Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 71 Conversation

"So, what are the vampires trying to resurrect him for?"

Feeney was still very confused;

Dumbledore shook his head and said,

"The vampires did not want to resurrect him. They wanted to use his blood to release the restrictions of the curse on them, the restrictions that low-level vampires cannot cast spells."

Hearing this, Finny understood.

The main reason why vampires are not valued by wizards is that the number of spells they can cast is too small. High-level vampires cannot be transformed through ordinary transformation methods, which makes the number of wizards among them extremely rare.

This is why Fini and the others were confused when they saw many vampires who could cast spells chasing them.

And in this way, it can be explained that the vampires came to Hogwarts to kidnap him at the expense of many high-level vampires.

‘So, the magic circle I passed through was actually for breaking the curse, not for teleportation? ‘

Feeney was still a little confused, thinking this in his mind.

Dumbledore continued,

"We found the castle where you were imprisoned, and went in and saw the teleportation circle that was used. Although we don't know how you activated it, that is the ritual circle prepared by the vampires."

This also explains why the vampires risk their lives to prevent Feeney and the others from entering that room.

"So, can you tell me how you activated that magic circle?"

Dumbledore looked into Finny's eyes and asked,

Feeney sighed helplessly, raised his right hand, and revealed the ring on his little finger.

"because this."

He didn't say it clearly. At the same time, he also believed that Dumbledore understood what he meant without him having to say it clearly, because he was now sure that Dumbledore also had such a ring on his hand.

"Ravenclaw's ring,,,that's it, then, Feeny, I still have a doubt,"

"Ask, Professor."

"Where did you learn Shen Feng Wu Ying? Lucius taught you?"

When Finny heard this question, he immediately realized that his wand was in Baddo's hand, and he also cast a flashback spell, otherwise he would not have known that he had used Snape's exclusive spell.

And I should have asked Snape, otherwise Lucius would not have been mentioned.

"Lucius didn't give it to me, Professor. I learned this spell myself. I saw it in a sixth-grade potions textbook in the cabinet of the potions classroom. The owner of that book is called Half-blood." prince."

Dumbledore took a deep look at Feeney, but still endured the thought of Legilimency.

"I'll check it out."

Feeney nodded and said,

"Professor, believe me, I will not be your enemy. Oh, by the way, if you go to find the bottle of blood, I have hidden it in the alchemy laboratory of Ravenclaw. You can still try to find it. Check out the hidden room, there are surprises there.”

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, looked at Finny, and didn't know what he was thinking. After a moment, he nodded and said,

"Okay, I'll go back and try."

After saying that, she turned around and left the ward. Then, Madam Pomfrey walked in and shouted angrily,

"Who told you to eat biscuits? You are physically unable to eat these things now, are you Dumbledore?"

Finny nodded blankly and saw Madam Pomfrey roaring and walking out.


Seeing this, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, this Madam Pomfrey is really not simple.

At least it is an existence that cannot be messed with.

It took two days for Feeney to leave the infirmary.

In fact, it seemed to him that he could leave the next day after he woke up. However, Madam Pomfrey kept him for another day for no reason, and allowed him to leave only after checking his body to make sure everything was fine. .

Because Finny saved the Weasley brothers, his situation at Hogwarts was much better, except that it was still the same in Slytherin. However, after more than half a year, Finny has become accustomed to Slytherin's little snake. their attitude towards him,

What makes Feeney feel the most uncomfortable is actually that he was kidnapped this time. It's already mid-February when he comes back, and he missed half a month of classes.

It's not that he felt bad because he missed the class, but because if he missed the class, there would be no extra points, and if there was no way to add points, he wouldn't be able to open the academy treasure chest.

If you can't open the academy chest, you can't get the library pass. Without the pass, there will be no new magic.


"Are you okay?"

Two similar voices came from behind Feeney, the twins George and Fred.

"Well, I'm fine. Why are you here? If I remember correctly, you have classes at this time."

Feeney looked at the two of them and said,

After hearing Feeney's words, both of them looked a little ugly.

"Oh, don't."

"Don't be like Percy,"

"You shouldn't skip class."

"You are bringing disgrace to Gryffindor,"

"It's an embarrassment to the Weasley family."

"I will tell mom if you are not honest."

As always, one sentence per person, if one person is talking,

Feeney shook his head and said,

"So, you guys skipped class, right?"

"Hey man, you're not telling Percy,"

"Or tell our mother?"

Feeney shook his head, put an arm across a Weasley, and said,

"Of course not, but I'm curious, how did you manage to deliver a toilet seat to a patient, and it's made of chocolate? Don't you know that it's disgusting and totally inedible?"

Hearing Finny's words, George and Fred were stunned,

"Oh my God,"

"You don't want to eat that toilet seat, do you?"

"You're better than us."

"That's a real toilet seat."

"It's just covered with a layer of chocolate."

"If you eat it,"

"Then please stay away from us."

The two's words really made Finny sick. You know, he almost ate that toilet seat before, but in the end he didn't eat it because the shape was too disgusting, otherwise,,,,,

Thinking of this, he shuddered, and at the same time, he suddenly felt a little sympathy for the brothers' younger brother Ron. When the brothers were at home, they didn't know how to tease the poor child.

"Let's not talk too much. I'm going to the hall for dinner. Together?"

Fred heard this and said exaggeratedly,

"You actually invited us to the hall together?"

George was also surprised and said,

"You, a Slytherin, and two Gryffindors are going to the hall together,"

Then the two said in unison,

"Oh my God, that's really great. We can't wait to see those people's surprised expressions,"

Thanks to Long Youxing Wanli, Book Friend 20180619131237444, and Pipi Tu Yi Sihanhan for voting for the monthly ticket

Thanks to Bu Jue Yi Qian Nian and Meng Bu Jue for the reward. Thank you very much. The boss is generous!

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