Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 56 The Second Wand

And if you want to avoid being exposed, it is very important to have a magic spell that Finny has not learned, and that is Occlumency.

He didn't believe that a wizard who disliked vampires' civil strife wouldn't be able to use Legilimency.

Thinking of this, he opened the system in his mind and checked the remaining college treasure chests that he had not opened, as well as the library passes that he had not redeemed.

In today's environment, if you want to obtain Occlumency and complete tasks, it is definitely too late to learn now.

All Feeney could do was to gamble and see if the numerous academy treasure chests and passes could be used to extract Occlumency. If this didn't work, he would have no choice but to go to the mall to buy one. You know, buying one in the mall The gems needed for Occlumency are almost one-third of the gems he has saved over the years.

You know, he has been saving gems for almost ten years. From this, you can see how dark this system mall is.

Facts have proved that Feeney's face has always been very handsome. From all the more than twenty passes, he drew a dozen Occlumency cards and three Legilimency cards.

In addition, the Occlumency spell obtained from the academy's treasure chest is enough for him to reach the highest level of this magic.

After Occlumency surgery, Feeney felt much more at ease. At least he didn't have to worry about the other party's Legilimency forcibly detecting where he had placed the thing given by Professor Jonathan.

As for Veritaserum, Feeney doesn't believe these vampires have it. This potion was forcibly banned from circulation by the Ministry of Magic because of its effect. Nowadays, it is only available in the hands of magic masters and in the Ministry of Magic. Moreover, it is difficult to refine this potion. It's not much simpler than Buffy's brain-boosting potion, and vampires naturally don't have it.

After all, only high-level vampires have the ability to cast spells, and becoming a potion master who can refine veritaserum requires higher talent. Nowadays, the number of vampires is not as large as before, so the probability of a potion master existing is Lower.

Finny's behavior of extracting magic from the system cannot be seen from the outside, but don't forget that he did it after getting up from the ground, that is to say, he was standing at this time, and the unlucky It happened that the man in red who kidnapped him earlier came to see if Feeney was awake.

"Ah, this wizard kid is awake. You guys go tie him up and search him to make sure there is no wand on him. By the way, cut off the finger with the ring on it."

The words of the man in red were naturally heard by Feeney who was still in the system interface.

You know, even in the magic world, there is currently no way to reconnect a broken limb. If it is just broken, you can still use healing and some magic potions to restore it, but as time goes by, it will be too late.

Moreover, who can guarantee that these vampires will destroy the finger after cutting it off?

With the existence of Hogwarts and Dumbledore, Finny believed that they would not kill him, but he still had no fear of turning himself into a cripple or something.

Therefore, at this time, Feeney's resistance is already something that must be done, and it is very urgent.

However, none of the combat magic he knows now can be used to cast spells without a wand. Even though this is the most powerful wizard system, it is very convenient to learn magic. It is not difficult to master it and use it skillfully. It is enough to accumulate the number of uses. However, if you think about it, It is much more difficult to cast spells without a wand, or even to cast spells silently.

Moreover, many combat magics cannot be used frequently, such as the Death Curse. If you want to use it, you must have a useful target. If you can't use it, your level will naturally not be very high.

So, what Feeney needs right now is a magic wand.

He had already felt that the two vampires who came to control him were low-level beings who could not cast spells, so naturally they did not have wands.

The idea of ​​seizing the wand from the enemy's hand was shattered.

Fortunately, Fini also has a system mall, so you can still buy a wand.

It's just a bit expensive.

Ordinary wands use common magic wood as the wand body. Using dragon nerves or unicorn feathers as the wand core requires more than 3,000 gems.

A better wand, with a core made of precious and rare wood or precious animals such as phoenix feathers, costs more than four thousand gems.

For the better wands, such as snakewood and elder, which are precious, rare, or even extinct, the core material of the wand will cost over 10,000 gems.

And this is not the most expensive one. The most expensive one is the Elder Wand. The one in Dumbledore’s hand at this time costs 9.99 million gems.

Of course, the specific price depends on the materials and effects of different wands. In addition to these wands with specified materials, there is also a customized wand that costs 30,000 gems. The specific material and wand core are specially designed by the system according to its own characteristics. Customized, you can also customize the appearance,

One advantage of such a wand is that it must be the most suitable wand for you. And because of the system, this wand will have only one owner. Even if it is taken away, it cannot be used. It also has positioning and recycling functions. .

At this time, Feeney's situation was very critical. Naturally, there was no time for the system to scan his body and personality to customize the wand, or even design the appearance. After all, the appearance of a 30,000-gem wand must be what you like.

But now Feeney's situation means that he can only buy a random wand for fighting.

A direct system search revealed that the wand has a hornbeam body and a dragon heartstring core. It has the same body and core as the wand that was taken away by the vampires. As for the style and size, it doesn't matter. Time is everything at this time. .

Buy directly, 3,972 gems disappear, and the wand appears in Finny's hand at this moment.

"The gangsters fall to the ground! Armor to protect yourself!"

Finny took advantage of the time difference when the vampires did not react, and directly attacked and put down the two vampires closest to him.

At the same time, a strong armor spell was also quickly released by him,

which just happened to resist the disarming spell of the red-clothed vampire outside the dungeon.

"God of Swords!"

The armor spell rebounded the disarming spell of the red-clothed man, and the red-clothed man's magic wand flew high, and Finny took this opportunity to hit the vampire directly with a powerful attack magic similar to black magic.

The God of Swords was invented by Snape, and Finny could not learn it originally. However, when he opened the college treasure chest just now, he opened Snape's potion textbook (Half-Blood Prince version) when he was a student, and obtained the extraction rights of this spell.

As a result, the next treasure chest opened this spell, and it opened three in a row at once,

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