Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 72 Final Exam (1)

In fact, the three people did cause some sensation when they entered the auditorium. However, the sensation was not caused by the fact that Slytherin and Gryffindor entered the auditorium together and had a very close relationship.

It was caused by Feeney's return.

Most of the wizarding world now knows that Finny was kidnapped, let alone being in the same school as Hogwarts.

A reporter from the Daily Prophet even said that Feeney had been killed, but some people just covered up the fact.

The Quibbler claims that Finny was not kidnapped, but simply disappeared in a planned way to do something against the Ministry of Magic behind the scenes.

In short, no one thought that Finny could come back so easily, not to mention that the situation between vampires and wizards is now so tense.

The situation of vampires revolting against wizards has been formed, and they are just short of a good breaking point. Obviously, Phineas Black, the heir to the Black family and temporary family manager, is a good breaking point.

As long as Finny dies, then the wizard will have a reason to suppress the vampire, and similarly, the vampire will have a legitimate reason to rebel against the wizard.

The reason why the two parties are still anxious at this time that no one takes the lead is just to have a logical and reasonable reason that allows them to win over other races as allies.

Most smart little eagles can think of this,

The politically sensitive little snakes also know this very well, not to mention that they originally hoped that Finny would not come back this time. Not only would there be one less person in the school who they dislike, but also the pure-bloods would be avoided. Negative press about wizards killing other family members for profit.

The little lions had a great change in their view of Finny because he protected the Weasley twins before being kidnapped, and even warmly applauded his return.

As for the little badgers, they were busy working and didn't bother to care whether Feeney had returned.

After all, Feeney's return did not cause any sensation or commotion. Everything went as usual, and life at Hogwarts continued to be peaceful.

However, after this incident, some figures occasionally appeared around Feeney.

The Weasley twins, who like to prank, and their roommate, Lee Jordan, who is as naughty as they are, are an eloquent black boy who likes Quidditch.

Some Hufflepuff students who were neither repulsive nor close to him have now become friendly.

In Hufflepuff, loyalty is their greatest characteristic, and Finny's behavior in protecting the Weasley twins is obviously loyalty to his friends and in line with their values.

In this way, in Feeney's daily study and life, the days gradually passed.

Of course, Feeney has been studying the inheritance of the ancient magic texts of Ravenclaw in his mind. As for the inheritance of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, he has not found any clues.

Since Easter, the school professors have invariably begun to put more burdens on the little wizards to prepare for the exams at the end of the school year.

Feeney also felt the pressure from this heavy coursework and had to spend a lot of time to complete the homework assigned by the professors, so that the Animagus he had been preparing for has not been completed yet.

In Feeney's impression, the Weasley twins were always playing pranks, so their grades shouldn't be good.

As a result, after reviewing together, Feeney discovered that the grades of these two people were actually on the same level as his.

Time gradually came to the beginning of June, and the school’s final exams also started in the first week of June.

The entire examination process takes one week to complete.

The written examination will begin at 9:30 on Monday morning. The first subject is Charms taught by Professor Flitwick. Students will sit in their seats according to their respective numbers and take the written examination. It is worth mentioning that the written examination for wizards and Muggles The written exam is the same, and the professor who invigilates the exam is Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall's stern expression and sharp eyes immediately doubled the pressure on the little wizards. Of course, Feeney doesn't care about this. The strongest wizard system gives him not only the level and proficiency of using magic spells, but also the corresponding basic knowledge, and even the basic principles of magic spells that are not taught in schools are deeper. There are also basic things at the level.

Therefore, the first-grade written examination was extremely easy for him, not to mention that he also reviewed carefully before the examination.

In order to prevent cheating, quills, ink bottles and parchment specially used for exams will be placed on the exam table.

These things are not only cast with magic spells to prevent cheating, but also prevent little wizards from cheating with things like automatic answering quills.

Before the exam, Professor McGonagall will use a special device to scan everyone's bodies to prevent anyone from taking magic potions such as Buffy's Brain Refresher.

It can be said that the professors at Hogwarts have worked hard to prevent cheating. ,

Of course, this does not mean that there is no way to cheat. It is also possible to cheat simply by using magic power. However, wizards who can do this obviously do not need to cheat.

As the huge hourglass on the table was turned upside down by Professor McGonagall, the exam officially began.

What kind of magic spell is the spell "repair as before":

A. Levitation spell B. Lock-picking spell C. Repair spell D. Fire-making spell

Please write down the incantation of the Fire Spell and briefly describe the wand movements.

The whole paper is full of similar questions. As long as you listen carefully in class and understand part of the spell-casting principle, you can get a high score.

Although the test time is one hour, for Finny, who has begun to master the essence of magic spells, it does not take so long.

Of course, compared with Finny, many young wizards are not so smooth. Ravenclaw's young wizards do have more advantages than wizards from other colleges in these knowledge levels. The quills in their hands are constantly answering questions on parchment without any stuck.

Hufflepuff is second only to Ravenclaw. However, compared with it, Slytherin, who is more keen on power and has many internal marriage defects, and Gryffindor, who is brainless and reckless and whose body is always faster than his brain, are not so easy.

Many wizards from Snake and Lion Houses are a little irritable, crossing out the answers on the parchment from time to time, biting the quills and frowning, struggling with how to answer.

There will be a written test in the morning, and a practical test on spells in the afternoon.

Compared to the written test in the morning, which is more focused on basics and research, the direct hands-on test in the afternoon is much easier.

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