Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 61: Quarrel in the Office

"Okay, it's time for you to go to bed."

But he was directly interrupted by Professor McGonagall.

As mentioned before, she was also helpless. After Finny disappeared, Dumbledore immediately asked the professors to go out to find his whereabouts as soon as he came back.

However, before they could find any useful information, news came out that the Ministry of Magic was trying to intervene in Hogwarts, and Dumbledore had to return to the school to prove that Hogwarts was still safe.

This made the search and rescue operations, which were already difficult to find clues, even worse and made no progress.

Regarding the current situation of this matter, many professors, especially those who have taught Feeney, are very uncomfortable and anxious.

The attackers they captured at the Quidditch pitch drank Veritaserum directly after Dumbledore returned and revealed their identities as members of the vampire rebels.

Professors, as well-known wizards in the magic world, have heard about the internal strife among vampires, and they know very well that the base camp of these vampire rebels is protected by the Loyalty Curse. Now the secret keeper has not died, even if he was captured Even if the arrester tells the address, they can't know the specific location.

This resulted in the professors having to go to black markets such as alleys to find information about vampires.

Although there was no help from Dumbledore, the professors also destroyed many vampire strongholds during this period.

Therefore, now facing George and Fred's inquiries, Professor McGonagall has no other option but to ask them to wait.

After the Geminis left, Professor McGonagall did not go directly to rest, but came to Dumbledore's office.

There were many people in the office at this time, most of them were members of the Order of the Phoenix.

The Order of the Phoenix was an organization established by Dumbledore when Voldemort was in power, with the purpose of fighting against Voldemort's Death Eater organization.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from wizards to squibs, Aurors, bartenders, and thieves. This is not only because of the difference between Dumbledore's thoughts and Voldemort's pure-blood thoughts, but also because these various people are less likely to be suspected and can bring Dumbledore a lot of information that is not easy to find out.

Even though a large number of members died in the battle against Voldemort nine years ago, Dumbledore still did not disband the organization, nor did he make the organization public. Instead, he hid it and became a way for members of the Order of the Phoenix to communicate. An important place for information.

Now, Dumbledore has summoned some members of the Order of the Phoenix to Hogwarts because he knows very well that if the vampire rebellion succeeds, then when Voldemort returns, all vampires, a race of dark creatures, will become Voldemort's. Minions.

Although the faction headed by Jonathan would not help Dumbledore and others, they had always remained neutral.

Now, Feeney has been kidnapped. Under the influence of Veritaserum, it is clear to everyone that it was because Jonathan gave a very important thing to Feeney.

"Dumbledore, I still don't understand why Jonathan would trust the Black children. You know, if it weren't for Sirius, the Potters wouldn't either..."

Alastor Moody stared at his big, round, bright blue magic eyes and asked Dumbledore,

As an Auror, after experiencing all the betrayals in the first anti-Voldemort war, he didn't believe anyone except a few people.

Not to mention the younger brother of Sirius, Phineas Black, who has a dark history.

Dumbledore looked at Moody and said,

"Alastor,,,,he is just a child, there is no need to doubt this."

Moody curled his lips disdainfully,

"The mysterious man even went to his birthday party back then. Who knows if he might be the mysterious man's minion."

Professor McGonagall happened to hear this sentence when she came in, and looked at Moody angrily,

"Alastor, Black is a very good child and should not be suspected like this. When the mysterious man fell, he was only a two-year-old child."

Moody didn't speak this time. The one who spoke was Dedalo Digg, a wizard with no sense of existence. He occasionally worked as a waiter at the Leaky Cauldron. He expressed great disdain for Mag's words.

"Minerva, the two-year-old child you are talking about, stabilized the Black family's industry in two years. At the same time, she reported a large number of Death Eaters and shocked many pure-blood families."

Arthur Weasley spoke,

"Anyway, if he hadn't been there, my two children would have probably died. Besides, Sirius's betrayal does not mean that little Phineas is untrustworthy."

Dedalo looked at Arthur and said,

"You are still so naive. A child who can handle the relationship with the pure-blood family and the Ministry of Magic so well at the age of two. I don't think it is a good thing to underestimate him. Moody's suspicion is necessary. , we must determine whether he is a minion of the mysterious man."

Mundungus Fletcher, the short thief, spoke,

"The mysterious man has disappeared, at least there is no doubt that he has disappeared now!"

Mundungus firmly believed that the mysterious man disappeared because it would not affect his business. As a thief and black marketeer, business was his most important thing. Of course, if Dumbledore clearly told them that the mysterious man When the person comes back, he will believe it and sell his contraband even more crazily.

Dumbledore waved his hand, interrupted everyone's quarrel and said,

"Well, whatever little Mr. Phineas Black is, he is now a student at Hogwarts and we need to find him."

Kingsley Shacklebolt said,

"Yes, the disappearance of this child gave the Ministry of Magic a reason to attack Dumbledore. Millicent Bagno is about to retire. Now he no longer cares about the Ministry of Magic. In the Ministry of Magic, Barty Crouch Sr. It was originally the most popular candidate, but because his son is a Death Eater, his reputation is not good now. Many people hope that Dumbledore can become the Minister of Magic."

"Now, this matter has become an opening for many candidates to attack Dumbledore, and it is completely enough to hinder Dumbledore from becoming the Minister of Magic."

As the current Auror of the Ministry of Magic and an important person in protecting the Muggle Prime Minister, he knows many inside stories of the Ministry of Magic. At the same time, he is also one of the few people in the Order of the Phoenix who understands and is good at politics.

Kingsley's words made everyone present understand that no matter which side Finny belongs to, whether he is trustworthy or not, they need to find him as soon as possible. Only in this way can it be proved that Dumbledore is not old yet, and Hogwarts It is still the safest place in the wizarding world, even if Dumbledore himself does not think so.

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