"Can we sit in here?"

The door was opened again, and Hermione appeared again, with thick and shaggy brown hair and big front teeth, followed by a round-faced fat boy, who looked a little timid and uneasy.

Cassandra didn't even raise her head this time, and looked nonchalant.

Ethan could only nod and invite them in. Although the little witch from the opposite side entered the carriage first, according to the rules, anyone has the right to sit in the carriage, and the carriage does not belong to an individual.

Looking at Ethan in the carriage, Hermione was a little embarrassed, because the meeting just now was not pleasant.

But the words were already said, so she could only come in, put away the gifts, Neville sat down next to Ethan, and Hermione sat next to the little witch.

Hermione's acquaintance with Neville was also a coincidence. When she asked the staff at the station about platform nine and three quarters and was told that there was no platform, she was a little at a loss. Fortunately, Neville's grandmother brought her in.

Enter After reaching the platform, Neville was pulled aside by his grandmother to talk about something, while Hermione was still at the entrance condemning Hogwarts' irresponsibility towards Muggle students. After all, who would know how to enter in this way without someone leading the way?

But before Hermione could leave, she was bumped by Ethan who came from behind.

Hermione, who was in a bad mood, walked forward with her luggage and met Neville who was also saying goodbye to his grandmother. The two found this carriage together. If they had known earlier, they would have walked to the back.

The atmosphere was really awkward. Ethan, the little witch and Hermione were all looking at the magic books in their hands. Only Neville sat timidly aside to reduce his presence. There was no communication throughout the whole process.

Neville already regretted following Hermione into this carriage. There were no seats, and sitting on the suitcase in the corridor was better than entering this carriage.

"Your scabby kid ran out!"

The silence in the carriage was broken by Ethan.


Neville turned around and looked at Ethan in confusion.

Even the two little witches on the opposite side raised their heads and fixed their eyes on Ethan.

What the hell was he talking about just now?

"Your toad has escaped."

Okay!" He spoke in dialect in excitement.

Ethan took a deep breath, pointed under the table, and repeated it again in words they could understand.

Ethan, who was reading a book just now, felt something on his shoes. He looked down and found that it was a toad. He felt bad immediately. Sure enough, his animal affinity attracted some bad things.

And this thing had a tendency to jump onto Ethan's legs. If he hadn't known that it was Neville's pet, Ethan would have kicked it directly.

""Ah, Rifle!"

Neville screamed and lowered his head to check the situation.

After seeing Rifle squatting on Ethan's feet, Neville immediately leaned down and grabbed him.

The toad in Neville's hand was still struggling, desperately wanting Neville's palm.

There was no way, Neville could only slam it into his pocket and cover it tightly.

Ethan could clearly see the curiosity in Hermione's eyes and the contempt of the other little witch.

"Why did you bring a toad? Is this popular in the wizarding world?"

Hermione finally asked. He really wanted to know something about the wizarding world. So far, he had only read about it in books.

"No, this is not popular in the wizarding world!"

"He is just an exception."

The little witch next to Hermione put down her book and defended the wizarding world. It has always been the wizards who despised Muggles, and they couldn't let this fool tarnish the reputation of pure-blood wizards.

She had long recognized who this little fat boy was. Among pure-blood families, Neville was quite famous, although not in a positive way.

"Sorry, Laifu is a gift from my uncle when I was eight years old.……"

Neville told his legendary experience, which was the difficult history of awakening magic. He almost died several times, but he succeeded in the end and was rewarded with the scabby Borafo.

Hermione was stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect the wizarding world to be so wild.

"Are you sure that your uncle gave you a toad out of happiness and not any other emotions?"

Ethan was a little curious about this.

Although this thing is called a toad in Great Britain, toads are not a good choice as pets.

Students can bring owls, toads, and mice to school at Hogwarts, but the main function of toads is that parts of their bodies can be used as medicinal materials, while mice are experimental subjects for spells and potions.

Only a very small number of people really keep them as pets, and the reason they can bring them is because they are not dangerous.

The reason why the Weasley family uses mice as pets is because they are poor and cannot afford other pets.

If they can afford owls, do they want mice?

Just like Percy, after becoming a prefect and getting an owl as a reward, she gave the mouse to Ron on the spot.

The Weasley family is poor, but the Longbottom family is not poor. From the memory ball sent to him by Neville's grandmother, it can be seen that this is definitely a not cheap alchemical product, and it may even be specially customized for Neville.

"I think so! I have been stupid since I was a child. I might be sent back to Hogwarts this time.……"

Neville fell into an emo state. He had always felt very inferior, thinking that he had no talent at all. Perhaps none of the four colleges would accept him.

Hermione looked at Ethan speechlessly, as if to say, look at what you have done.

The other little wizard also scratched his hair on his forehead. The glory of a pure-blood wizard was about to be ruined by him!

"Since you have received the admission letter, you will not be rejected."

Ethan still comforted him, and of course it was true.

If Neville had not been cursed, he would definitely be an extremely good wizard, or the prophecy of the savior was not just Harry, but a prophecy of two people.

Without Neville's sword to kill Nagini at the critical moment, Harry would not have been able to achieve the final victory. It can be said that both of them are indispensable.


Neville perked up a little.

"Of course, have you ever heard of anyone who failed to enroll after receiving an admission letter?"

Ethan shrugged and said undeniably.

The only person Ethan knew who was expelled from Hogwarts was a Squib.

He did not receive an admission letter, but broke into Hogwarts on the enrollment day and snatched the sorting hat of other young wizards, but was told by the sorting hat that he had no magical talent and could not become a student of Hogwarts.

"Neville Longbottom!"

Facing Ethan, Neville solemnly said his name.

Over the years, all the other people of his age he had met had laughed at and despised him, and only a handful of them had offered him kindness and comfort.

"Ethan, Adrian!"

Ethan also reacted

"Hermione Granger!"

Hermione also said with a smile

"Cassandra Wallace, the pride of Slytherin in the future!

Cassandra raised her head proudly and swore

"Are you a senior from Slytherin?"

Hermione asked hesitantly.

She had always thought that everyone present was her peer, and from what she had learned from wizard books this summer, she did not like Slytherin.

"No, I am also a freshman this year, but I will definitely go to Slytherin.

Cassandra was very sure of this.

It turned out to be her!

The character in the game, but the era seemed a little wrong.

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