September 1st!

In the parking lot of King's Cross Station, Ethan was saying goodbye to his parents while pulling a suitcase.

The suitcase was just a cover, containing some clothes and a box with a traceless stretching spell cast on it.

The box contained a lot of books, as well as potion materials collected during this period, as well as fire dragon brains frozen with a freezing spell, the corpse of a Mortra rat and other sundries.

The winged demon and the voldebat were also carried with him.

The winged demon was relatively easy to deal with, just turn it into a ball and put it in Ethan's pocket.

This was its dormant form, a form that existed for camouflage and to reduce consumption. It completely lacked the predatory aura that belonged to dangerous magical animals. As long as it was not exposed, outsiders would not know that Ethan had such a thing in his pocket.

The fire dragon brain was prepared for it. Under normal circumstances, the winged demon only ate fresh brains of live food, but the fire dragon brain was an exception. It was very happy even if it was frozen.

Moreover, dragon brain is not expensive, cheaper than dragon liver at 16 Sickles per ounce. Although this thing contains magic power, it has not been found to have any effect in potions, and the entire wizarding world does not eat brains.

Voldemort is in trouble. Although this thing looks like a cloak, any wizard with a little knowledge can see what it is. In addition, its notoriety makes it the kind that cannot be exposed at Hogwarts.

For this reason, Ethan also specially made a platinum pendant, which is hollow at the bottom. Ethan cast the traceless extension spell on it. Due to its small size, it took a long time to succeed.

The space inside is only the size of a room, but it is enough for Voldemort.

It is impossible for people to enter this extremely small traceless extension spell item because the entrance is too small, but it is just right for Voldemort.

With this traceless extension necklace as a cover, Voldemort can also be carried by Ethan.

Moreover, in the past month, Ethan has become more and more familiar with the Voldemort. He can control it as a cloak as he wants, as long as the Voldemort cooperates.

With one action, the Voldemort automatically puts a hood on Ethan, making Ethan's entire face shrouded in a layer of black mist, but it does not affect his vision, which can perfectly hide all of Ethan's images.

Not only that, this Voldemort cloak also has super magic resistance, especially in black magic, it can automatically resist some upcoming spells for Ethan.

It is definitely the best auxiliary prop. Only the Voldemort is almost untamable, otherwise the Voldemort cloak is definitely a popular existence in the wizarding world.

In terms of magic, Ethan is not idle either, especially the brain block is the focus.

Of course, this improvement is also obvious.

Name: Ethan Adrian

Age: 11

Bloodline: Wizard

Talent:"Super Soul" (a heavier soul, bringing higher learning efficiency and casting speed)《Strengthen your body (improve your physical fitness and adaptability to magic through exercise))《Heart of Darkness (improves black magic talent, and uses black magic without any emotional assistance)《Focus" (greatly improve learning efficiency)《(Animal Affinity) (Also effective on magical creatures.)

Spells: Killing Curse (10), Cruciatus Curse (10), Imperius Curse (10), Occlumency (6), Armor Curse (4), Extension Curse (4), Siphon Energy (4), Shadow Moves (3), Mark of the Demon (2), Transfiguration (2), Petrification (3), Disillusionment (3), Revelation (3), Levitation (2), Illumination (2), Miniaturization (2), Flame (2)... After entering the station, Ethan followed the signs to Platform 9.

However, as Ethan walked in, he found that the people around him were wearing more and more strange clothes.

Wearing a cotton jacket on the upper body and shorts on the lower body, this explosive outfit is not an isolated case. There are also big men with full beards, but wearing long skirts and high heels.

"It's the same every year. You'll get used to it. Not only will there be kids asking where Platform 9 3/4 is, but there will also be these weirdly dressed guys."

"Is there anything special today?"

"I don't know, does the first day of school count?"

Listening to the conversation between two station staff members, Ethan rushed over and bumped into a pillar next to them, but the two staff members seemed not to see it and continued to talk about the previous topic.

A sense of squeezing came, and then the vision became clear. What did he bump into?


Following the sound, I saw a young girl lying on a pile of gifts.

Why was this girl blocking the door?

But she bumped into someone after all, and Ethan quickly helped her up. He also helped her up with her luggage.

But this guy looks a little familiar!

"Big front teeth, it's you!"

Hermione, the iconic big front teeth and thick, messy brown hair! I've met her once before, so I know her.

It turns out that the person who asked the staff where the Nine and Three Quarters Station was just now was her!

Hermione, who also recognized Ethan, was about to say hello, but when she heard the three words"big front teeth", her face immediately darkened.

This name brought back some bad memories for her.

"Thank you!"

After thanking her, Hermione held her luggage and walked forward, not wanting to say a word more.

"I still remember this!"

Ethan shook his head and sighed.

It has been about three years since the multi-school summer camp, and both Hermione and Ethan were there. In the evening activity competition, Hermione was the best until Ethan came on stage. Whether it was memory or logic, Hermione's strengths were crushed.

At the end, Ethan's words"Don't be sad, at least your front teeth are bigger than mine!"

The little girl couldn't hold it anymore and cried in front of everyone.

But remember it!

Ethan, who looked indifferent, didn't bother to worry about it. He pulled the suitcase and got on the red steam train.

Because they came late, many carriages that passed by were full. This can't be blamed on Ethan. After all, wizards come directly here by magic, and Ethan has to take a car for dozens of kilometers in the morning to get there.

Walking all the way to the second half, I found a relatively empty carriage with only a little witch in it.

""Excuse me, can I sit in?"

The little witch who was reading in the compartment looked up and lowered her head again.

If she didn't say anything, I would assume she agreed.

Ethan opened the door of the compartment and went in directly. After putting the suitcase on the shelf, he sat down opposite her. Only then did he realize that this person was the one who sat opposite him when he was eating ice cream at Florin's Ice Cream Shop last time.

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