Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

144. Mayoris’ Changes (5/5)

March 15, 1922 AD.

This is another historic day for Egypt, a mysterious and ancient country.

Fuad was declared king with the support of Britain, and the Kingdom of Egypt was officially born.

Moreover, Fouad established the Farouk dynasty and appointed King Fouad II after his youngest son's name.

This was the birth of the last feudal autocratic monarchy in Egyptian history.

It sounds very inspiring, but it’s not that at all!

Nominally, the Farouk Dynasty is an independent autocratic monarchy, but in fact, the power to deal with issues such as national defense, diplomacy, and ethnic minorities is all in the hands of the British.

Over the past few years, a large number of Egyptians have been dissatisfied with this, believing that the Farouk dynasty was willing to be a puppet of imperialism, and that Fouad was 'traitoring the country for glory'


Therefore, domestic resistance forces continue.

This is Egypt now!

The changes in the Muggle world seem to have nothing to do with the magical world, and the Muggles' humiliation of their country and power have nothing to do with the Ministry of Magic.

The Egyptian Ministry of Magic is completely independent and relatively closed, with almost no in-depth connections with the Ministry of Magic around the world.

In fact, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic is only an organization in name only, and the local supernatural power practitioners in Egypt do not agree with it. They do not even recognize their identity as wizards, but call themselves "fellow priests".

As one of the four ancient civilizations, Egypt's supernatural priests were separated from the Muggle world thousands of years ago, and have nothing to do with the current Arab Egypt.

They have been passed down from generation to generation and are quite closed.

After coming to Egypt for nearly half a year, Aurelius had never seen any local Egyptian priests, which was evident.

"Hello, Mr. Kowalski, see you again.

"Oh, God! I, I have seen you! Hey! Wait, you are...Mr. Aurelius! Haha, hello, hello, we meet again!" Jacob Laughing, Jacob was undoubtedly much happier this time compared to the last time they met.

"That's great. It seems that your relationship is still hot without the Charm." Aurelius sighed: "True love can't be brought about by the Charm, right? Where's Kui?"

In the mirror, Queenie's cheeks were red: "I, I'm sorry, I won't do this again."

"Baby, you don't need to cast magic on me anymore, I've already been obsessed with you——"

Aurelius couldn't stand seeing this disgusting attitude.

"Okay, you two, I don't think we have communicated across half of the world just because you want me to witness the stability of your relationship, right?" Aurelius couldn't help but interrupt.

"Oh! God, I almost forgot!" Queenie exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Come on, Chastity, come and talk to Aurelius." She shouted in the distance, and Queenie explained to Aurelius in the mirror: "I'm sorry, Aurelius." Us, I'm not in Majoris very often, but I come with Jacob every day to check on the children's homework. The children really like Jacob's desserts, especially the Sweetie Paimon -

Paimon? I’ll blanch! It’s original!

"No, no, it's Sweet Dougal," Jacob corrected.

"Okay, how are the children's homework?" Aurelius didn't care about Paimon or Dougal, he only cared about what he cared about.

"Meditate? You are really a genius!" Queenie became excited: "That magical method really works! I found magic in their bodies!"

"Magic?" Aurelius frowned.

Isn’t this right? It should be mana!

Would mana be the same as magic?

"It's really magic! But -" Queenie paused and knocked her head in distress: "I tried to teach them magic, but I couldn't learn it no matter what. His magic seemed to be very slow, like. … Like a squib.”


Aurelius's eyes flashed.

Could it be said that mana is just dull magic power?

And the reason why Squibs can't learn magic is because their magic is too slow?

Because Squibs possess inert magic, are they immune to the effects of Muggle Expelling Curses and other spells that only work on Muggles?

This is a big discovery!

Aurelius had never noticed it before.

Since he was born with magical powers, his meditation would only promote the growth of his magic powers.

This is not surprising. Everyone in Valoran has learned the "Code of Blades", but Valoran is not only about mana.

…Please give me flowers…

There are also yellow bars of energy, anger, etc.

But these energies can be cultivated through "Code of Blades". So what's the problem with meditation derived from "Code of Blades" being able to cultivate mana and magic power?

"Ah! Clay - Aurelius! Long time no see!" Chastiti's change was particularly great.

The girl who is like light warms everyone, but she herself is timid.

But now, the sun is obviously much brighter. What remains unchanged is the tenderness in his eyes.

"Chastiti, long time no see." Aurelius couldn't help but show a gentle expression.

This special girl has special emotions in the memory of him and his predecessor.


"How's Majolis?"

"Very good! Mr. Kowalski and Ms. Goldstein often come to help us. Well... With the money you left, we are living very well. The children study very seriously...

Speaking of the orphanage, the smile on Chastiti's face never disappeared.

That loving expression appeared on the face of a girl who was not yet eighteen years old, which was a bit inconsistent. But this is the fact. In the Majolis Orphanage, Chastiti, a seventeen-year-old girl, takes on the responsibility of a mother and takes care of hundreds of orphans.

"That's good. It may take some time for me to go back. Thank you for your hard work." Aurelius said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The children all know that you are working hard for the orphanage. They all miss you very much and are grateful to you.

"Haha, this is also the reason why I can persist. If you are well, I will feel at ease." Aurelius laughed.

Chastiti pursed her lips, clasped her hands on her chest, and said emotionally: "You too, Aurelius, you have to take care of yourself, you are our hope.

Aurelius nodded.

Reluctant to leave, Chastiti cut off contact.

Aurelius reached out and picked up a cup of tea. He really missed that little orphanage after being here for more than a year.

Looking at the thick pile of manuscripts on the table, Aurelius sighed.

Almost, the secret of the blood curse will be solved soon!

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