Ravenclaw's dormitory is a standard four-person room. There are bronze curtains hanging above the four four-poster beds, and sky blue decorations dotted around. Like the common room, the main colors are blue and bronze.

Through the window of the room, you can clearly see the mountains and wilderness in the distance, as well as the Quidditch field below. There are ten new students in Ravenclaw this year, and the boys just fill one dormitory. Terry

Boot, who seems to have been sorted quite early, is a slightly thin black-haired boy who talks a lot. Michael

Corner, with brown hair, is tall and thin and is relatively silent.

Gene Croft, with blond hair, is a little fat and likes to laugh.

After putting away the luggage and washing up, Ethan climbed into bed. We definitely can't go out at night today. The stairs in Hogwarts will move, and we are not familiar with the road. We are afraid that if we go out, it will be a problem whether we can come back.

"Before this summer vacation, I couldn't imagine that there would be a day when I would become a wizard. My parents are ordinary people. My father works in a bank and my mother is a full-time housewife. When I received the admission letter, I thought it was a prank."

"Fortunately, Professor Sprout came to explain everything, otherwise I might not be able to come to Hogwarts."

Terry Boot leaned on the bed and said to the two of them excitedly. He was just entering the magical world, and the excitement made him not sleepy at all.

"As for me, I don't know if I am half-blood. My mother's wizard was also born to Muggles. She said that after graduating from Hogwarts, she returned to the Muggle world. My father is just an ordinary person."

"It was just that before receiving the admission letter, my mother had never revealed her identity as a wizard. The moment she said it, my father was terrified."

"Also, my mother was originally a Hufflepuff student, and I thought I would go to Hufflepuff as well."

Michael Corner was not so excited, on the contrary, he was a little worried.

He learned from his mother that it was not easy for Muggle-born wizards to find jobs after graduating from Hogwarts, and even if they did, they would not find good jobs, so not many Muggle wizards could stay in the wizarding world. For example, his mother had not used a wand for more than ten years.

In order to prove that she was a wizard that day, his mother searched through boxes and cabinets at home for a wand, and finally found it in the innermost utility room.

"My parents are both wizards. My mom graduated from Slytherin and my dad graduated from Gryffindor. They both work in the Ministry of Magic now. My dad told me that it was my mom who pursued her first. Before I came here, they were still discussing whether I would go to Gryffindor or Slytherin.……"

Gene Croft, listening to him, Ethan always felt that this was a standard template for a protagonist from a wizard family, especially if he had some talent.

"Terry and I are in the same situation. We are all from ordinary families. Professor McGonagall came to ask for admission.

Ethan also briefly explained his situation.

"By the way, Ethan, you spent more than ten minutes in the sorting today. I heard from the seniors next to you that this is a joke. How did you do it?"

Terry was a little curious about this. He learned from others that this was a very remarkable thing.

"I didn't do anything, it's just that the Sorting Hat was wondering which house I should go to."

Ethan naturally wouldn't say that the Sorting Hat was telling him about Azkaban.

"If the Sorting Hat is confused, then you must be suitable for multiple houses. You must be excellent. No wonder the seniors are so excited."

Terry sighed. He had just put on the hat for only two or three seconds, and it was confirmed.

However, it is not bad to be sorted into Ravenclaw.

Next, the four of them talked about many topics, from Diagon Alley, Gringotts, choosing wands, holiday life to today's Hogwarts Express.

It was just that Terry was talking most of the time, while Ethan, Michael and Gene occasionally chimed in.

But not long after, the dormitory gradually became quiet. At first, Michael fell asleep, and then Gene stopped moving. Terry couldn't stand it anymore, and after saying good night to Ethan, he fell asleep.

Rushed to the station early in the morning, and then took the train for more than ten hours. Now that he was full and full, he was prone to sleepiness. It was good enough to be able to hold on until now.

Ethan was staring at his panel at the moment.

After entering Hogwarts, he has completed a total of two achievements so far.


Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, please teach us knowledge, whether we are bald old men or children with broken knees, our minds can accept some interesting mistakes, because our brains are empty, full of air, dead flies and trivialities. Teach us some valuable knowledge, give us back what we have forgotten, you just need to work hard, and leave the rest to us. We will study hard until it turns into dung.

Achievement goal: Arrive at Hogwarts (1/1)

Achievement reward: Random talent


We come from the lakeside, we are wise and knowledgeable, we love to study, we are different from ordinary people, we are far-sighted, we never give up, we are Ravenclaw

Achievement goal: Join Ravenclaw College (1/1)

Achievement reward: Thinking ability, spell talent, alchemy talent are improved

This reward is a bit generous, and the talent ability is definitely stronger than the reward of a magic.

And the reward for joining Ravenclaw can only be said to be great.

Ethan already has a double learning talent improvement, as well as the reward wizard talent, double black magic talent, and potion talent.

Now he has obtained the improvement of thinking ability, spell talent, and alchemy talent. It can only be said that this BUFF is too thick.

This random talent is not bad. 'Flame affinity' improves the control and power of fire magic. The deeper the understanding of fire magic, the greater the improvement.

This world does not divide the magic of the elements, but there are magic involving various elements.

Among them, there are relatively many fire ones, such as the fierce fire spell, the fire escape body protection, and the fire god clearing the way.

What impressed Ethan the most was Grindelwald's gas stove, which was really powerful and gorgeous.

【Thank you for the three monthly tickets from the boss Fenglinzhongqilin. Thank you very much! 】

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