Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 53 The Weasley Twins

Feeney was not surprised by Professor Jonathan's departure. He told Feeney his identity before Christmas, and then entrusted his bloodline inheritance to Feeney. From that moment on, Feeney knew that Jonathan The professor is leaving. He is going to do what he really wants to do, which is to resolve the disputes within the vampires.

And this matter must be extremely dangerous, and may even lead to death, otherwise he would not come to Hogwarts to find an heir.

After all, something that would make a vampire ancestor so urgent must not be a trivial matter.

After that, Snape's class did exactly what he thought. In just one week, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor became the last and second last among the four houses. On the contrary, It was the silent Ravenclaw that overtook the two colleges and became the second place.

Children's emotions are short-lived, and Snape's disappointment in taking over the Defense Against the Dark Arts class quickly dissipated, and he devoted all his enthusiasm to the upcoming Quidditch match.

The Quidditch match that started in November is now coming to an end. If nothing else goes wrong, this year's final will still be the same as in previous years, a showdown between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

As always, Feeney did not go to the Quidditch pitch to watch today's game, but stayed in the castle.

What is even more surprising is that this time there are two little wizards who have not left the castle. Their identical looks, bright red hair and freckles on their faces all indicate their identities, the Weasley twins. A pair of brothers who made Fini feel sad and pity in his previous life.

They have been together since birth. They once watched each other's hair turn gray and grow old. That was the only time they grew old together. However, after that incident, the twins became one, and he He can no longer use the Patronus Charm because all his good memories are with him.

However, these emotions were all from the past life. In this life, Feeney somewhat hated the brothers, especially since they would rather not go to the stadium to watch the game but stayed to tease him.

After Feeney sent back the notes he had taken out from the secret room, he did not take out any new notes. He planned to digest what he had accumulated during this period.

And just when he came to the corridor on the seventh floor,

Two UFOs attacked his face,

Just like he had practiced thousands of times, Finny's wand flicked from the inside of his arm into the palm of his hand.

"Armor protection!"

The Iron Armor Curse was activated directly. Fini was not very proficient in this spell, and it was only a poor first level in the magic book.

However, it is still very useful to face the two unknown spherical objects that are not spells. The two objects flew back under the rebound of the Iron Armor Curse and hit the two red-haired boys hiding in the corner.

A stench followed, and from Feeney's perspective, it was as if there was a deep yellow smoke that was constantly emitting from the mountains between the two of them, permeating the entire corridor.

Feeney frowned under the threat of the pungent smell and hurriedly cast another head-soaking spell on himself.

Transparent bubbles enveloped Feeney's head,

"George? Flanders? I don't remember provoking you, so you want to start a war with me?"

Feeney's tone was very bad, and the right hand of my wand was slightly tilted. This is a little habit of his, so that when using magic, it will be smoother.

If you look carefully at Finny's hand holding the wand, you will find that Finny does not hold the entire wand like other little wizards.

He holds the wand between his index and middle fingers and uses his thumb to help prevent the wand from deflecting.

In fact, except for young wizards who are still in school, many wizards who are good at dueling have their own hand gestures for holding wands and their own spell-casting techniques. Of course, today's Feeney does not have any superb spell-casting techniques, so Things require years of practice. If it is your own technique, you need constant research and improvement. Only wizards who are good at this or good at dueling will do this.

Professor Flitwick, who teaches the Charms class, is very good at casting spells, and the way he holds the wand is also very special. He holds the wand between his index finger and thumb to cast spells, which makes the wand more stable and flexible.

George and Fred were not angry when they heard Feeney's words, nor did they take out their wands. Instead, they looked at each other and started laughing. At the same time, they looked at Feeney excitedly.

"Wow, man how did you do that? You gotta teach us,"

"Really, this spell is great. We can invent many pranks with this spell!"

The two of them kept talking to each other, which made Finny, who was already a little impatient, even more angry. He raised his wand and pointed it at the two of them and asked,

"Are you kidding me? Or do you Weasleys also think that I am a pawn of You-Know-Who like the rest of the Black family?"

When George and Fred heard this, they were both stunned. After a moment, they smiled and said,

"Man, you're really overthinking this."

"We're just here to thank you for your anger at Percy before."

"Really, we've never seen Percy so angry,"

"My face turned red with anger, and I said I wanted to write a letter to my mother."

"Oh, poor Percy, he doesn't know that his mother will never come to school to blame Black for his things."

"I think he really doesn't know."

The two of them spoke exactly like one person. Although they seemed to have a good understanding, it also gave Finny a headache.

"So, you came to me just to thank me?"

The twins smiled and nodded.

Finny suddenly felt a headache.

"And your way of thanking me is to throw such disgusting things at me?"

George suddenly said,

"This is a dung ball, a great joke prop,"

Fred smiled and nodded,

"We also plan to open a joke shop in the future,"

Finny shook his head helplessly and waved his wand,

"Clean it up!"

Helped George and Fred clean up the He wiped off the dirt on his body.

"First of all, I didn't mean to embarrass Percy Weasley. He came to provoke me. Besides, I think you don't know why he was embarrassed. Otherwise, I think you wouldn't come to thank me."

The twins are very curious. When they heard Finny's words, they couldn't help but move closer.

"Tell me, how did you do it?"

Finny shrugged.

"It's very simple. Every time he wanted to target me in the Transfiguration Club, I just said that your mother Molly was my cousin. Do you understand now? Nephew George, nephew Fred?"

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