"Everyone! First of all, I didn't say to kill them all." Aurelius was a little speechless: "There are three million wizards in the world, and nearly one million are working for the Ministry of Magic. Is it possible that we still want to kill these million wizards?" Kill them all? Their families are the remaining two million."

"Then there's no need to think about the future, the wizards are gone." Aurelius said tiredly.

How is this possible?

The social structure of the magical world is very deformed.

It is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Nearly one-third of adult wizards work directly or indirectly in the Ministry of Magic.

Among the remaining two-thirds, in Europe and North Africa, a large number of wizards will work for Gringotts, a small number will stay in school, and the remaining wizards will be people from other walks of life.

Outside of Europe and North Africa, without Gringotts, these wizards merged into other industries.

Let's put it this way, the professions available to wizards are very limited, so limited that they are simply not enough to form a normal society.

The main reason lies in magic, which is magical and can enable most wizards to solve most of their daily needs. Many industries have lost their existence value, and naturally there are no practitioners in these industries.

Since the Ministry of Magic has taken over a large number of jobs, the Ministry of Magic has become a close relative in the wizarding world.

This is also the reason why the Ministry of Magic in various countries is mostly incompetent but can survive for hundreds of years.

Under such circumstances, to brazenly start a war with the Ministry of Magic is to make enemies of wizards all over the world.

"There are many ways to eliminate the Ministry of Magic, and direct fighting is the next best option." Aurelius 523 patiently explained to these idiots: "These can be discussed later. The most urgent task is to solve our current troubles first. .”


"Yes, I actually have nothing. I am not a wanted criminal. Maybe Mr. Grindelwald and everyone in the Wiccan Party don't care much about the title of a wanted criminal, but ordinary wizards do." Aurelius responded. The current situation of the Wu Cui Party said: "Since ancient times, few people who have opposed the majority of people have had a good end. The Wu Cui Party is now a wanted criminal from top to bottom.

This undoubtedly created a gap between the witch cultists and the large number of ordinary wizards. "

"We can't play conspiracies, and if we want to be upright, we need to at least be able to enter the house upright. We are not terrorists, we are pioneers, for the future of wizards, for -'greater interests'. We are obviously doing something Great cause, why do we seem to be a group of terrorists?" Aurelius looked at everyone.

In fact, what they do is not much different from that of terrorists, but this is something he can say or not.

Terrorists don’t call themselves terrorists.

"Escape from the fate of being wanted, use our ideals and our beliefs to win more support. This is what we should do. Most wizards are sensible and they will choose the right choice between us and the Ministry of Magic. One side." Aurelius said impassionedly: "The Ministry of Magic without support from anyone, the Ministry of Magic that is alienated from morality, has no value of existence. The torrent of history will bury them in the wind and sand. We - are the future!"

Bang bang bang bang——

These words deceived several Wu Cui party members into a rage, and even Suo Chuoluo's eyes sparkled with excitement.

But Grindelwald was thinking.

What Aurelius said was basically nonsense, and it was also what Grindelwald had said and thought in the past.

There is only one real strategic plan: escape from the fate of being wanted.

Grindelwald is considering whether this suggestion is feasible, or whether it needs to be implemented.

He really didn't care whether he was wanted or not, and neither did most people in the Umbrella Party.

They are elites and have experienced hundreds of battles. How easy is it to catch them? With a wanted warrant on their backs, they can travel unhindered in Europe.

This is the double guarantee of its strength and power.

But Aurelius's thoughts were completely opposite to those of his past. Grindelwald wanted to force the wizards to side with him.

Aurelius, on the other hand, advocated peaceful confrontation on the surface, fighting for publicity and ideas to win the support of more wizards.

Transform the unknown and more sinister secret disputes into an open battle of ideas.

This is a kind of softness, and it gives up the greatest advantage of the Wiccan Party - Grindelwald's super combat power.

They all understand that even if it turns to the bright side according to what Aurelius said, there will never be less fighting behind the scenes.

But there is one advantage, that is, they are the one who takes the lead. As long as they do not continue their previous attacks, the Ministry of Magic has no reason to use force against them.

Once the Ministry of Magic uses force, great!

Just right!

The Wu Cui Party will not hesitate to make it public, and the attack and defense can easily turn around. From representing justice, the Ministry of Magic will immediately become a being despised by thousands of people - the Wiccan party has no reason to argue with you about morality, which means that you have no moral ethics.

The pros and cons will be reversed, and the Witch Cult Party will win the sympathy of more wizards.

People's hearts are lost bit by bit, but also won bit by bit.

"What exactly?"

"Control the media, use it as a mouthpiece, formulate a program, and use propaganda to win over the people. We don't need to do anything else. The Ministry of Magic is well known for its incompetence. As long as we don't make mistakes, they themselves will push the wizards to our side." Ori. Lius made a circle with his finger, "This is why I said that the CCFE Party should no longer carry out major actions in Europe, but should echo the actions of me and Mr. Sochoro."

"Propaganda? What kind of publicity can compare with today's rally?" Vita was quite proud.

Tens of thousands of wizards gathered together to listen to Grindelwald expounding his thoughts. Such an event was unprecedented, and this event was officially organized by the Wizarding Party.

Aurelius shook his head: "Those are two different things. The advantage of a rally is concentration. There is no third party to transmit information, and it can spread Mr. Grindelwald's original intention to the maximum extent. But you also said that among tens of thousands of people The gathering is unprecedented, but there are still millions of wizards who cannot come."

"This is the role of the media. We can't be without words and allow others to pour dirty water without repaying the words. This will not achieve the strategic purpose I just mentioned."

Grindelwald raised his eyebrows: "This is not an easy task. Newspapers in various countries are controlled by the Ministry of Magic. Many newspapers are even a department of the Ministry of Magic. Other tabloids do not have much value——_

"This is also the most difficult part. We can fully expect that as long as it is our newspaper, it will be difficult for the Ministry of Magic of various countries. When countries control newspapers, they realize the power of public opinion. However, although it is difficult, it is not impossible. What I am discussing is only at the strategic level. How to develop the media and establish public trust depends on the execution ability of the Umbrella Party." After that, Aurelius glanced at Grindelwald and Vita next to him: " This is also what I am worried about. With all due respect, the execution ability of the Wu Cui Party is really not that good in my case."

These words made Vita's face turn cold, but after thinking about his previous actions, he had no reason to refute, so he could only reply firmly: "As long as Mr. needs it, the Wu Cui Party will do whatever it takes."

"That would be the best," Aurelius smiled and asked Grindelwald: "Mr. Grindelwald, do you think this plan is worth a try?"

Grindelwald sighed and nodded: "Although it is completely different from my idea, at least it sounds like it has the conditions for implementation now."

"Vita, after the gathering, the Ministry of Magic in various countries will definitely be nervous for a period of time. We will suspend most of our activities for one year. We will spend a year to accumulate strength. You have one year to do this."

"Yes, sir."

Aurelius saw that Grindelwald accepted the plan, and then said: "Mr. Sotero, I don't know much about the situation in the Far East, so I won't do anything about it. I'll tell you my plan."


With a flick of the finger, the map is locked on the American continent.

"The Magical Congress of the Magnesium Kingdom is also an opponent that cannot be underestimated, with many elites. But fortunately, the Magical Congress also has a lot of troubles. Muggle hatred and purges are causing trouble.

All involved a lot of energy and personnel from the Magical Congress. "

"Unfortunately, I am weak, so I cannot directly return to the Magnesium Country..."

"If Mr. Dumbledore is short of manpower, I can provide some. Although my situation is not very good, I can still make ends meet with three to five hundred shamans." Sochuro said.

Aurelius smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Sochoro, but I won't use it for the time being. My plan is - here!"

Caribbean Highlights.

"You want nine cities in the Caribbean?" Grindelwald frowned and said disdainfully, "What's the use of coming to a place like that?"

"Oh, Mr. Grindelwald, this is the difference between you. You are sitting in the European base and have countless witchcraft elites under your command. Naturally, you look down on this chaotic land like the Caribbean.

But to me, this is a treasure. "Aurelius pointed his finger, and the nine wizarding cities in the Caribbean lit up: "Except for the Sirens, the other eight cities are places of pure chaos. There are criminals, wizards, Muggles, and squibs here. , it’s too chaotic, but it’s just because it’s chaotic enough that I can win in the chaos and fish in troubled waters.

"The most important thing is that it is developed well enough and has the most magical ships in the world. It is a truly independent kingdom that can advance, attack, retreat and defend!"

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