Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 36 Conjectures and Experiments

If Ravenclaw is a master alchemist, then she not only has a private library, but also a private alchemy laboratory.

Thinking of this, Feeney didn't waste any time and immediately came to the Room of Requirement.

However, after arriving here, he suddenly thought that he seemed to have only tried the inheritance treasure house before, and not other rooms.

I need Ravenclaw's private library,

So Feeney recited these words silently in his mind and walked three times in front of the giant monster's tapestry. A door appeared on the wall opposite the tapestry.

Feeney walked over and opened the door. Inside was the Ravenclaw's private library located in the Ravenclaw common room.

So the Room of Requirement can directly open her library, which is right. After all, this was probably her office.

Feeney looked at the system panel and saw that there was still no progress in the mission of exploring Hogwarts and finding the inherited treasure. Therefore, entering the private library from the Room of Requirement was not an option.

Of course Feeney knew about this, but he still had some illusions in his heart. However, now the illusion was broken.

Since the private library doesn't work, let's try the real purpose this time.

I need the alchemy lab in Ravenclaw,

The same operation as before, and sure enough, the door appeared, which meant that Feeney's guesses before opening the door were correct.

Yes, Feeney was still wrong. After he opened the door and walked in, the mission still made no progress, and this was not the location of Ravenclaw's inherited treasure.

Looking at the Ravenclaw's alchemy room in front of him, although it is not a secret room for inherited treasures, Feeney could not help but sigh at the luxury here.

A large number of alchemy instruments are actually glass bottles and boxes used to hold various materials, but the materials are different.

There were crucibles, scales, and some things that Feeney didn't recognize. They seemed to be testing something.

But it's a pity that there is nothing else in it, and there is no material left by Ravenclaw.

What interested Feeney the most was the box containing the finished products. It was also empty. On the contrary, there were some scrapped alchemy products in the box containing the discarded products. Feeney even saw a broken hourglass inside, which was probably what he found. is an unsuccessful time-turner.

Although this is not an inherited treasure, Feeney has gained something, namely those scrapped alchemy products. Their existence has to make Feeney think that among Ravenclaw's inherited treasures, even if there are no finished products, they still exist. production method.

After picking up trash for a while, Feeney walked out of this room and returned to the eighth floor of the castle.

He needs to reconsider where Ravenclaw may have placed his heritage treasures. From a starting point, consider why Ravenclaw or the four founders left their respective heritage treasures.

First of all, the period when they established Hogwarts was one of the darkest periods for wizards. Affected by ordinary people, church members, witch hunters, fire cultists and other forces, wizards were persecuted on a large scale, and even some young wizards were persecuted because of depression. An Obscurus appeared within his own magical talent, thus becoming an Obscurus.

The four founders established Hogwarts to prevent such incidents from continuing to occur. Therefore, in fact, Hogwarts is not only a school, but also a military fortress, a fortress used to resist Muggle invasion. .

Thinking from this aspect, the four founders left the inherited treasures probably to protect Hogwarts. It has been confirmed that there is a basilisk in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets. It is likely that Slytherin left it to protect the castle. The presence.

Then, the other three people should have left means to protect the castle in their respective secret rooms.

Ravenclaw is obviously an alchemist master, and the protective means an alchemist master can leave for the school will also be powerful alchemical products.

At this time, Feeney thought of the statues and armors that could be seen in the school auditorium, entrance, hall, and even corridors. Those things all had a touch of magic.

If you didn't specifically think about it from an alchemical perspective, you would never have thought that they could be alchemical products.

Then, we need to think about whether there is a method to control these alchemical products in Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets. Perhaps, the way to open the Chamber of Secrets has something to do with alchemy.

Feeney could only think of two possibilities for a place that could control the authority of all alchemical products in the entire castle. One was the principal's office, and the other was a place he had never realized before.

Ravenclaw's own office,

There have always been rumors that the Room of Requirement is Ravenclaw's office, but based on the characteristics of the Room of Requirement, it would be a bit inconvenient to use it as an office.

But no one had ever considered that if the Room of Requirement wasn't Ravenclaw's office, then where was her office?

As soon as this idea appeared in Feeney's mind, he couldn't get rid of it, and Feeney also believed that if he could find Ravenclaw's office, it would be helpful for him to find the secret room where the inherited treasure is located.

It just so happens that he still has an unfinished achievement task about exploring Hogwarts, so we can complete it together.

The next day was Monday, and Feeney happened to have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Although Feeney had always been suspicious of Professor Jonathan, it was still okay to go to his office and ask him some questions.

"Before, I gave you the two magics of wand lighting and wand extinguishing, and now you have mastered them very well. Next, I will talk about the dark creatures that you are most likely to encounter in the wild, vampires and werewolves."

Professor Jonathan said to everyone,

After hearing his words, several young wizards below opened their mouths to refute something. Jonathan didn't care when he saw this and said with a smile,

"Of course, I know that werewolves and vampires should actually be the content of your third grade, so I won't tell you too much about these two creatures. What I want to say is what you need to do if you encounter them. ,"

A young wizard from Gryffindor raised his hand and asked,

"So, Professor, what do we do if we encounter them?"

Jonathan waved his hand and said,

"I remember I told you in the first class that I won't ask you questions, and I don't need you to ask questions in class. I will try my best to tell you what you need to know when I teach you. As for Your question, if you encounter vampires and werewolves, my advice to you is not to encounter them,"

"Whether it's a vampire or a werewolf, their power and strength are beyond what little wizards like you can handle."

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