Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 60: Dungeon Observations (4)

A green light emitted from the tip of the wand, hitting the vampire, and the vampire lost its life in response.

"The Killing Curse, the spell is Avada Kedavra, and the gesture is a bolt of lightning from top to bottom. This is also the most cruel spell among the Unforgivable Curses. It has the property of instant death. If it is hit, you will definitely die. This demon There is only one exception to this curse so far, and he has survived this curse."

"It's our well-known savior, Harry Potter. However, I don't know how he did it. So, if you encounter this curse, you must find a way to avoid it, otherwise, even if you just rub it A little edge will kill you immediately.”

"There is no way to cast this spell silently. To use it requires very firm belief, full of murderous intent, and the sound must be loud."

The woman said this, sighed, and ordered the other vampire she controlled to stand in front of her, with her wand jumping up and pointing directly at the vampire.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

A white light emits from the wand and connects to the vampire.

The vampire was immediately freed from the Imperius Curse, his limbs curled up, and he fell to the ground. At the same time, his body twitched violently, shaking from side to side, and his mouth opened wide, about to let out a violent scream.

"Shut up and say nothing!"

Feeney directly used a spell on the vampire to seal his mouth, so that the vampire could not scream due to pain and could only make muffled moans of pain.

The female Auror sighed and continued,

"The spell is to cut out the bones. Point the wand at the person who wants to cast the spell. This spell also requires firm belief. You must have a strong desire to make the other person miserable. Imagine that all the torture you can think of is released on the other person. Only Only by chanting the spell in this way can it be cast smoothly, otherwise, even if it is released, it will only make the opponent stumble. "

"Finally, what I need to tell you is that the Unforgivable Curse is indeed not difficult to learn, but if you want it to be effective, you need a strong magic reserve. Otherwise, even if it is a Killing Curse, the effect may only make the enemy drain a little. Just a nosebleed."

Feeney nodded, waved the wand in his hand, and shouted a spell at the painful vampire,

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light appeared and the vampire's life evaporated.

The female Auror was stunned when she saw this scene. She didn't expect that Finny would learn so quickly and actually have enough magic to display it.

The Unforgivable Curse is indeed as evil and cruel as the rumors say.

Finny only used the Killing Curse once, and he felt the dark emotions in his heart continue to amplify, giving him the urge to kill everyone here.

Feeney knew that if it was not necessary, it would be better not to use these three unforgivable curses.

Moreover, he felt that these three curses were more of a curse than a curse. Only a dark curse could have such a great impact on people's hearts.

Feeney glanced at the people who had just come out and said,

"Everyone, get ready. We are going out. Wizards, if you can cast spells without a wand, try to cast spells without a wand. The main purpose is to seize the wand. Everyone, fight and retreat."

A wizard without a wand is not even as good as an ordinary person. For many years, wizards have been accustomed to using wands to fight and do certain things, while Muggles, on the other hand, mostly use firearms or fight with bare hands.

Facing low-level vampires with better physiques and high-level vampires with wands, Feeney knew very well that most of them couldn't escape. What he had to do was to use the escape and death of these people to let himself escape. .

Just as he planned, he stretched the wand out from the crack of the door, controlled one vampire with the Imperius Curse, and let the vampire kill another.

Quickly clearing the guards at the dungeon door, the door was opened, and everyone completed the first step of escaping.

At the same time, a message popped up in the system, but at this time, Feeney had no time to check the system message.

Two of the escaped wizards, two dark wizards, picked up the two wands on the ground, and the escape team's combat power increased to another level.

Everyone took their wands and fled outside. If they encountered other vampires on the way, the wizards would take action to deal with them.

It went smoothly at first, until a vampire discovered everyone and shouted for help. Everyone encountered more obstacles and casualties gradually appeared.

At this time in Hogwarts,

"Professor, do we want to know about Black?"

The Weasley brothers once again came to Professor McGonagall's office to ask for answers. Since Finny was kidnapped after the two fainted, they began to ask the professors about his whereabouts.

The two of them stopped playing pranks and were not in the mood to go into the Forbidden Forest or go on night walks.

In their view, Finny was taken away to protect them. Not only did they think so, many students in Hogwarts also saw it this way.

Finny's situation has not changed despite his efforts for a semester, because things have improved with the Weasley brothers.

At least Hufflepuff, who was originally neutral, had a better impression of Finny because of his loyalty to his friends.

And because of this incident in Gryffindor, many young wizards' views on Finny have also improved, and they no longer think that he is a traitor like his brother.

The Weasleys, who have no opinion of Feeney themselves, are now helping the professors at Hogwarts to find Feeney's whereabouts.

The current head of the Black family was kidnapped from Hogwarts, which caused great harm to the Ministry of Magic. Many wizards began to think that the Ministry of Magic was unreliable and Hogwarts was not as safe as before.

Although the people of the pure-blood family hoped that Finny would die so that they could have an excuse to annex the Black family's property, Finny was missing at this time. If they took action, they would have a reputation of adding insult to injury.

Although many pure-blood families have a bad reputation, they also cherish their feathers. They had no bad deeds in the past, and naturally did not want any bad deeds at this time.

Finny's disappearance caused turmoil in the entire magic world for a while. Whether Hogwarts was still safe became the hottest topic, and the Ministry of Magic also wanted to take this opportunity to intervene in Hogwarts.

At this time, Professor McGonagall was also helpless about the issue of the Weasley twins.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Weasley, I have to tell you that we don't have any clues about Mr. Black. However, I can tell you that we have been looking for this matter, and you should go back to the dormitory and go to bed now."

"But professor..."

George said,

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