Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 82 Newt Scamander

You know, Feeney's house is the ancestral home of the Black family. There are many gorgeous and shiny black magic items in it. Even Feeney is not sure which items are dangerous, and Sniff, a creature like this, will not pay attention to those things. Whatever is shiny must be put into one's abdominal bag.

So, after having snacks, Feeney went back to his room to rest.

Early the next morning, Finny went directly to the Fantastic Beasts Shop in Diagon Alley with the help of Puff.

"Mr. Black, you are here."

Seeing Feeney appear, the store clerk hurried over to say hello to Feeney.

Because of the training of Niffler, Finny provided a lot of funds for this magical animal store. Moreover, the magical animal store also secretly tricked Finny. Although Finny didn't care, this does not mean that it is not needed. If you respect Feeney, you should pay more attention to it. After all, if you kill such a fat sheep once, you can have it a second time.

Feeney looked at the clerk who ran over and nodded.

"Well, how's the situation with Xiu Xiu? I received a letter from you earlier, saying that the delivery date is very soon?"

The clerk nodded and said,

"Yes, according to Mr. Scamander's estimation, the day of delivery is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If you don't come over today, sir, we will send a letter to invite you over tomorrow."

Feeney waved his hand and said,

"I may not receive the letters you send. Okay, take me to see that Niffler."

The clerk nodded respectfully and guided Feeney into the back room of the store, where there was a fireplace.

"Sir, Xiu Xiu is currently in our training center and needs to pass through the fireplace. You see,"

The fireplace is a means of transportation that has many advantages such as convenience, safety, convenience, etc., but it has only one disadvantage, that is, it will get dusty. Even with the cleaning spell, many people from pure-blood families are unwilling to use it.

That’s why the store clerk asked,

Feeney nodded, looked at Puff beside him and said,

"You go there with him and come back to pick me up."

Of course, Feeney is not against using the fireplace, but the fireplace moves according to the location mentioned by the user, and has a certain probability of appearing in different places.

Therefore, when going to a strange place, Feeney usually does not choose a fireplace.

Puff and the clerk left here through the fireplace,

After a while, Puff came back, took Feeney's hand and appeared in the training center where they were going with a snap.

Apparating is really uncomfortable, but he has already gotten used to it after having been taken by house elves many times. This is also a preparation for him to learn to Apparate in the future.

After arriving at this place, Feeney saw the clerk standing by the fireplace waiting for his arrival.

In the meantime, the clerk said to him,

"Mr. Black, please forgive me for not being able to tell you the distance here, but you can rest assured that your Niffler has been raised by Mr. Scamander and was just sent to this breeding center the day before yesterday. Waiting for the birth and your arrival, and since the birth is approaching in these two days, Mr. Scamander is also here to take care of it.”

In fact, if it was just an ordinary Niffler, the people at the Magical Creatures Store would not take it so seriously.

However, it was unbearable that Feeney had spent too much money on it, and it would be bad if something unexpected happened. Of course, it wasn't that the store couldn't afford to pay, but that it couldn't afford to offend the Black family.

In the final analysis, the Magical Beast Shop is just an industry established by a mixed-blood wizard. Even though the Black family's status among pure-bloods is not very good now, it is not something that a mixed-blood wizard can afford to offend.

It can be said that Finny is untouchable by most people in the magic world at this time, but he also has a bunch of powerful enemies that make him have to be cautious. Within the rules, Finny is not afraid of anything, just afraid of those people leaving. means outside the rules,

Feeney nodded, showing that he understood the clerk.

The clerk then took Feeney towards a room inside.

Pushing open the door to the room, Feeney saw an older man with curly orange hair and some freckles on his face.

"Mr. Scamander, this is the owner of Niffler."

The clerk bowed to the old man and said,

It seems that the old man in front of him is the author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" and the famous magical zoologist, Mr. Newt Scamander. He was also the hero who captured the first Dark Lord Grindelwald.

Feeney hurriedly saluted Newt.

"Hello sir, my name is Phineas Black."

Newt nodded and said unnaturally,

"I know, Dumbledore told me about you, and I took good care of your Niffler,"

Feeney nodded,

"Sir, please take care of my Xiu Xiu personally,"

Newt shook his head and said,

"No, I like them very much,"

Feeney asked again,

"So how's it going sir?"

When talking about magical beasts, New York's unnatural demeanor became much better, and he said excitedly,

"It's a coincidence that you came here. If nothing happens to this little guy, the production will be completed today,"

Feeney laughed when he heard this. It would be best to finish things today so that he can visit Mrs. Lovegood tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. As the heir of Ravenclaw, Feeney urgently needs someone who can teach him. Wizards of ancient magic texts, after all, working behind closed doors cannot be as fast as someone teaching them.

Of course, if Mrs. Lovegood disagrees, Feeney will agree to find another living heir, such as Dumbledore or Nick Flamel.

"So, sir, what's the reason for the strange color on the top of this Sniffer's head? Will his offspring also have such characteristics?"

Hearing Feeney's question, Newt fell into deep thought.

Looking at Newt who was deep in thought, Feeney didn't interrupt him and just stood aside waiting. Such an old man deserves Feeney's respect.

After a moment, Newt spoke,

"I'm not sure exactly what the reason is. It may be a mutation, or it may be because one of its parents is like this, or it may be a new species of sniffer. These are all possible. , I can’t be sure until it is finished producing, and I need to see if there will be such anomalies in the offspring.”

Feeney frowned. He chose this Sniffer's offspring as a pet because of this ray of heterochromia. Now even Newt Scamander is not sure whether there will be heterochromia in its offspring. This was a bit hard for Feeney to accept, but it was already like this, so naturally it could only be like this.

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