Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

118. All Parties Gathered

"I'm not sure, it's just a guess.

Aurelius said softly.

"It's rare to see you say that." Nagini smiled.

"It's normal. I'm not a god. I can't predict everything. I'm just used to preparing more back-ups." Aurelius smiled.

This topic ends here.

Aurelius generally would not express an opinion if he was not sure of it. Nagini also knew Aurelius's habits, so it was different.

"There are so many believers in Grindelwald." Nagini looked at the bustling crowd below and couldn't help but sigh.

"The more you get, the more you get, but not this many. At least half of the people here sneered at his tricks, but for various interests, they came here and became Grindelwald's believers." Ori Lius sees the truth.

Grindelwald is just a person they pushed out to pursue their interests.

That is: obtain more resource space in the world.

The Earth as a whole is also the largest area currently explored by Muggles and wizards.

Resources within this limited area are also limited.

Obtaining more resources is the innate desire of human beings as biological creatures.

For a long time in the past, the resources on the earth were abundant, enough to meet the needs of different groups of Muggles and wizards.

But as time went by, Muggles began to industrialize, and the rapid growth in productivity also represented an increase in required resources. The wizarding world had been peaceful for a long time, and the population was also increasing, so did the resources required.

Muggles do not know the existence of wizards. They think they control all the resources in the world, so they expand outward. Aerospace was born.

But some wizards have their sights set on Muggles.

They believed that Muggles were weak and unworthy of such huge resources.

This is exactly what Grindelwald stands for, and why these wizards support him.

But no matter what the reason is, these wizards support Grindelwald.

Besides those who support Grindelwald, there are also people with ulterior motives.

"Rowling Cathaway, the former director of the Legal Enforcement Department of the Polish Ministry of Magic, and Denis Gugol, a French alchemist, are all senior officials and celebrities in the Ministry of Magic from various countries. Do you think they will be Grindelwald's followers?" ?” Aurelius was very fond of these pure-blood nobles.

He didn't know them before, but since landing in Europe, Aurelius has consciously begun to collect information about these people. At least the names and identities can match.

This information is useful among the Ministry of Magic in various countries.

"Eh?" Aurelius suddenly sat up straight, and he saw an acquaintance - Paul Herman!

Paul, who was wearing a woolen coat, was among a dozen people in the group.

Those people looked very capable, and most likely, they were Aurors!

"What is he here for?" Aurelius frowned and thought.

No matter how small the Portuguese Ministry of Magic is, it will not allow the Minister of Magic to go to such a dangerous place to personally detect information.

As for actually attending the rally, that’s even more impossible!

If there is one Ministry of Magic in the world that is least likely to flatter Grindelwald, it is the Portuguese Magic County.

There is no pure-blood noble in the Portuguese Ministry of Magic, its population is sparse, and its resources are excessive.

A thousand people guard the resources of a large sea area, and they will not resonate with Grindelwald's proposition.

This is a typical wallflower Ministry of Magic. They themselves have no opinions and cannot have opinions.

Faced with the conflict between Grindelwald and the Ministry of Magic of other countries, the Portuguese Ministry of Magic should sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"It's really strange-" Aurelius shook his head and looked at the people around Paul.

Obviously, these people are centered on Paul and are his bodyguards and the like.

But clearly not an Auror.

It is easy to find that when Aurors are in groups, they will instinctively form a special standing layout, with three groups in groups, and the three groups further cooperate.

This is a habit left over from special training among Aurors.

Leorelius saw more than ten groups of such trinity positions in the venue below.

Paul's bodyguards did not do this. Instead, they protected him in the middle and ensured that they could act as human shields for him as soon as possible.

This was an unlikely course of action for an Auror to choose.

It's enough to knock them unconscious or turn them all to stone. What if it's a life-killing curse?

Being an Auror is just a job. A few hundred dollars a month is really not worth risking your life.

These people in Paul are more like the kings of death.

How outrageous!

Paul, a Muggle-born Minister of Magic, where did he come from?

"Hey! It's Newt! Is he really here?" Nagini suddenly patted Aurelius' arm.

Aurelius looked around, not just Newt!

There were two people beside him, a man and a woman, but there was no sign of Tina.

"Are we breaking up again?" Aurelius couldn't help but laugh.

Not many people could stand Newt's temper.

Newt is smart and knowledgeable, but he hates the world. He hates the secular human world and places his affection on magical animals.

If he had to make an analogy, Aurelius felt that Newt and Kudo had the same virtues.

One forgets everything when it comes to reasoning, and the other ignores everything when it comes to magical animals.

They both belong to each other and are in love with each other, and they all love beauties with high martial arts value. But the pretentiousness made the audience anxious for them.

As far as Aurelius knows, Newt and Tina have not really gotten together after eight or nine years, and Kudo Shinichi has been inked for thousands of episodes.

Moreover, Newt faced even worse situations.

Tina seems to have a boyfriend now, an Auror.

But don’t worry that they won’t be able to achieve positive results.

Because decades later, Newt and Tina's grandson, a bad boy whose name was only known but whose identity was unknown, abducted Luna, whom countless fans longed for.

"There must be hundreds of people from the Ministry of Magic from various countries, and you can still recognize them." Aurelius felt a little emotional about Grindelwald's card.

A gathering, knowing that there is a trap, still allows the Ministry of Magic of various countries to send a large number of manpower to investigate.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the wind and cranes are roaring, and the grass and trees are all at war.

Of course, it's also possible that Aurelius thought these Ministry of Magic were too smart, and maybe they really didn't expect there to be a trap.

But there are certainly not many such fools.

Among the people Aurelius didn't recognize, Aberforth and McGonagall also came.

Aberforth was wearing a woolen coat and a thick top hat covering most of his face.

It looked like he was covering his ears and stealing his bell. The hat couldn't cover his face at all.

But this is precisely the easiest way to get lost in the crowd at the rally.

Because many people do this.

"Aberforth, did you see that?" McGonagall was a little anxious.

Aberforth shook his head. The photos in his hand were soaked with sweat, but Aurelius was still nowhere to be found.

"Maybe we arrived too late and he has already defected to Grindelwald." Aberforth said softly.

"He's Dumbledore! How could he do this?" McGonagall asked urgently.

"I don't know, maybe it's because of Grindelwald's threat, maybe it's Grindelwald's inducement, maybe it's not as bad as I thought." Aberforth shook his head, as if he wanted to get rid of those bad thoughts. .

"Inducement? What inducement can Grindelwald use to induce him?"

"The possibility of survival." Aberforth said quietly...

"Abernathy, has he arrived?" Grindelwald leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest. There was a big operation tonight.

The plan to recruit Aurelius succeeded or failed.

He succeeded because he met Grindelwald’s minimum requirement—Aurelius not being his enemy.

It failed because it failed to achieve the expected best result - Aurelius surrendered and became Dumbledore's enemy.

Under this circumstance, Grindelwald values ​​tonight's gathering even more.

He wants to establish his own authority and announce his return to the world.

To establish authority, one needs a target.

The attracted forces from the Ministry of Magic of various countries are the best targets.

To establish authority, you also need an audience.

The tens of thousands of celebrities, noble wizards and wizards from all walks of life present are the best audience.

To put it bluntly, Grindelwald is not satisfied with him and his witch party hiding underground, just like rats causing trouble everywhere.

He wants to lead the Wu Cui Party and truly sit on the card table.

For this reason, he specially chose Paris to hold this gathering, and deliberately chose the French Ministry of Magic, which is now the nominal first ministry of magic.

"I have gone to the VIP room to rest for a while as you asked." Abernethy leaned forward and said.

"Well, very good, Mr. Sotralo is coming soon. You go and greet him." Grindelwald once again handed over the task of welcoming guests to Abernathy.

It's the most beautiful job ever done besides his nose.

During his years at the Ministry of Magic, Abernathy was all too familiar with greetings and send-offs.

Not only was he polite and considerate, but he also earned Grindelwald a lot of face.

Don't mention anything else, at least in this regard, Abernathy's ability to relax is much better than the arrogant Vita.

Leave the venue again and go to the cemetery.

Suo Chuoluo is not alone this time.

As the most reliable ally, at such an important moment, why not bring more people with you to enhance your reputation?

According to the notice given in advance, Abernathy walked through the cemetery corridor and headed to the agreed square on the east side of the cemetery.

"You're sick! Yusef! You should see a doctor!"

"This is an oath! It's not a disease! You saw it just now! My hand, the hand that made the oath, just--ah! Damn it! It's starting again!"

(PS: I was wondering why the writing was so awkward. I looked through the outline and saw that I had left out a large section of the key plot. I dug a lot of holes. The most important thing was not written. The whole foreshadowing of the Lestrange family was gone. Write. The problem is that Rita is about to receive her lunch box, sorry! I will try my best to make up for it, and the next plot may have to be overturned and rewritten).

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