"Ha - don't be stupid, my girl." Aurelius interrupted her and said seriously: "We are wizards, a higher level, we are humans, humans are social beings, no one can It is unrealistic to be isolated from the world and not communicate with anyone for a lifetime, which is also the origin of the magical world and the secular world."

"The most important thing is that I have the ability." Aurelius stretched out his palm, the raging black mist and fierce fire intertwined, and his eyes were a bit blurry: "Look at how beautiful it is -"

"Beautiful but deadly!"

"Fire destroys rather than creates."

"You are wrong. Destruction and creation are subjective behaviors, not an objective description." Aurelius withdrew his fire and smiled: "Killing a life with a knife is destruction, right? But it can also carve out the most beautiful dishes in the world, which is creation again.”

"Don't be fooled by those things. See your heart clearly. I have powerful 22 magic powers, which will become more and more powerful in the future. Although these powers are born from pain, they can also serve beauty." Aurelius looked at her : "This world is not normal. It is sick. Some people are addicted to sick comfort, but more people are suffering. It has been sick for so long that everyone takes it for granted.

"Nagini——think about how a normal person should live?"

Nagini frowned and thought. Her experience made her think about this problem countless times, but she always thought about it in vain, because people can't imagine things they haven't seen.

"From the moment he is born, he has parents and a family. This family may be rich, may be wealthy, or may barely have enough food and clothing. He will spend a wonderful childhood in the pampering of his parents."

"Until he is six or seven years old, he will think of the naive tiger cub and begin to learn future survival skills while playing - primary school, or primary education school will send him comprehensive books. He will be the same as his peers. The children go to school together, with teachers and classmates, and they will learn superficial magic knowledge and all kinds of novel things."

"The educational and entertaining primary school time will come to an end in the summer when they are twelve years old. Their magical power has stabilized and they need more systematic training. The Majolis Mystery Center from the Caribbean will become their new A place of living and learning, where they will receive up to seven years of study, providing a solid foundation for their future path to magic. This will be a time that they don't like, but they can't help but smile when they think back to it. "

"At the age of nineteen, they have graduated, but this is still the beginning. Some of them will go out of campus, and their figures will appear in every corner of the magical world, either taking risks, working, or being single in a chic way. Travel around the world alone, or form a new family with a loved one. On the other hand, they will get further education. Learning is no longer the keynote of their lives. They will receive the most cutting-edge magical information, and they will work independently or cooperatively. Let’s explore the mysteries of magic together. The birth of every new magic achievement will add luster to the world."

"The entire magical world will become a sophisticated machine, constantly operating to bring the entire wizarding community to a higher position——"

"You said that you don't agree with Grindelwald's claims." Nagini longed for the life described by Aurelius. Even going to school, which was the most troublesome thing for countless students, was out of reach for her.

Aurelius nodded: "Yes, I don't agree with his idea of ​​using wizards to rule Muggles. In my eyes, this is a step back, not progress."


"Think about it, what can wizards do? What can Muggles do?" Aurelius inspired her.

After thinking for a while, Nagini shook her head. She was a little confused. In her eyes, wizards seemed to be omnipotent, but Muggles were unfamiliar to her.

"Magic, wizards have magic, but Muggles don't, that's the difference." Aurelius said.

"That's it?" Nagini wondered.

"Humanity's transformation from eating hair and drinking blood to today's splendid magical civilization and the splendid industrial civilization of Muggles actually relies on two things - wisdom and magic."

"Wizards possess both wisdom and magic, but there are too few wizards, and Muggles have a huge population, but do not have the ability to cast spells. This results in Muggles being able to specialize in studying the substances and phenomena of the world." Aurelius Si sighed: "Actually, what I want to do has been done by many people."

"What is it?"

"Do you know how little wizards go to Hogwarts?"

"I went to England when I was in the circus, and they took a train called the Hogwarts Express."

"Look, this is what I want to do." Aurelius Little Bear spread his hands: "The wisdom of Muggles becomes more powerful based on their huge numbers, and magic can do many things that Muggles cannot currently do. If - a wizard borrowing Muggle wisdom..."

Nagini understood that Aurelius also wanted to challenge the law of secrecy. He wanted to integrate Muggles and wizards, but his attitude was more moderate than Grindelwald's radical approach.


"Didn't you say that this would cause problems? 200 Wizards can learn Muggle knowledge, but Muggles can never become wizards.

"No, I already have a solution to this problem." Aurelius smiled mysteriously.

The legacy of the War College.

There is indeed a certain threshold for the summoner's inheritance. Not everyone has the opportunity to become a summoner.

But compared to wizards, whose extraordinary power relies solely on blood inheritance, the summoner's inheritance gives everyone equal opportunities. Even this equality comes from innateness.

This innate need is not bloodline, and there is no possibility of inheritance. At least based on Valoran's years of research and exploration, there is no law of summoner inheritance.

This is relatively fair.

And for those people who are unable to become summoners, the extraordinary door does not completely shut them out.

Hero, this is another extraordinary path, although it is difficult. The summoner's road is relatively smooth, but the hero's road is full of thorns.

But once you become a hero, the treatment is unmatched by summoners, and you will become the target of countless summoners, hoping to be allowed to use the power of heroes.

Fairness gives wizards and Muggles the same possibility of becoming extraordinary. This is what Aurelius relies on to realize his shocking ambition!

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