
Abernathy paused.

He listened quietly.

Yousef Kama held his arms tightly, and Rita supported him: "I have to take you to the hospital, you really need..."

"No, I still have things to do!" Yousef pushed Lita away and stood up unsteadily, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.


A gust of wind blew.

A stab of pain made Yusuf Kama unable to help but press his eyes tightly with his hands. His body softened and he fell to the ground, twitching continuously.

Was it really blown down by the wind?!


"No! Don't! Wait!" an urgent voice sounded.

"Newt?!" Lita was stunned, why is he here?!

Newt is in Paris. Leta knows this. Theseus told her, but why does Newt appear here, in the tomb of Père Lachaise?

Ah————that’s right!

Newt is with Aurelius Dumbledore, and since Aurelius Dumbledore is here, it seems reasonable for Newt to come...

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Junta's mind.

"Help me!" Newt didn't bother to say hello to Lita and directly hugged Yosef Kama to the end. Tina, who was following him, also came over.

"what should I do?"

Tina was a little at a loss. She was an Auror, not a therapist. She had never heard of Yusef Kama's situation and didn't know what to do.

"Hold his head, don't move!" Newt said very fast. When Tina held Yusef's head, Newt turned around and opened his suitcase to rummage around.

After taking some time, Newt, Lita and Abernathy came over and said, "His condition is too serious and his luck is not good. Lita, and this... this gentleman, you guys Do you know him?"

"He is my brother..." Rita said with a complicated expression.

"Oh, your brother...what?! You have a brother?!" Newt looked at her in surprise.

"Can he still be saved?" Rita asked without answering.

"You two, is there anyone here? His life is more important!" Tina's tone was not very good.

Newt quickly handed a pair of tweezers to Lita: "Um - take it for me, thank you."


A faint bright light lit up from the top of the wand and subconsciously put it into the hand handed over by Rita.

When Newt realized it, he was stunned for a moment.

This was the old habit.

At that time, they were still studying at Hogwarts.

Two lonely people, two outcasts, they often gather together, Newt studying magical beasts, and Leta as his assistant.

But he didn't expect that this habit would persist until now.

"He's so lucky!" Newt didn't fall into memories for too long. He stretched out his hand to open Yusef's eyelids, and his lower eyelids were faintly beating. It didn't look like nerves, but like something with its own will.

"Lucky? Get rid of him, he is so lucky that he is about to die!" Tina said angrily.

"No, no, no, you are really lucky. I have seen people like this. They were sick because of a very rare parasite." Newt said as he took out a small bottle from the box and opened it. The stopper was placed under Yosef's nose so that he could inhale the scent from the bottle.

"Parasite? You mean... he is so sick because of parasites?" Rita said in surprise.

"It's a very rare parasite. There must have been water dragons wherever he used to stay. This is a magical creature a hundred times rarer than wild fire dragons. This kind of parasite is only found in water dragons... but not every water dragon Everyone is infected with insects, so this insect is rarer than a water dragon..." Newt saw Yusef's nostrils couldn't help but twitch, he took the bottle back and closed it, and said with a smile: "Isn't this lucky? "

Tina was a little speechless: "Your luck is really... strange!"

"Of course, it's uncomfortable. Even water dragons will be disturbed by these little things, let alone humans. Fortunately, I met me. Very few people know how to treat this kind of parasitic infection... Rita, come closer—" He opened his eyelids, and a thin and pointed tentacle crawled out from under his eyelids.

Yousef’s dull pupils were instantly bloodshot!

“Maybe you don’t want to see————”

"Hurry up! I can bear it!" Tina grinned a little, and her big eyes were squeezed into slits.

"Okay -" Newt took the tweezers and looked into Yusef Kama's eyes. With quick eyesight and quick hands, he clamped the tentacle tightly, "Come out! Come out! Come out!"

Use caution, this requires skill!

The parasite is unwilling to be pulled out. The harder it is, the more it struggles. If the tentacles of the parasite are torn off, it will only allow the parasite to escape and burrow deeper into the ground.

"Ah!" Yusef, who was in a coma, couldn't help but feel severe pain, and every muscle in his body was spasming and twitching.

...asking for flowers.

"Help me hold him down!" Newt also exerted all his strength. The parasite itself was not very strong, but Newt had to ensure that his whole body was tight to accurately control the force.

"come out!"

Finally, Newt won the unequal tug-of-war, and the parasite with several slender tentacles was forcefully pulled out of Yusef's eyes by Newt.

The tentacles of the parasite that had separated from its host were waving wildly, and the terrifying appearance made the girls present feel uncomfortable.

Even Abernathy felt embarrassed and couldn't help but shrink back.

"Fortunately, I lived up to my fate -" Newt breathed a sigh of relief and stuffed the parasite completely into a glass bottle.

Obviously, as a magizoologist, Newt is eager to understand any cherished magical creature.


This is the first unnamed parasite with all its beards that he has captured, and there is a high probability that he will be the one to name it in the future.

"You must...kill him." Yosef, who was free of the parasite, quickly came to his senses, and the first sentence he opened his mouth was revenge.

"Kill? Kill who?" Tina subconsciously looked at Lita and Abernathy. In her opinion, Yusef must have been with them before, and she immediately went to seek confirmation.

Being very sensitive when hearing the word kill is an occupational disease of Aurors. Murder, whether among Muggles or wizards, is a very serious crime.

"He may need a few hours to relieve the parasite's toxins. Without the parasite's continuous supply of toxins, the toxins will be excreted soon." Newt was like a doctor giving instructions after surgery.

"Sorry, we still have something to do, Lita, he is your brother - I haven't asked you yet, when did you have a brother?" Newt was full of questions.

He had known Rita since she was twelve years old and had never heard of her having a brother.

Moreover, Lita is engaged, will her brother come?

(PS: It’s still the first update. Let me explain to you that the updates have really failed to come out these days, and the reasons are all put together. I made a mistake before, and a large part of the plot was missing. I had to go back and make up for it, so the plot must be present. I thought, I need to check a lot of information. Then I stayed up all night that day. I was jet lagged. In the past few days, I went to bed when I came back from work. I woke up at 4 or 5 o'clock to code, and I had to go to work at 8 o'clock. I really couldn't write. How much. I will get better as soon as possible and adjust as soon as possible. I will make up for it later. 1)

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