Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 57: Dungeon Observations (1)

The spell passed through the gap in the iron fence of the dungeon and passed through the neck of the red vampire. The red man immediately lost his life. His head was separated from his neck and fell to the ground under the effect of the spell.

At this time, Finny realized that the cave was actually a dungeon. Under the faint light at the entrance of the cave, he noticed the very hidden iron fence.

Because these vampires were ready to take Finny out, the lock on the fence was open. Otherwise, even if Finny knew the unlocking spell, he couldn't get out. After all, the cells in the magic world were all cast with anti-unlocking spells.

After coming out, Finny walked vigilantly in the direction of the red man with a wand. Not far away, he came to a tunnel. There were braziers hanging on the walls on both sides of the tunnel.

In the braziers was a blue flame, without fuel, it just kept burning.

Seeing these flames, Finny immediately thought of a legendary flame, the Gubler Fairy Fire.

It was a magical flame that could burn forever without any fuel. Unlike the Fiendish Fire, which was also a flame that would burn forever if it was not extinguished, the Fiendish Fire needed fuel and could not be easily controlled, while the Gubler Fire did not need to be controlled at all. They would remain in the position where they were created unless you took the initiative to move them.

This kind of flame was created using a very advanced magic that many adult wizards could not use. Therefore, this kind of flame was relatively rare in the black market. Of course, most of the time, no one would sell this kind of flame. It usually appeared in the form of a bounty.

Looking at the flames on the walls on both sides, if Finny was not mistaken, they were the Gubler Fire. Then, the vampire clan might really be as the Muggles thought, not lacking in money,

even richer than most wizard families, while werewolves, who were also dark creatures, were just the opposite. Many of them did not even have the money for daily life, and it was already difficult for them to survive.

In addition to the Gubler Fire, there were tunnels on the walls on both sides that were like the caves he had walked through.

This should be a big dungeon for the vampires who kidnapped you. However, strangely, there are no vampires guarding here.

Are the vampires really not afraid of the prisoners in the dungeon escaping or escaping? Of course, it may be inaccurate to describe it as prisoners.

Just when Finny was puzzled, a message suddenly popped up on the system,

'You were kidnapped here for no reason and luckily escaped from the enemy's cell, but it is only a small step to safely leave this dark and dangerous place. Facing an unknown number of enemies, you are alone and realize that you need help very much. Looking at the cells around you, a brilliant idea comes to your mind. Mission: Escape from the castle. The first stage is to rescue the people imprisoned by the vampires. The rewards will be distributed after all the tasks are completed. '

Looking at the task that suddenly appeared, Finney frowned.

In his original plan, he was going to leave here directly. If he could find his wand, it would be the best. If not, he would find a fireplace leading to other places or leave here directly. When he left the restricted area, he would buy Apparition and leave here.

Although this plan was a bit dangerous, it could be said to be the safest. After all, it was the least noisy. As long as he could escape to the vicinity of Hogwarts, Finney would be completely safe.

He didn't believe that after the previous incident, Dumbledore and his men would allow the castle to be invaded again.

But at this time, the system's task gave Finney another idea, to escape with the help of the people imprisoned here.

Without thinking about the task reward, Finney turned directly into the tunnel closest to him.

Like the tunnel where he was imprisoned before, it was also dim and humid, and there was even a faint odor in the air, but the smell was not strong, so Finney naturally ignored it.

Going inside, there is a staircase going down, which is beyond Finny's expectation. He thought that these cells were all on the same plane before, but now it seems that there may be a vertical drop.

Going down the stairs, it is still a tunnel, but this time there are braziers on the walls on the left and right. Although they are very rare, they can bring a little light to Finny in this darkness.

It also allows him to see the surrounding environment clearly with this light.

This tunnel is very similar to the tunnel Finny came down from before. There are various branches on the left and right, but this branch is very short. You can see the cells inside at a glance.

The cells here are not comparable to the cells Finny was in before. They are not only small, but also very crowded.

There are many people imprisoned in each cell. Most of these people are women. Although they look very sloppy at this time and have not cleaned themselves for a long time, Finny can still see that they are not much older than him. They should all have just graduated from magic school.

The faint stench that Finny had smelled before became clearer and stronger after he came to the lower level.

This pungent smell actually came from these cells. Finny noticed that some of the women in the cells had died.

They were not killed directly, or starved to death, or died of illness, but died in a very strange way.

All the dead people didn't look like normal humans. They were all dried up like skin and bones, as if a strong suction force had sucked all the blood out of them.

This was the territory of vampires, so it was expected that something like this would happen.

However, what made Finny feel strange was why these dead bodies were just thrown here? And although vampires are bloodthirsty and dark creatures, they are actually very elegant creatures. Even if they are bloodthirsty, they prefer the blood of young women. Now these women can no longer be described as sloppy, but dirty. It is impossible for those vampires to have the appetite to touch them.

This is not right no matter how you look at it.

Just when Finny was confused, a woman in a cell suddenly cried out in pain.

This miserable cry directly awakened Finny from his deep thoughts.

Finny then noticed that as the cry from that cell appeared, the women in other cells were looking at the walls and floors around them in horror, as if there were things in those places that could take their lives.

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