphne and others also took action.

"Phineas Black!"

With a roar, Feeney suddenly found a magic circle emitting purple light appearing around him.

"Team of elders? I didn't expect you to take action yourself."

Feeney instantly guessed the identity of the visitor, looked at the black-robed wizards standing around him and said,

One of the black-robed wizards took off the hat on his head and the mask on his face, revealing his extremely old face.

"You are very smart, but since you are so smart, why do you have to make money with me?"

Feeney recognized this man when he saw him.

"Second Elder? You are already a demigod, so the second spot in the Council of Elders belongs to you? So I understand why you ignored the attack this time, because you can't see the future, right? You It is very clear that you have no way to deal with me now. As long as there is enough time, I will definitely become a new god. The moment I become a god, I will definitely take action against your Presbyterian Church."

The second elder shook his head slightly,

"You are wrong. What we worry about is never after you become a god, but before you become a god. A demigod with no scruples is not what we want."

Hearing this, Feeney suddenly realized that this time the Presbyterian Church came not to kill people, but to arrest people, and the target was naturally his new wife.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly turned around and searched among the crowd.

He saw his wife, Leah,

However, the scene he saw in front of him made him even more angry and sad. Unfortunately, this magic circle temporarily made him lose the power to resist.

Leah was hit by several spells, which can be determined by looking at the color. There were crushing spells, explosion spells, cutting spells, and life-killing spells.


As Feeney roared, the magic power in his body began to vibrate in extreme grief and anger, inspiring a powerful aura that directly scattered the surrounding magic circles.

"this is not!"

Seeing this scene, the second elder also roared,

However, he only roared once, and then he no longer had any life left.

Therefore, at this time, Finny's emotions fluctuated because of the death of Sirius, the death of Leah, the death of Hope, and Daphne, which stimulated the hidden magic power in his body and suddenly broke through from the demigod realm to the god level.

He won the championship in this competitive competition and became the last god of this era.

The moment he became a god, his roar activated his unquenched divine power and killed all the surrounding elders.

However, God is not omnipotent and does not have the power to resurrect other people.

After he slaughtered all the law enforcement teams of the Presbyterian Church, he suddenly discovered that in this place that was supposed to be his happiest day, he was the only complete living person.

A large number of people died in the battle. Harry lost an eye and Neville lost an arm. Hope and Hermione were luckier. Although they were equally seriously injured, they did not lack other parts of their bodies.

Feeney walked to Leah's body in despair, picked up his wife, and walked into the villa of Lisa Manor.

In their new room, they put Leah on the bed, and he just sat next to her without saying a word.

In the garden at this time, Dumbledore and others who had left here to look for help finally returned here with a lot of fighting power, but found that they came back too late and could only leave this hell on earth with four seriously injured people. .

I don’t know how long has passed,

Professor McGonagall, who was worried about being here, came to the manor again and only saw three graves in the center of the forest behind the garden, the tombstones of Lisa, Sirius, and Leia, but no figure of Feeney.

A few days later, news of the destruction of the Presbyterian Church began to spread in the magical world.

But he never saw the figure of Phineas Black, the Black madman who once caused turmoil in the entire magical world.

Some say he is dead, others say he went into seclusion after destroying the Presbyterian Church.

Only those who really reached that level later, Dumbledore, Kuzan, and a few others truly understood that he had already reached that level and had just left this world.

It turns out that the moment he became a god, Feeney knew why there were no gods in this world. It was because the level of this world was too low to tolerate the power of a god. Therefore, every god who became a god was controlled by this world. The world was pushed out and went to other worlds.

Feeney endured the pressure of the world and destroyed the Presbyterian Church that caused his wedding tragedy before leaving this world. He was originally a person who would return to the world of his previous life, but because he endured the pressure of the world for a long time, he ended up in I fell into a coma at the edge between the worlds, and I don’t know when and where I will wake up again.

I don't know what he will do after he wakes up again.

Looking back on his life, he lost his father at birth and his mother not long after. One of his two brothers disappeared and died, and the other was framed and imprisoned for more than ten years.

He maintained a large family by himself and gained a certain reputation in the magic world. After rescuing his brother, he lived a good life for a few years. Later, he was targeted by the Presbyterian Council because of his long-standing desire to return home.

Along the way, save Sirius, improve Lupine's living environment, maintain the relationship between Harry and Draco, and prevent Hermione from being ostracized.

Find Sirius' daughter Hope Black and marry Leia,

However, nothing changed in the end. Sirius, Astoria, Lupine and his wife still died. However, unlike the battle deaths and illness deaths in the original work, several of them died in battle.

Fortunately, this time, the Black family did not die. With Hope inheriting the family position, Hermione can still enter the Ministry of Magic because of her relationship with the Black family, and she can even do better.

Although Neville has become disabled, he will be respected by the remaining members of the Black family because he once fought to the death for the two patriarchs of the Black family.

Feeney's life has been full of glory and decline, but it can also be regarded as extremely wonderful and a life well worth it.


In a dilapidated hut in a northern town, a young man sat up from the bed, rubbed his forehead, and finally murmured,

"It turns out that it was all just a dream."

In fact, there are some problems with the progress of this book later, including the plot. There are many foreshadowings that are actually not used, including the bloodline of the ancestors of vampires at the beginning, and the inheritance of several founders that Feeney received. In my original expectation, , the story of vampires may continue for one volume, followed by traveling around the magical world, looking for other relics and treasures, and finally the confrontation with the Elders.

Even the confrontation with the Presbyterian Church would not be so simple. I could write another plot of about 100,000 words in the future. However, in the middle, because I misremembered the perfect attendance reward model, my mentality was a little jumpy, so I accelerated the progress of the plot. In addition, I went to the nearest public institution, the company's exams, etc. to find a job. In short, the completion was a bit hasty, and it can even be said to be unfinished.

However, fortunately, I have written down some of my first thoughts. Where is the magical world of Hogwarts? Everything is just a beautiful performance by a boy who is about to starve to death at the age of eleven. Just a dream.

In addition, a new book has been released, Jiang Ye: The Useless Scholar, a book about the spiritual world from the perspective of ordinary people. The word count is not too many, about 700,000 words. It is expected to be updated in half a year, and only writes the story of Jiang Ye. ,

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