The professor on the field, due to the sudden attack and the commotion of many young wizards, they did not know that there were still three young wizards who did not come to watch the Quidditch match, and two of them were sleeping in the corridor on the seventh floor of the castle. , the other one has been taken away by the dark wizards.

It is obvious that Feeney is the target of these people's actions this time, but whether it is because of the Black family's affairs or something else is unknown.

Finny woke up in a cave.

Darkness, dampness, and biting cold wind were the only feelings he felt at this time,

With the moonlight coming in from nowhere, Feeney could barely see the surrounding environment clearly.

To his surprise, the ground where he was at this time was made of cement, not stone or soil like in his natural cave. Therefore, this place should have been created artificially.

The surrounding walls are not flat, but they still have artificial traces to the touch.

Feeney touched his sleeve. The wand was not in its original position, and even the leather case used to hold the wand was gone.

This discovery made Finny a little scared. As a wizard, the wand can be said to be their second life. At this time, Finny obviously lost his wand.

At this time, he also remembered what happened before, the attack in Hogwarts Castle.

I don’t know what happened to the brothers?


Finny made a slight sound, calling for the house elf who had been following him in theory.

But he didn't hold out much hope. In the castle, Puff's absence meant that something happened that he hadn't thought of in advance, which delayed Puff's behavior. Now, Puff will not appear here anymore.

With no house elf and no wand, Finny could do nothing but pray that he was okay.

It's not that he can't cast spells without a wand, but let alone the magic spells he can cast without a wand, they are all commonly used life spells. It is a big problem that the power of casting spells without a wand will be reduced. After all, he had just lost to those people once, and he would not have won without a wand to cast spells.

"Is the boy awake?"

Just when Finny was thinking about what to do, a voice came from outside the cave,

When Feeney heard the sound, he rolled his eyes and lay back, closing his eyes and pretending to be awake.

"Master, he hasn't woken up yet."

A trembling voice answered the previous question of the majestic voice,

The majestic voice was a little angry,

"What's going on? Didn't I tell you that if I want to live, I can only use the sleeping spell on him?"

"Master, what we use is the sleeping spell..."

The second voice was still trembling, and Feeney could hear the growing fear in it.

"Then what happened to him!"

There was endless anger suppressed in the first voice,


"What could it be?"

"Returning to the master, when we captured this kid, he resisted for a while. He must have exhausted his magic power and fell into a coma."

"It's possible. After all, he is just an ordinary little wizard, and his magic power is limited."

'Reed? Professor Jonathan? So they are vampires? ’

When Feeney heard the first voice mentioning Reed's name, he immediately thought of Professor Jonathan.

'Then why are they looking for me? Didn't the professor say this was an internal problem among their vampires? ’

"Have you searched him?"

The first voice continued to ask,

"After a search, this is all he had on him."

The second voice replied, and at the same time, he probably handed over everything on Finny's body to the first voice, including his wand, wand case, pocket watch, some commonly used white essence, and wallet.

"Huh? This guy is quite rich. Are you sure he doesn't have anything else on him?"

"Yes, Master, he only has a robe and a ring on his body at this time,"

"Ring? Why didn't you take it off?"

When Feeney heard this, he realized that the Ravenclaw ring on his hand had not been taken off.

"Return to the master,,,that ring,,,,we,,,we can't take it off,"

"Oh? It's still a magic item, a product of alchemy? Will he chop off his fingers if he doesn't get there?"

The words spoken by the first voice made Finny tremble, and at the same time, the second voice trembled.

"Master,,,,master, this is not okay,,,this kid is not one of ours. If we hurt him, it will anger Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore? Humph, he won't live long, but you are right, you still have to give him some face while he is still alive."

The first voice snorted coldly and continued,

"When he wakes up, torture him carefully to see where he put the thing. We got the news that Reed did give him the thing before,"

"Yes, Master."

There was no sound after that. After waiting for a moment to make sure they were all gone, Feeney got up from the ground.

Now he is sure that these people are all vampires. Even if they are not, they are related to vampires, and what they are looking for should be his blood inheritance that Professor Jonathan gave him before Christmas.

‘So, they want the ancestor’s blood? But that's not right. If you want the blood of the ancestors, it means that they are not the ancestors. Even if there are more people, they will not be the professor's opponents. After all, the professor, as an ancestor, will not have fewer people under his command. ’

Feeney was very confused, unless the one that Jonathan gave him was not the real blood of the ancestor, but something more precious, so precious that the vampires wanted to get it even if they resisted the ancestor and offended Dumbledore.

Thinking of this, Feeney breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he stayed in the Room of Requirement after Jonathan gave him the thing. Otherwise, it would be unclear what his situation would be like after these people achieved their goals. ,

Now we can only hope that the school professors will find out that he is missing as soon as possible, and then look for him with Professor Dumbledore.

As for resistance, no wand, no wandless spellcasting without combat magic. In such a situation, Feeney never thought of resisting, unless he didn't want to live anymore and wanted to die quickly.

'I don't know where I am now, whether Professor and the others can find me, and what happened to Puff. She didn't appear directly when she was attacked.'

Feeney, who has many doubts, knows very well that all he can do now is wait without exposing what Jonathan gave him.

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