Is there something wrong with Grindelwald's strategy?

No, although forcing someone to go to Liangshan is not a lofty strategy, and may even be a bit underhanded, it can still be regarded as a means to achieve the goal.

The problem is the implementation.

If you are forced to go to Liangshan, how can you do it?

Forced by crime, he had to go to Liangshan.

"In the previous actions of the Witch Cult Party, the overall action should be to use themselves as bait to beat up the Muggles, and then let the Muggles discover wizards and learn about the existence of the magical world. Then, the hatred of the Witch Cult Party will be spread throughout the world. The wizarding community and even the entire magical world, of course, may also have greed for magic and coveting a magical world. No matter what it is, Ma will launch an entire war against the magical world.

Aurelius smiled: "Once again caught in the war of the Middle Ages, Muggles and wizards are fighting to the death again, but this time, Muggles' war will no longer come from the brainwashing of the church, but from the greed in their hearts. , will be more thorough and more determined. Wizards will have to fight for their own survival.

"In the war, whoever can lead them to victory, whoever has more powerful power, will be supported. Mr. Grindelwald, you will be the only candidate. In the face of a powerful enemy, people will ignore many things. What provokes War, any crime, and any idea are all worthless. The more fervent the Muggle attack, the more stable your position will be. Under the pressure of this external force, the magic world will passively unite around you, and you will not be able to defeat them without a single blow. Take control of the magical world————"

"That's basically it, except——"

"Dumbledore, as the two poles of wizards around the world, your power will become the source of belief among wizards who are at stake in life and death. When there are other choices, those factors that should have been ignored will once again become the weight that affects the balance. That is to say You may not have many wizards to support you. But I think you don't really care about this, right?" Aurelius believed.

"What do you think?" Grindelwald smiled and asked, leaning on his chair.

"Dumbledore was once a close friend of you. You had the same pursuits, including the 'greater good'. I think he also contributed here."

Bang bang bang——

"I really doubt that the Dumbledore family is really not a family of prophets? You know a lot." Grindelwald smiled while stroking his hands. This profound secret shocked Sodra, Vita, Nagini and others. , but Grindelwald is extremely calm.

It’s not that he didn’t care about this secret period, otherwise it wouldn’t have become a secret, but he used this way to express his sincerity——This is a meeting that will not have any reservations.

"You are not greedy for power," Aurelius gave him a deep look. This was what he admired most about Grindelwald.

A terrorist who founded the Wiccan Party and later sought to be president of the International Confederation of Wizards is not greedy for power? Who would believe it?

Aurelius believed that this was his judgment based on everything he knew.

Dumbledore, who lives in school and teaches without ambition, is actually the most power-hungry person in the world. Grindelwald, who is active on the world stage and spreads ambition and war rhetoric, is the person who cares least about power.

It seems contradictory, but that's because they are extremely smart people.

They know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Dumbledore, who had a strong desire for power, chose to use the school as his own cage to lock his desire for power inside.

Grindelwald, who loved magic very much, used power to arm himself to suppress his study of magic.

It sounds incredible.

But this is the best option.

If it is too strong, it will break easily and it will be injured!

Dumbledore didn't want to be a slave to rights, he isolated himself from rights before he came into contact with them. Whether it is from the fact that he still only regards friendship as a friend when facing the fierce attack of the Wiccan Party and does not stand out in his own league, or from the future confrontation with Voldemort and the dissolution of the Order of the Phoenix after Voldemort's defeat, it can be seen that Dumbledore is afraid of power.

How do you know that Grindelwald loves magic?

In fact, Grindelwald may not necessarily love magic, but he certainly loves power.

This can be seen from his claims. He doesn't care about bloodline, he only cares about the ability to cast spells. This represents the important place magic holds in his heart.

And his study of magic is also obvious. Nicknamed the 'Grindelwald Gas Stove', it pushed the black magic of Li Huo to an unprecedented level. The resurrected Kirin can hide it from countless talented wizards all over the world, which is also his magical achievement.

In his pursuit of power, he was expelled for studying black magic and stole the Elder Wand. Throughout the first half of his life, he was running for power.

This is very separate from what he is doing now.

Most people who advocate strength have one characteristic - independence! In the first half of his life, Grindelwald fit this point very well. He studied black magic for strength and was expelled. He was passed for the Elder Wand.


Even the acquaintance and parting ways with Dumbledore fall within this characterization.

But look what he is doing now?

Dumbledore used the school as a prison to imprison his desire for power, and Grindelwald used power as armor to isolate the backlash of magic.

These are the two poles of the magical world in Aurelius's eyes.

Even Nicolas Flamel, the legendary alchemist, is using Muggle life to numb his decline in alchemy.

These great wizards seem to be deliberately staying away from what they do best. 950

Aurelius's research on magic was far from the level of these three people, and he could not understand their purpose of doing so.

But this weird phenomenon deserves his deep thought and vigilance.

But he also knew very well that he couldn't do it.

He craves strength, he pursues power. He knows that these are the demons in his heart, but he will not imprison them, but will release them.

He firmly believed in his heart that no matter how evil he was, could he be worse than the Obscurus born from all negative energy bodies?

He is the incarnation of extreme evil. Why is he afraid of becoming evil?

"Whether these wizards are fighting around Dumbledore or fighting around you, it makes no difference to you. All you want is to fight, defeat Muggles, dominate the world, and defeat the technology that Muggles rely on to compete with wizards. , use magic to devour technology, thereby establishing a barrier for wizards to prosper forever."

Grindelwald sighed: "You know what? I regret it a little, why is it that the person who understands me best is always Dumbledore—

"You're right. I only care about the results. I don't care about the process. I can't pronounce those weird terms of yours, but this is indeed what I mean." Grindelwald straightened up, and the Elder Wand in his hand lightly He tapped the table: "Then, Mr. Dumbledore, please explain to me: why, my ideas failed again and again, and I can't even understand the reason for the failure.

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