"Albus told me that there might be friends visiting," Nicoléme said in his hoarse, breathless voice, "but he didn't say there would be so many."

With Nicoléme's voice, the room suddenly lit up.

Tina subconsciously pulled out her wand, but after hearing Nicoléme's words, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Newt.

"Well, Dumbledore didn't tell me there was anyone else here."

"Mr. Nico Flamel, France's most legendary wizard and alchemist, and the only maker of the Philosopher's Stone. I really didn't expect to see you here. It's such an honor, Aurelius Dumbledore." Aurelius bowed slightly, showing respect.

No matter from which aspect, this is a respectable Chang Tu.

He is extremely talented and has accomplished a great miracle that has never been done before or since - the Philosopher's Stone, and used it to refine the elixir of life and achieve eternal life.

He has a broad mind and countless disciples. Even when a young boy came to visit, he was never scornful. Instead, he enthusiastically accepted him and worked with him to complete a paper on the twelve uses of dragon's blood.

This achievement has no meaning to Nicolas Flamel, who is over 300 years old, but it can bring Dumbledore to a very high level of fame.

The most important thing is that he looks at the whole world indifferently, loves but does not interfere. He can choose to die calmly and live gracefully. He is a true hermit and an expert, far from being a recluse like Dumbledore.

"Ah——Aurelius, your deeds are legendary, and you will be a great person, no doubt." Nicoléme looked at him gently, but his cloudy eyes were already difficult to understand. Showing too much emotion to people.

"It seems you know." Aurelius chuckled.

"As an old man, I am physically handicapped and I only have this ability." Nicoléme joked cheerfully about himself.

"Please take a seat." Nicoléme stretched out his hand as if at 0.5 times the speed.

His elixir wasn't that great.

Medications prevented his death, but they failed to prevent his aging.

Six hundred years have passed, and his bones have become as fragile as tofu.

Aurelius could not accept living like this.

Everyone sat down and knew Nicoléme's name. Coupled with his weak appearance, few people would regard him as a threat.

Even if they had just experienced an attack.

"I'm sorry for visiting, Mr. Nicoléme, but we just suffered an attack." Tina apologized again.

"It doesn't matter, I saw it. They were too violent and would kill an innocent person for no reason. This is a sad thing." Nicoléme shook his head.

"I'm sorry - what do you mean you saw it?" Tina was confused.

Aurelius pointed to the crystal ball on the desk inside, "Mr. Nicoléme is a prophet, I thought you had seen it."

"Prophet? Merlin, I've heard enough prophecies these days." Tina couldn't help but hold her forehead.

"Okay, it's getting late," Aurelius said, and then said to Nicoléme Flamel: "Mr. Flamel, I'm sorry to disturb you so late at night."

"It's okay, it's okay, you're too polite, but it's a little late," Nicoléme heard what Aurelius meant and said, "There are a lot of you, I don't know if we can accommodate you... ..."

Nagini handed over Aurelius' box, and of course, Newt also took out his own box.

"That's enough, we have a place to live."

A night of silence.

When he woke up the next day and walked out of his suitcase, Aurelius saw Nicoléme lying in front of the crystal ball and studying it carefully.

"Good morning, Mr. Flamel."

"Oh, Aurelius," Nicoléme nodded at him, then turned back and continued to look at the crystal ball: "I finally saw some progress."

"The tomb of Père Lachaise?" Aurelius asked.

Nicolas Flamel's crystal ball and Grindelwald's snuff pipe are similar in that they can display their own prophecies in the form of pictures.

Therefore Aurelius could also see Nicoléme's prophecy.

Nicoléme responded: "Yes. What a disaster!"

"It looks like it's going to be lively tonight." Aurelius sighed as he looked at the blazing flames.

"Huh?" Aurelius saw the black man appearing in the crystal ball, and he guessed his identity.

"Do you have the gift of prophecy? Albus never mentioned it to me." Nicoléme asked.

Aurelius shook his head: "Prophecy is a very magical ability, but unfortunately, I don't have it. I just seem to have seen him."

"Yosef Kama, a poor child, has lived in the sewers for many years and is in critical condition." Nicoléme lamented.


Aurelius was confused. He remembered that Yusef was saved by Newt. Did Yusef die from parasites in this world?

The change in the plot is nothing, but what Aurelius wonders is, could Nicoléme predict it?

This is much stronger than Grindelwald’s prophetic ability that worked sometimes but not always!

"...Your prophecy is so strong? You can know whatever you want to know?" Aurelius couldn't help but ask.

Nicoléme smiled and said: "No, of course not. Every prophecy is a revelation from God. I am just the spokesperson of God, helping the speechless God to express his revelation.

"In fact, as a six hundred-year-old man, there are some things that do not need to be predicted." Nicoléme winked mischievously.

"..." Did you guess the feelings?

"Mr. Nalemei, do you know that I am looking for you?" Aurelius said (the money is good).

Nicolas Flamel was puzzled: "Looking for me?"

Aurelius breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was indeed not omniscient and omnipotent.

"My companion, she is a blood-cursed orc. I am trying to break this curse, but unfortunately, we cannot find the original data of the blood-cursed. Do you have it here?" Aurelius confessed.

Nicoléme chuckled lightly: "You are really special, but you have found the right person. Curses like the blood curse have been around for thousands of years, but many people don't like it very much and think it is useless. Magic. But luckily, I loved collecting these books when I was young, um - wait a minute."

After Nicolas Flamel finished speaking, he turned around and ran towards the bookshelf in small steps, accompanied by his weak gasping voice: Ha-ha-ha!

"Above, the third...Ha, the third book————lift up"

(PS: One update. Something happened. I didn’t come in until after three o’clock in the middle of the night.)

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