Aurelius and the MAC seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding.

But this was also the beginning of the rancor.

Aurelius could care less, but he couldn't ignore it.

Who knows if one day I will give myself a hard blow?

He lowered his perspective from the world situation to the magical world of Magnesia, then to Majoris, and finally to his low-profile summoner plan.

The ‘occupation that controls the rune puppet battle’ extracted from the Summoner’s Rift line was named ‘Puppet Master’ by Aurelius.

This was the power that Aurelius intended to assemble his followers to bestow.

Although the summoner is also a legacy and can be taught to others, compared to the puppet master who can spread it at will, Aurelius does not plan to spread the summoner's legacy widely at present.

In the final analysis, it is still a question of control.

The puppet master can achieve a strong control effect through the crystal center. No matter how powerful the puppet master is, he will be controlled by the crystal center. In this case, Aurelius certainly hopes that the more puppet masters the better.

But not the Summoner.

Firstly, there are only a limited number of defenders with heroic potential. Without powerful contract heroes, the maximum level of summoners is just that. If you just want to be a contract defender, you might as well learn to be a puppet master.

Secondly, it’s a matter of talent. Everyone can learn Puppet Master, it’s just a matter of speed. But that’s not the case with Summoner. It has requirements for those who learn it.

If the puppet master is a five-axis machine tool, the summoner is the legendary eighth-level fitter.

The third and most important reason is that Aurelius did not think of how to control the summoner's life gate. He has a complete summoner heritage, and any interception can give him an absolute advantage among summoners. However, this only gives him an advantage, not a manipulation.

These days, Aurelius is also thinking about this issue.

In the end, Aurelius locked in the contract.

He decided to intercept the contract. Any summoner who wanted to protect the contract would have to pay attention to the contract. He wanted to make the contract a disposable item similar to the glass version of the summoning crystal. In this way, he took advantage of the summoner's most important resource.

But it's not enough.

Each puppet master consumes a lot of summoning crystals, whether it is upgrading or repairing damage. But each summoner can only use the contract once.

"What else can be transformed into a resource monopoly?" Aurelius frowned and thought, "Equipment soul? Summoner skills? Or runes? It can't be gold coins, right?"


"Why can't it be gold coins?" Aurelius blinked, as if he had discovered a blind spot.

Gold coins are formed after gold has been transformed into gold coin columns. Used to make equipment souls.

The gold coin column seems to be a basic ability that every summoner has, but who lets Aurelius decide the summoners in this world?

If he can intercept the contract, he can intercept the gold coin column. No one can make gold coins except him.

In this way, gold coins become a unique material. Other summoners want equipment? Yes, serve him and get gold coins.

The number of equipment is limited and the equipment is permanent. Who needs gold coins after being equipped with Liushen?

There are also consumables!

Do you want various mixtures? Do you use various potions? Are you tempted by the life-saving stopwatch? Aren’t you envious of the True Eye, which has a duration but can be used as a teleportation anchor? Is the powerful thug Rift Pioneer Hala less?

None? If people don't care about you, what are you waiting for if you don't wait for a beating?

Contract control, gold coin monopoly, and the splitting of equipment souls into independent professions, as well as the retention of runes.

Nothing is a strong control, but a multi-pronged approach is already available!

The road ahead is clear and you can leave!

Aurelius smiled broadly.

He wasn't lying, he did plan to travel around the world.

The purpose, of course, is to find materials for making the Crystal Hub.

Puppet Master is his chassis. Without a huge puppet master to serve him, even if he uses powerful force to forcefully occupy the Magic Congress, it will not help - he can't control it!

What he wants is a magical world that can be clenched into a fist in order to win the qualification to sit on the card table, not a super villain who pursues chaos and wants to destroy the world.

All he was missing was the Crystal Nexus.

Mayoris is on the right track, and Chastiti will help him take care of his home.

Most of the children have already developed their magic power, they just need to practice step by step.

When Aurelius returns with the Crystal Nexus, these helpless children will become an endless army.

After handing the matter over to Chastiti, Aurelius left quietly one early morning.

He didn't leave directly.

Because before leaving, he still wanted to solve a question: Modesty, the girl who sang "The Witch's Broom" and hopscotched, why did she have a magic wand?

This is also very easy to do.

Queens, Sweet Bakery.

Looking at the crowded shop, Aurelius smiled, held up his hat, and walked in.

The chubby Mr. Kowalski was busy greeting customers, and several shop assistants were carrying back large bags of flour from outside.

The whole store is filled with unique baked goods, each one full of imagination.

But coincidentally, there are many Aurelius who have seen them here.

The invisible beasts Dougal, Niffler, and Birdsnake.

It's just a little fatter, and there are many Q-versions. Many dangerous-looking magical animals have become cute in this style of painting, not to mention the already cute little guy like Xiu Xiu.

The secret recipe inherited from my grandmother, coupled with the careful and exquisite shape, has become the secret recipe of Sweet Bakery.

Jacob was so busy that he had no time to stop. He was always between the food pick-up port and the counter.

With a friendly smile on his chubby face, he would chat with guests from time to time - he seemed very happy and satisfied with his current life.

Do what you love and make the money you love.

Aurelius looked at him, and inadvertently, he could always see a little confusion and melancholy on Jacob's face.

He also has troubles, and he also has some emptiness.

He lost a very important person.

What a coincidence!

This is the purpose of Aurelius coming, he also needs a very important person.

What's more, what they need may still be the same person, a woman-Queenie Goldstein.

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