"Sorry, sir, we're closing."

Jacob walked up to Aurelius apologetically.

He has noticed this man for a long time. He came here very early, but he has never made a choice and has no intention of leaving.

"I'm here to see you, Mr. Kowalski." Aurelius took off his hat.

"Looking for me? Wait a minute, sir, I don't seem to know you." Jacob looked confused.

Aurelius smiled, stopped talking nonsense, and went straight to the point: "So... Queenie, do you know Queenie Goldstein?"

Jacob murmured the name: "Queenie? Queenie Goldstein? So familiar...but...where have I heard of it?"

"Just familiarity?" Aurelius asked.

"Uh-what if?"

Aurelius frowned.

This is wrong!

Jacob should not have his memory wiped away!

"Boss, I'm leaving first!" A young man came out of the kitchen and said to Jacob with a smile.

"Okay, Hendry, come early tomorrow. You're late again today." Jacob replied.

The young man named Hendry scratched his head and walked away embarrassedly.

"I'm curious, Mr. Kowalski, do you really not remember?" Aurelius looked at him.

"Me, what should I remember?" Jacob couldn't help but feel funny. He was really a weirdo. "Sir, my store receives hundreds of customers every day. How can I remember who I have met? I can remember that they are familiar. It’s already pretty good.”

"I don't know if you are a spy or a policeman. All I can do is tell you what I know. Do you have anything else?" Jacob spread his hands helplessly.

This is a big problem.

Was Jacob really wiped out of his memory?

"What about the other guy? Newt Scamander—"

"..." Jacob was startled, and he pointed at him: "You-how did you know?"

"What do I know? Scamander?"

"Wait, wait..." Jacob shook his head and patted his face with both hands: "I... that's not a dream! That's really not a dream!"

"A dream? What kind of dream?"

Jacob seemed to have lost his strength and sat on the chair behind the cashier. He couldn't help but said: "I thought it was just a ridiculous dream. At that time - I was still a cannery worker, but I was very unhappy. , I love making bread, and more than once I wanted to quit my job and open a bakery.”

"Uh-huh -" Aurelius motioned for him to continue.

"That day...it rained heavily. I stood on the street and looked at the bank door. I wanted to go in and get a loan, but I didn't dare to take a step. I am a coward." Jacob told him about his story. Delusion: "I dreamed about a man, a man named Newt Scamander. He had a magical suitcase. Can you imagine? The suitcase was as big as a world! We all experienced a In a fantasy adventure, I saw countless wonderful animals, and I made them all into bread..."

"So, there was no person named Queenie Goldstein in your dream?" Aurelius had great compassion for Queenie. The No-Maj that she never forgot about actually forgot about her.

It would be okay if he forgot about her, after all, magic washed away the memory. But unfortunately, he only forgot about her, but he still remembered that shy little freckle.

Queenie knew she would go crazy, right?

"I don't remember, maybe. It was two months ago. I picked up a box when I was off work, or someone gave it to me on purpose. It was filled with broken eggshells made of silver. Maybe it was What kind of artwork. There is a note inside, and it’s this—" Jacob pulled out a note from behind the name tag on his collar.

"Dear Mr. Kowalski, you are wasting your talent in the cannery. Please use these bird and snake eggshells as collateral to get a loan to open a bakery. This is a kindhearted person..."

"Bird and snake - this is the little guy who appeared in my dream. At that time, I was doubting that it was not a dream." Jacob pointed to the words on the note and smiled bitterly: "Who would believe it? ?I told myself time and time again that I am no longer a child, such fantasies are too...you know."

"Okay, Mr. Kowalski, just think of it as a dream. Knowing too much is not good for you. I'm sorry to bother you. I wish you a prosperous business -" Aurelius was about to give up.

Maybe he changed part of the plot. At least the place where Grindelwald was captured was a square instead of a subway station.

This may have resulted in Jacob being out in the rain longer and forgetting more things.

The poison of the Winged Demon is not forgotten. The diluted venom can make people forget some bad things.

For most No-Majs, the disaster in New York is their most vivid memory of the bad things.

But for Jacob, those magical animals were a fantasy adventure, so he remembered them, but due to his incomplete memory, he thought it was just a dream.

Queenie should have been here, but she discovered that Jacob forgot that she still remembered Newt, which may have made Queenie realize that the two days they spent together were not love.

It’s hard to say.

However, their love was originally an unethical love under the current circumstances of the country, so it was good that it ended this way.

Just when Aurelius was about to say goodbye and leave, a familiar voice sounded at the door of the store: "Hi! Dear, why is it so late today? There are still customers..."

Aurelius turned his head - Queenie!

The well-dressed Queenie waved at the door with a bright smile, but she couldn't hold back when she saw Aurelius's face.

Her expression froze.

"Hi! Honey, yes, this is my guest, but I'll be fine soon - what's wrong with you?" Jacob's expression was questioning.

Aurelius looked at Queenie playfully, but said to Jacob: "Mr. Kowalski, may I ask who this lady is..."

"Oh, this is my girlfriend..." Jacob just started, but Queenie took over.

She hugged Jacob's arm with a sweet smile: "Midley, just call me Midley."

"Medley? Okay, Miss Medley, I'm Aurelius from the coffee shop across the street. I just wanted to say hello to Mr. Jacobs. I'm sorry to bother you." After speaking playfully, Aurelius Si turned around and left, walking into the coffee shop opposite.

"A cup of coffee, thank you."

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