Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

113. \"Learning Magic\"

Aurelius took down a gray-stained book from the bookshelf and looked at Nicoléme with some confusion: "Your body is already so weak?"

"I am six hundred years old." Nicoléme said with a gentle breath.

But at a distance of less than two meters, it would take so long to calm down the breath.

What's the point of living like this?

"Why didn't you make some alchemy tools to help you?" This is also Aurelius's biggest question.

For things that people cannot do, they are accustomed to looking for tools.

Shouldn't alchemists make some alchemical tools to help them live?

"Ah, what a good idea, but unfortunately, I am already old. My last alchemy work was four hundred years ago." Nicoléme was very calm and nostalgic, "Now I don't even have the strength to hold it up. ." Nicolas Flamel was referring to the crystal ball.

"But don't you still have magic?"

"I never rely on magic. These are the last things I can do. Don't you think it's a blessing to be able to jump around with a 600-year-old body?"

."do not think so!

There's something wrong with these wizards' minds!

Is it okay to find fault for yourself? Aurelius couldn't get the happiness that Nicoléme said at all.

Asking these questions is nothing more than satisfying my curiosity. What I really care about is the book in front of me.

I flipped through the book and found that I couldn't open it at all.

"Black magic, as expected." Looking at the magic lines and runes rising on the book, Aurelius knew that this was not a good thing.

"Blood sacrifice, only by injecting blood can this book be opened."

"What a boring and bad taste." Aurelius commented.

What do you mean when you say that you wrote a book and that no one should read it? And why do you need the blood?

Aurelius had some guesses in his mind, and there was a high probability that if he injected blood, he would be cursed by blood.

For these dangerous black magic books, Aurelius never mind using the most vicious way to influence their thoughts.

Not every master of black magic is as unaffected as Aurelius.

"Yingardim Leviosa————" The deliberate prolongation caused this simple suspension spell to undergo wonderful changes.


A frightened majestic bison suddenly appeared and fell to the ground.


The panicked bison immediately fell to the ground, shaking the floor of the room.

"Oh! Merlin's pants!" Nicoléme patted his chest, as if he was frightened.

This incorrect usage of the levitation spell was also something Aurelius had tried before when he was bored.

But he developed a wonderful use for it - since then, Aurelius has never bought beef for Zuowu.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just lending you some blood." Aurelius turned a cow hair into a dagger and cut the bison's skin, and blood immediately flowed out.

There was no waste, he waved his wand, and the dripping blood instantly gathered upwards against gravity to form a line of blood, and was injected into the magic circle on the book.

Visible to the naked eye!

The originally black book turned red!

This surprised Aurelius, "I thought I would be directly cast a blood curse.

"No, it's just a lock, and it's not very powerful. If (ccej) knows the trick, you can actually use magic to unlock it." Nicoléme explained.

Stealing work, then this is not Aurelius' specialty. After all, his exposure to magic is too short, and he is actually quite partial.

Many conventional curse theories are unclear, let alone tips. The tips for unlocking such an ancient lock are unheard of.

With the contribution of the bison, the book shows its true colors.

On the red cover, the runes disappeared, but the title of the book was revealed:

"Blood magic?"

"A very ancient and partial type of magic that was popular for a period of time probably more than a thousand years ago. This kind of magic uses blood as a sacrifice to achieve various magical effects. When I was young, in order to pursue the magic stone, I I collected a large amount of ancient magic, and this book was also found at that time." Nicoléme recalled the past.

"The blood curse is blood magic. Well, it makes sense." Aurelius couldn't help but smile.

Many wizards blindly pursue ancient magic, believing that ancient magic is powerful and mysterious, but Aurelius is not enthusiastic about it.

People yearn for ancient magic because ancient magic has been lost. Today's wizards can only imagine ancient magic from a few words and some rumors that cannot be distinguished between true and false.

Instead of being obsessed with ancient magic that is castles in the air, it is better to understand modern magic first.

"No, blood curse is also a very special kind of blood magic." Nicoléme was not self-conscious, he generously shared his knowledge with Aurelius.

"I have always believed that blood curses should be classified as curses in modern magic, and may even be the origin of curses."

Aurelius frowned, this view was interesting. However, his understanding of the blood curse was extremely limited, so he did not express his opinion. Instead, he found the blood curse chapter from the book.

Just like his thoughts, there is not only one kind of blood curse, nor can it only curse the target and his descendants to turn into beasts.

In "Blood Magic", there is a detailed description of the blood curse: the essence of the blood curse is to use the blood of the caster as a sacrifice, the blood of the person being cast as the medium, and something called a curse spirit. Curse rituals performed with special sacrifices.

The contents of curses vary, but their common features are heritability and non-immediate nature, which means they are slow to take effect.

As a curse caster, he will undoubtedly die when his blood dries out after the ceremony, but the cursed person can still live for a few years or even ten decades. If the cursed person is older, the curse may not take effect until he or she dies.

No wonder no one uses it and it is now lost!

The contents of the blood curse are many and strange, but many of the effects look familiar to Aurelius.

"Falling into eternal sleep...becoming an eternal statue...isn't this an enhanced version of falling unconscious and being petrified?" Aurelius couldn't help but think.

This is good news.

Aurelius had an immature theory - the theory of magical transformation.

He believes that there is no necessary connection between magic effects and spell casting methods, and they can be transformed into each other.

The Death Curse Trap is one of his achievements.

Now seeing the familiar magical effects of Blood Curse, this is another strong support!

"If the sleeping object falls to the ground in a coma, and the statues are all petrified, then this animal transformation..." Aurelius narrowed his eyes, and a magical name came to his mind: Animagus. !

Animagus is a form of transfiguration.

It can be hailed as the ‘jewel in the crown of transfiguration’. The master of transfiguration may not be an Animagus, but all Animagus can be called the master of transfiguration.

This magic is known for its extremely high risk, extremely long practice time, and extreme need for luck.

Although it has a great name, this demon is actually useless. Very few wizards are willing to learn it.

Compared with the rigorous learning requirements and risks taken, the rewards it brings are very unequal. Just being able to turn into an ordinary animal.

Not only can you not cast spells, but you will also be affected by animal nature. In animal form, it will do many things that are impossible or even disgusting for humans.

And these behaviors all come from animal instincts.

From this point of view, Animagus is indeed very similar to the Blood Curse Orcs.

The difference is that it is difficult for a skilled Animagus to forget that he is a human being in his beast form for a long time, while a blood-cursed orc has a more powerful beast form or even a beast form without magical creatures.

So... what is the fundamental reason for this difference?

After reading the book carefully, Aurelius finally saw something bright. He noticed a very special sacrifice when the Blood Curse Orc Curse was cast.


The Blood Curse Orc's curse requires a beast as an additional spell spirit!

Moreover, it is clearly written in the book that the cursed person will gain the ability to transform into this kind of animal after the curse takes effect.

And their descendants will also gain the ability to become similar to animals.

As for why the cursed person and his descendants may turn into different types of animals, the book does not explain the reason.

But that's enough!

Aurelius felt that as long as he cracked the blood curse and clearly understood the role of each part, he would be able to figure out Nagini's current situation.

Although he may still have no solution, at least he can understand Nagini's 'pathology' instead of making random guesses like today.

This is a staged victory!

"It seems to be helpful to you." Nicoléme was also very happy when she saw the smile on Aurelius's face.

"Very useful! Mr. Flamel, can you lend me this book for a while?" Aurelius made his request.

"Of course, it's just gathering dust here. Maybe in your hands, it can save many people."

Aurelius felt relieved, "Thank you very much for your generosity. As a reward..." Aurelius paused and looked at Ye Ye who was unconscious on the ground: "I'll treat you to a roast." bandit!"

"Nicholas Flamel looked at the bison whose fate was decided lightly, and then at Aurelius.

He hadn't met such an interesting young man in a long time.

Think about the last time?

Well—it was probably more than twenty years ago when Albus found him unexpectedly...

Oops, it's amazing. I don't want to miss it. That presumptuous boy back then is now a famous wizard all over the world.

Time flies so fast!

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