Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 52 Professor Jonathan's Departure

Of course, in addition to the knowledge about ancient magic runes, there are also some messages from previous generations, and they also left messages in their memories. If Finny wants to leave messages or contact information for future generations, he can use the methods in his memory to do it.

There is not much information left by the predecessors in this inherited memory. There are only two addresses. One was left by a man named Nicholas many generations ago, saying that if future generations have any questions, they can contact him by letter.

The other was left by Pandora, and the content is similar to that left by Nicholas.

Finny still has some understanding of Pandora. The Quibbler founded by Xenophilius Lovegood is not well-known in the magic world, but it also has some loyal readers, and his wife, Pandora, is a spell developer who often develops new spells and runes at home.

Of course, the address left by Pandora is not where she lives now, but a Muggle community, which should be her address before she married Lovegood.

Compared to Nicholas six hundred years ago, Finney is more inclined to contact Pandora. Of course, he will try to seek help as the heir of Ravenclaw only when he really needs help. Otherwise, he will not do anything rashly.

However, it is still okay to communicate by letter occasionally, especially when Pandora is about to die.

Although Finney does not remember who Pandora is, he is very sure who Xenophilius is and their daughter, Luna.

Because he liked this smart, spiritual but often crazy little girl in his previous life, he also knew a lot about her. For example, she lost her mother before her ninth birthday.

In any case, Finney has to learn something from Pandora before she dies.

Of course, his main task at this time was to digest the knowledge about ancient magic in his brain, as well as the things left by the predecessors in the entire secret room.

You know, let’s not talk about alchemy and potions, which require talent and long-term practice, even the knowledge of spells and transfiguration can be said to be very valuable.

The predecessors left here are not the kind of achievements that are publicly published. Many of them are based on the results of ancient magic research. For example, the book that Finny is going to take out to read is based on the spells used in ancient magic.

In short, it is the kind of spell that can exert a power far beyond normal magic with one or two words.

The Christmas holiday passed quickly. During this period, Finny had been reading and studying the knowledge left by the predecessors in the Ravenclaw secret room in the Slytherin dormitory. Because there were some things to do, time passed a lot faster.

On the first weekend of January, the little wizards who left school gradually returned to school.

The days when Finny could read books in the common room freely and carefree were far away from him.

It was not a big deal for the little wizards to return to school. The real big deal was the dinner time on the day when the Christmas holiday ended.

Dumbledore appeared in the dinner hall more or less. Before the food appeared on the table, he knocked the goblet in front of him with a spoon, making a crisp and bright sound.

"Everyone be quiet, I have something to announce. Due to some personal reasons, our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Jonathan E. Reed, needs to leave us temporarily for a while. During this time, our Potions professor, Professor Snape, will substitute for you. Of course, if there is a chance, I will also teach you a few classes."

Dumbledore's words caused a commotion. The little wizards of the four colleges were surprised and shocked by Professor Jonathan's departure.

Of course, the most shocking thing was that the substitute teacher would be Professor Snape. As the dean of Slytherin, his partiality to his own college was well known.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are easy to deal with, but Gryffindor protests the most. As everyone knows, Snape is against Gryffindor in addition to his own house. Originally, there was only one potions class, which was bearable, but now there is a defense against the dark arts class, which is fatal.

Moreover, Professor Jonathan taught very well in the classes of each school year and was very popular among the young wizards. This comparison shows the gap.

Even at this time, some rumors have spread among the young wizards.

"Do you think Professor Jonathan left because of the curse in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

"That shouldn't be the case. In previous years, professors of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class had to teach for a full year before something happened. Professor Jonathan has only taught for half a year."

"Then why do you think Professor Jonathan left?"

"Didn't Professor Dumbledore say it was because of some personal matters?"

"You really believe that? Aren't personal matters secrets that can't be told? In my opinion, it's still a curse, otherwise there's no need to hide it."

Similar rumors kept ringing in the auditorium for a while, which made the professors sitting there a little embarrassed. They had heard about the curse rumors for so many years, but the magic world had never cast a curse on a position, nor did it have the corresponding curse magic.

What's more, in the past, there have been professors who taught Defense Against the Dark Arts for more than two years, so the curse does not actually exist. However, in recent years, the fact that professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts can only teach for one year is here. Even though Dumbledore constantly emphasizes that there is no such thing as a curse, many people in the magic world are still unwilling to come.

The reactions of the little wizards embarrassed many professors, including Professor Snape, whose face was dark at this time.

He never knew that his status in the eyes of these little wizards would be so low, and there would be so many people whispering bad things about him in his area. This made him a little angry. As a dead tsundere, he decided that the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class would be the same as the Potions class, and Gryffindor's points would be severely deducted to see if they dare to say bad things about the professor behind their backs!

Thinking of this, Snape undoubtedly swept the four college score hourglasses at the front of the professor's auditorium, took a closer look, and then was a little surprised,

Hmm? Hufflepuff's score is about to catch up with Slytherin?

This won't do. Hufflepuff will also be deducted points next. The house cup must be mine!

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