Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

132. Lestrange’S Foreshadowing

After comforting Nagini, Aurelius also realized the difficulties he was facing.

People's hearts -

People are unpredictable, and no one can be sure that their thoughts are the same as those of others.

On the journey to realize his dream of a new extraordinary world, he cannot walk alone, he needs companions.

How to gather these fellow travelers around him will become Aurelius' biggest problem.

She is just a Nagini, but she has been with her for a long time. Nagini who loves herself has a long way to go if she wants to change her mind.

Rue Montmorency, House of Nicoléme.

Nicoléme's eyes were closed peacefully, and he was lying leisurely on the rocking chair.

Six hundred years have made him accustomed to the slow passing of worthless time. He likes to use this kind of relaxation to kill his seemingly endless years.

The strange noise woke up Nicoléme. His eyes were dim, but he was not confused.

The decay of his body cannot cover up the wisdom given to him by his time.

It's a crystal ball!

The pure crystal ball of prophecy is now in chaos!

The gathering dark clouds seemed like the sky was falling, and the streaks of lightning added a bit of a scene on the eve of destruction to the surging dark clouds.

"Ah - bad!" Nicoléme whispered to himself in a hoarse and slow tone.

He struggled to get up, fearing that a big move would break his bones.

In the crystal ball, Grindelwald's face appeared, right in Paris, just... about three blocks away.

Countless residual images of phantoms filled the entire screen.

Those are--

Nicoléme carefully identified it, and in an instant, he saw the person who used apparation.

Those were no ordinary wizards. They wore strange costumes and had long braids.

A group of people with whom Aurelius had discussed not long ago came to mind - shamans.

"Shaman——Why did the shaman from the Far East get involved with Grindelwald?" Nicolas Flamel was full of surprise.

A group of people who shouldn't have appeared are definitely not good news.

Compared with Grindelwald's magic eye, Nicolas Flamel's crystal ball looks better, but in fact, the two are about the same.

Grindelwald can only see a small fragment, which can be reproduced through a snuff bottle.

Nicoléme seemed to be able to see the overall situation more intuitively, but he seemed to be driving at five times speed, just looking at things at a glance, and it was difficult to collect all the information.

"The Tomb of Père Lachaise—~"—" Nicoléme thought of a place not far from the prophesied location.

The two are next to each other.

Nicolas Flamel could hardly convince himself that this would be a long time coming.

Tonight is the gathering of the Umno Party, and this scene may very well happen tonight!

There is no doubt that this is a big war.

Each shaman seemed to be completing some mysterious ritual using phantom.

Grindelwald waved the wand in his hand frequently, but it was this move that made Nicolas Flamel's drooped eyelids move.

He seemed a little stunned, but soon he showed a smile: "Cunning guy——"

In the dark night, a huge crow covers the sky and the moon, and the bustling Paris seems to be trembling in the flesh under its mouth.


The symbol of the Lestrange family!

Images of the protagonists flashed by, including Grindelwald, Aurelius, Nagini, Newt, Leta, Tina, Queenie, Yusef, McGonagall, Aberforth...

They seemed to be doing their own thing, but these seemingly unrelated things ended up forming a big network.

As the crystal ball flickered dimly for a few times like a dead light bulb, there was no movement at all.

Nicoléme rubbed his head. The complexity of the matter was a bit beyond his expectation. Nicoléme's prophecy is very special. It not only allows us to see a fragment of the future, but also carries some kind of revelation and meaning.

Those pictures are what will appear in the future, but they also have their own meanings. Only pictures that have both "future occurrence" and "symbolic meaning" can he predict, not just look at it.

For example, the huge crow seems to be an unknown black magic, but it also represents the Lestrange family.

This indicates that the Lestrange family will be an extremely important part and even the cause of the predicted war.

The Lestrange family——

Nicoléme frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head. Too long ago!

For this family, Nicoléme's impression of the people and things happened hundreds of years ago, and it should not be delayed until hundreds of years later leading to tonight's war.

"The heir of the Lestrange family...it seems to be that girl——" Nicoléme murmured to himself: "No, no no——"

Nicolas Flamel hurriedly walked to a dusty corner with his small steps. His fingers moved like playing a piano. In the dust, an exquisite invitation flew out from the inside and gently unfolded in front of him. before:

[To: Dear Mr. Nicoléme.

The Lestrange family will hold a birthday dinner for Cobos Lestrange on the evening of June 9, 1904. At that time, your presence will make the entire Lestrange family shine... ....]

"Cobos Lestrange -" Nicoléme stared at the name, his fragile fingers gently leaving a notch on the old invitation.

The invitation is here, but of course he didn't go.

He receives countless such invitations every year. If he goes to every one of them, he will not be able to enjoy his retirement life.

But this invitation letter from the Lestrange family became a revelation for Nicoléme to explore the truth of the prophecy.

One thing is that Nicolas Flamel is the director of Beauxbatons, a French magic school. Every year during the admissions season, as a director, Nicolas Flamel will receive a routine admission list of new students.

"Let me think about it——" Just as Nicoléme recalled where he had thrown the list, a dusty letter flew out from a place like a garbage dump.

"Oh, thank you——" Nicoléme caught it, said it to someone unknown, opened the envelope, and saw the list of 1915.

"No - this name." Nicoléme was not surprised. In fact, he thought this was normal.

The only heir of the French Lestrange family was not able to enter school on time when he was eleven years old.

There is no other possibility. As long as he is a French wizard, no one will refuse Beauxbatons, unless the child is not a wizard, or - dead.

He might want to inform his old friends.

He didn't need a prophecy to figure out that something big would happen tonight, which would definitely cause huge casualties.

This is what Nicolas Flamel did not want to see.

He has experienced too much in his life, and now he has no intention of getting involved in any debate of ideas or the drama of the confrontation between good and evil.

Changes are always happening, but avoidable casualties must be avoided.

This is his idea and the request of an old friend.

Cobos Lestrange must play a special role in this drama, but what role is it?

Nicoléme didn't know that this was not something that prophecy could solve. Every time he peeked into the future, it would bring more unsolved mysteries.

"I can only help you so far, Albus." Nicoléme sighed.

The legendary wizard Nicoléme, who is more than 600 years old, can escape the invitation of death, but cannot bear the erosion of time.


The noise outside the window made Nicoléme look over.

Lines of black gauze came out of nowhere, covering the entire sky, swaying and floating, as if they were going to cover the entire Paris.

Everyone - including the Muggles - were shocked.

This sudden incident beyond their imagination has made many people's hearts throb.


No one knows what happened.

Some curious children even jumped up and grabbed the black veil, but...when the black veil fell to the ground, it disappeared silently, as if it was just an illusion.

Nicoléme looked solemn: It’s begun!

Obviously, this is Grindelwald's handiwork, and he is gathering his followers!

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