Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 81 Returning Home

Chocolate was taking a nap on the cat climbing frame in the corner of the room, quiet and peaceful.

The hairy-legged fishing owl popsicle bought in the Soviet Union was now standing on the shelf next to the window of the room, occasionally eating the owl nuts in the small plate next to it.

As early as the end-of-year exam, Finny let the popsicle out and let it fly here by itself.

Because of the Fidelius spell, even if Finny told the popsicle the location in person, he was still a little worried whether it could fly back. Fortunately, it came back. This is much better than the owl that he brought when he bought Chocolate before.

Finny threw himself hard on the big bed in the room and closed his eyes slightly.

The cane with the magic wand just bought rolled out of his open palm and stopped at the bedside.

The popsicle tilted his head and looked at his little master in confusion, cooed twice, and closed his eyes.

Chocolate noticed that Finny had fallen asleep, jumped from the cat climbing frame to the bed, curled up in Finny's arms, and closed his eyes again.

Because of Finny's effective training and some unknown reasons, the habits of his pets have improved. At least species like cats and owls, which are more energetic at night, will fall into a state of dozing or really sleeping to rest in order not to disturb Finny's sleep.

It was already evening, but Finny was not very hungry. Instead, he felt a little tired after sitting on the train all day.

This is one of the benefits of having a house elf. He doesn't need to eat on time. If he is too tired, he can just take a nap. When he wakes up, he can just tell the house elf to cook.

Under the effect of magic, the elves can prepare a big meal in three or four minutes.

When Finny wakes up again, it is completely dark. The street lights on the street are lit sporadically, barely able to illuminate the road, but there are still many dark corners.

Occasionally, one or two cats or dogs bark in those dark corners, but it does not break the quiet atmosphere.

He shook his numb arms, carried the sleeping Chocolate to its nest, picked up the cane that had fallen to the ground at some point, opened the door and walked out.

"Who's on duty today?"

Finney whispered to the air. There have always been some rules for house elves in this house,

which were established by Finney later. After all, the Black family only had one house elf before, that is Kreacher, and the rest were given away or taken away due to separation and other reasons.

It was only after Finney bought so many that the house became so clean and new.

Since there were more house-elves, Finny followed the rules and divided the shifts into several shifts. He no longer needed to wake up the sleeping house-elves when the master needed them, as before.

"Master, it's me."

With a snap, a male elf appeared next to Finny.

Finny took a look and nodded,

"It's Egg Roll,"

The house-elf bowed to Finny and said,

"It's me, Master. Do you have any instructions?"

Finny nodded and said,

"I'm hungry. Please prepare some food for me."

Egg Roll nodded and disappeared with a snap. He went to the kitchen.

There were naturally house-elves on duty in the kitchen who did not go to sleep. With the two shifts day and night, there were always enough house-elves in the house to serve Finny and surround the safety of the house.

Finny's original room was on the third floor of the house. However, after his mother died, , after keeping the house secret with the help of Dumbledore, he asked the house elves to renovate the house and build a floor above the fifth floor, which is the sixth floor. The sixth floor still has three rooms.

The three rooms are Finny's bedroom, which is the one where he slept before. There is a pot of white osmanthus on the windowsill, an owl stand near the window, and chocolate cat climbing frame, cat litter and cat bed in the corner of the room.

The other two are Finny's study. Finny has moved all the books in the house, whether good, bad, wizard or Muggle, into it. At the same time, this room will also be the room where Finny conducts magic research.

The last room now has many glass frames, which are used by Finny to store his collections. At the same time, his clothes are also placed here, but for the time being, there is nothing else except clothes.

Outside the three rooms is the corridor on the sixth floor, where Finny is standing at this time.

Watching the egg roll disappear, Finny walked down the stairs with a cane.

There are some blank portraits in the corridors of several floors. Their existence is not only to facilitate the movement of the portraits of the Black family ancestors, but also to leave space for Finny to hang any portraits in the future.

Of course, Finny restricted the movement of some portraits in the house, such as his mother.

Because the Black family also has the custom of internal marriage, some family members' mental emotions are not normal. Although the portraits of these people were not moved away by Finny, they were still imprisoned in a room on the second floor. Finny converted a guest room on the second floor into a room dedicated to the portraits of ancestors.

Finny did not go to the restaurant in the basement but found a place to sit in the living room on the second floor.

There is no need to eat somewhere at home. Of course, if there are guests at home, it is naturally not possible. However, at least no one will come to the house now.

When Finny sat down, Danjuan had prepared a meal for Finny.

Because it was not a formal meal, Danjuan did not make too much food. There were only some desserts and a pot of black tea. It can be said to be a very simple afternoon tea mode.

This is also in line with Finny's idea. He originally planned to eat something simple and go back to sleep.

There are still many things to do tomorrow.

A few days ago, the Magical Animals Store in Diagon Alley sent him a letter. The letter said that the Niffler he ordered a year ago was about to give birth. According to the agreement, Finny would go to watch the birth of the little guy and then choose one to take away.

Although the creature Niffler is cute and useful, adult or even young Nifflers are very annoying. After all, they are another kind of destroyer, and the other is the Husky, which is called Erha among Muggles.

Therefore, Finny needed a newly born Niffler that had not yet formed any habits to be brought back for training by the house-elf, at least to ensure that it would not destroy the house.

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