Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

127. Solve The Problem Person

"The reason why the Umbrella Party's plan failed is actually very simple. You ignored some common sense things." Aurelius Xiaoxiong spread his hands.

"Common sense?" Grindelwald frowned.

is it possible?

Not to mention he is arrogant and smart, even if he really didn't expect it, he still has a group of elite followers. He is not a dictator like Voldemort. He can listen to suggestions. Didn't any of so many elites think of it?

"I have collected previous news papers. The Umbrella Party has carried out similar operations in nearly half of the countries in Europe, but was thwarted by the Ministry of Magic of each country.

"Frustration? I don't think this word is appropriate here. This is just self-praising by those incompetent Ministry of Magic." Grindelwald was somewhat dissatisfied.

Although the previous plan failed to achieve full success, it was not considered a failure.

"Failure to meet the plan's expectations is a failure, even if these Ministry of Magic have no idea what they have done." Aurelius corrected: "Take the latest Habsburg operation in Switzerland as an example. You have not yet launched the operation. ,Switzerland and several Ministry of Magic Aurors have arrived."

"Isn't this plan considered a failure if we were forced to evacuate before there was any commotion?"

"This is because——" Vita argued, but she had nothing to say.

She could quibble that this was part of the plan, so that the Umbrella Party could reasonably disappear and buy Grindelwald time to go to the Magnesium.

But as one of the planners, implementers and participants of the plan, Vita knows very well that the two are not contradictory.

"So, why did it fail?"

"They came too fast." Grindelwald looked up at the ceiling and squinted his eyes.

"Yes, then why did they come so fast?"

"Why?" Grindelwald was puzzled. Is there any need to ask?

Apparition! Why else?

Aurelius smiled and said: "Yes, Apparition, but it's not just Apparition. Maybe you have lived in the magical world your whole life, so you will be accustomed to some phenomena~

After speaking, he pointed to himself: "What a coincidence, in the past, I spent most of my time in the Muggle world, and I was able to discover some things outside of the wizard's perspective."

"Quick! Apparition gives wizards high mobility. Through magic and magical products such as portkeys, floo networks, and Apparition, they can appear in any corner of the world in just a few minutes. That is to say, if early Be prepared, the wizard's attack will be extremely fast. In a few minutes, these Aurors can gather from all over the world and come to you to prevent the implementation of your plan." Aurelius knocked on the table, and the text projection formed by the black mist Hanging in mid-air.

"And these few minutes are enough for you to do? You can only escape. It is impossible to implement the plan to cause high-profile destruction in the Muggle world."

"If you want to complete the plan, you must have suddenness and confidentiality. What they have in common is that it is hidden from the eyes and ears of the Ministry of Magic of various countries."

"This is impossible!" Vita vetoed flatly: "If there are just one or two people, the influence caused by them cannot meet the requirements at all. Even if they are influential, the Ministry of Magic can eliminate them in a short time."

"The New York incident is the best example. Half of New York was destroyed, thousands of people were in trouble, and tens of thousands were injured. But according to my intelligence, the Magic Congress completed the aftermath in just half an hour, and everything was as usual. , the New York incident left no trace among Muggles." Vita said with a frown.

As an intelligence officer of the Umbrella Party, she is accustomed to speaking with facts.

"If we need to gather more people, there will be too many people talking, and the possibility of keeping secrets is almost zero. Our past experience confirms this, and we will often make two preparations like this gathering. This is not about finding a few spies. Traitors can solve it, because many leaks are not caused by personnel. Looking glass, magic spell, there are too many ways.

"Yes, that's why I don't agree with you continuing to act like this." Aurelius nodded.

"So that's it." Grindelwald squinted: "Our actions require a thorough plan, and we even have to make two plans to deal with the almost inevitable arrival of Aurors from the Ministry of Magic from various countries, and they only need to make one to disrupt us. Plan, which means that no matter what we do, they will always be prepared. When we act, it takes us more time, but it only takes a few minutes for them to arrive... You are right, this If the plan can no longer be carried out, the sacrifice will be in vain."

"But I don't understand. If this is the case, any plans we make seem to be of no value. They will always be one step ahead of us." Suo Chuoluo frowned.

"No." Aurelius looked at them with a smile: "Why would I say my thoughts in front of so many people? Because I am not afraid of them knowing at all."

"Conspiracies will have very little effect after being exposed, but conspiracy will not." Aurelius smiled and looked at everyone present.

Even though some of them were driven away by him and many were sent out by Suo Chuoluo, there were still more than ten people present here.

"We can think of it this way. Mr. Grindelwald's idea is a dead end. No matter what we do, the Ministry of Magic will be invincible." Aurelius looked at Sotralo opposite him and Grindel in the middle. Waugh: "Since we can never defeat our opponents on the chessboard, then...why don't we find a way outside the chessboard?"

"How to do it?" Suo Chuoluo asked.

Aurelius's smile grew thicker, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes: "We can't beat our opponents, and we can't solve the problem, so why don't we get rid of the person who raised the problem?"

"Ministry of Magic!" Suo Chuoluo said in a stunned voice: "As long as we solve the Ministry of Magic, no one will cause us any more trouble, and no one will interfere with our plans!"

"But Dumbledore..." Vita still had concerns.

"Dear, remember? There is only one Dumbledore. Even if he has eight arms and eight legs, how many of us are there?" Aurelius held his forehead.

"Start a war?" Grindelwald could not make up his mind.

Everything can be said to be fighting behind the scenes now. Once the war starts with the Ministry of Magic, everything will be put on the table.

This pressure is not small, and not everyone can make this determination.

On the other hand, Grindelwald is still thinking about the future war with Muggles.

The magic world cannot suffer too much loss, otherwise why would it start a war with Muggles?

The Ministry of Magic of various countries has gathered a large number of wizard elites.

"No...let me think-"

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