Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 37 Defense Against the Dark Arts

"Although it seems that I have given you nothing, I still want to remind you that if you really encounter them, don't try to fight them, resist them, look for opportunities to escape, and escape as far away as possible! Vampires and them You don’t really need to suck blood, you just crave blood. Therefore, if you meet a vampire, it will be much better than meeting a werewolf. Of course, girls should pay special attention when they meet a vampire, because Most vampires prefer girls."

"As for why I say that meeting a vampire is better than meeting a werewolf, I need you to understand one thing here, that is, if you are bitten by a transformed werewolf, you will die, even if you are not saved because of timely treatment. If you die, the rest of your life will be worse than death.”

"The main thing about a transformed werewolf is that the person who is bitten will transform into a werewolf. This is irreversible. Moreover, werewolves cannot control themselves during the full moon. They may even hurt their family members. Therefore, , almost all wizards will reject werewolves, making it difficult for them to find decent jobs, so most werewolves will go astray.”

"Even if I encounter a werewolf outside, even if it's not a full moon, I will immediately apparate out of there. Even if I am bitten by a werewolf who has not transformed, although I will not turn into a werewolf, I will not turn into a werewolf." Some werewolf characteristics appear, such as hair growing near the wound. Similarly, the wound is difficult to heal and needs to be treated with a mixture of silver powder and white fresh water."

"As for you encountering werewolves, although in my opinion, it is difficult to encounter werewolves in your current situation, but if you are really unlucky enough to encounter werewolves, you need to save yourself. This is what I want to teach you in today's lesson. What I’m giving you is how to save yourself when facing a werewolf.”

Jonathan glanced at the many young wizards, then stood on the podium and took out his wand. As his wand recovered, a burst of smoke emerged from the tip of the wand and condensed above his head. After that, a picture appeared in the smoke,

That was a werewolf. At the same time, Professor Jonathan also said,

"Werewolves are almost the same as normal humans when they are not transformed. However, their faces will be paler before and after the full moon, and werewolves are generally older, and their eyes are often full of bloodshot eyes. As for when they turn into wolves , I very much hope you won’t see it with your own eyes.”

"Compared with ordinary wolves, they have slightly shorter muzzles and smaller pupils, and they look closer to humans. At the same time, the hair on the werewolf's tail will be in tufts, and they will attack humans unconsciously. Unlike wolves, werewolves will take the initiative Attacking humans, some authorities believe that the reason why werewolves attack humans unintentionally is because they lose the ability to cast spells when they transform into werewolves. However, werewolves themselves will strengthen their power. There is nowhere to release this power that will make them They lose their minds and try to unleash this power by attacking others,"

"If you encounter a werewolf outside, you need to make different judgments and actions based on different terrains. If you are in a city or village with densely populated houses, then you must lock the door with a magic spell, as mentioned before , whether it is a Muggle, a squib, or a wizard, they will lose the ability to cast spells after they transform into a werewolf, so they have no way to open the door through magic and can only destroy it. At this time, you can buy time for yourselves. "

"If you are in the wilderness or plains, and there is no place to hide around, then I think you need to pray to Merlin, because in such a terrain, unless a particularly powerful wizard can control the werewolf, the rest of the people will have to be The werewolf bites and even kills the ending.”

Having said this, Jonathan paused, clapped his hands, and focused all the little wizard's attention on himself from the scene of smoke above his head.

"Then why don't you record these things? Pay attention, be alert at all times, stay away from werewolves, and don't get bitten. Remember, stay away from werewolves. This is the best way to protect yourself."

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts course is not to tell you how to deal with black magic, but to tell you how to prevent yourself from facing black magic."

Afterwards, Jonathan told the little wizards some of the rules agreed upon by wizards in Ambition, namely the three colors of fireworks, which are released through the Fireworks Spell.

Among them, red fireworks represent an urgent danger and the need to call for help.

Yellow fireworks are generally dangerous, but you can still persist, or there is a chance of defeating them.

Green means safety, finding the target, and gathering.

"Fireworks of any color mean gathering and warning. When you see fireworks in the wild, you need to know whether you can handle what the fireworks represent before you choose whether to help. Moreover, the fireworks These are not the only colors. You can also launch fireworks of other colors, and the meanings can be agreed upon between you."

Finally, the lesson ended with the swishing sound caused by the friction of quill pens and parchment paper when the little wizards recorded these things,

According to Professor Jonathan's previous teaching methods and this lesson, everyone should probably be taught how to use the fireworks spell next.

After the little wizards left, Feeney followed Jonathan to his office.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office is located on the third floor of Hogwarts Castle. For some reason, Professor Jonathan did not decorate this office. Instead, it is an empty office. Unlike other offices, there are bookshelves and many books, or things that he likes.

Professor Jonathan's office only has a table, a few chairs, and an open suitcase.

Finny clearly noticed that the suitcase, like his, was cast with the traceless extension spell. There is a space of its own inside, and Professor Jonathan's luggage and books should be inside.

"So, Mr. Black, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Professor Jonathan's voice diverted Finny's attention from the box.

"Ah, that's it, professor. I want to ask, can you teach us all the spells we use? For example, the unlocking spell, the locking spell, or something else."

Jonathan shook his head and said,

"No, your level is not enough, and I always feel that you, a big little wizard, don't need to learn how to deal with dark creatures and dark magic,"

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