The next day, just after seven o'clock, Ethan woke up early from his sleep. This has become a habit.

Taking out the timetable that was delivered with the gift yesterday, Ethan found that the courses at Hogwarts were arranged quite easily.

There are eight courses: Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying, History of Magic, and Astronomy. Among them, Flying, History of Magic, and Astronomy are once a week, and the rest are twice a week.

Each class is one hour long, and there is a half-hour break between the next class. Except for the two consecutive classes of Potions, other courses are separated.

Class time is from 9:00 to 11:30 in the morning and from 1:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon. The astronomy class is on Wednesday night.

The four colleges have classes together. There are only about 70 freshmen in total, and one classroom can accommodate them all.

Besides, if they were separated, there would only be one professor for each subject, but he would have to teach seven grades, divided into two groups of fourteen classes. Many professors also have other duties, such as the dean. As the dean, they also have to deal with some affairs of their own college. When teaching, they also have to prepare lessons, correct homework, and prepare for exams.

If you calculate it this way, the professors are still alive. Even cattle and horses cannot be used like this.

There was only one Transfiguration class this morning, which started at nine o'clock. It was still early.

The other three were still sleeping soundly, and Ethan did not wake them up. He washed up and left the dormitory.

""Senior, good morning!"

When Ethan arrived at the common room, he saw Penelope at a glance. Of course, besides her, there were also several seniors, each holding a book and reading it.

They were all really diligent.

"Good morning, Ethan. Are you used to living in the Ravenclaw dormitory?"

Penelope raised her head and greeted Ethan with a smile.

"It feels okay. I don't recognize the bed."

Ethan sat down next to Penelope and saw the book"Standard Five Spells" in her hand.》

"It's half past seven, let's go and have breakfast with my senior sister."

Penelope stood up and stretched, revealing her perfect curves. She is sixteen years old and has developed very well. She is not lacking in nutrition at all.

"Senior sister got up early to read?"

Following Penelope, Ethan asked curiously

"Getting up at six to read is not too early."

Then he added:"This year we will have an O、W、L、I want to get O in all subjects, so I have to be serious."

"Senior, it should be no problem!"

Being able to be a prefect is enough to prove their excellence, especially for a Ravenclaw prefect. A simple exam will definitely not be a problem for them.

O、W、L、The S exam is an ordinary wizarding level exam, which is held in the fifth year and is directly related to the study of subsequent courses.

There is also an N exam in the seventh year.、E、W、T、The s exam is a senior wizard exam. The results of this exam are directly related to the development after graduation. Only those who get high scores can become core members of the Ministry of Magic.

"This is indeed not very difficult, but forget it, let's not talk about it!"

Penelope said as she lost interest. If it was just an assessment, she would definitely be among the best in her class, but it was not the case when it came to other aspects.

So she could only improve her own evaluation as much as possible to add more opportunities for herself after graduation.

Ethan also knew what she wanted to say, but it was better to pretend not to know at this moment.

The class solidification of wizards is indeed too serious, much more serious than that of Muggles.

Not long after, the two came to the auditorium. Whether it was a meeting, a meal, or a holiday celebration, they all came to this auditorium.

Breakfast was just so-so, far less rich than last night, milk, oatmeal, boiled potatoes, bread, ham, eggs, bacon, take it yourself

"There are a total of 142 staircases in Hogwarts. Some of the staircases will change. For example, you only want to go to the third floor, but you end up on the fifth floor. It is not uncommon for new wizards to be late because of this problem."

"It's still early, shall I take you for a walk?"

After wiping her mouth elegantly, Penelope said to Ethan.

""Okay, then thank you, senior sister!"

Of course Ethan would not refuse such a good thing.

After all, it would be easier to go on a night tour if you are familiar with the roads of Hogwarts.

There is no good thing in this world without a reason.

Penelope was so enthusiastic because of Ethan's awkwardness, in order to make as many connections as possible.

However, in the process of communicating with Ethan, she found that Ethan was not only handsome, but also spoke well and was quite pleasant to get along with.

He was just a little younger, so he was more sincere and treated as a friend.

Among the three awkwards in this world, the dead Peter Pettigrew received the first-level badge of the Order of Merlin, and the remaining two were even more amazing, one was Professor McGonagall and the other was Professor Flitwick. (Some news said that Flitwick was also awkward, and he couldn't decide between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw and finally went to Ravenclaw, which was exactly the opposite of Professor McGonagall.)

Ethan, who has the same talent, may be able to reach their level. A professor of an academy has a very high status in the wizarding world. It is quite high. Who among the graduates of this academy would not give them some face?

The reason why Penelope is like this is that there was a bad precedent before.

Penelope, who was born as a Muggle wizard, had a senior sister who took good care of her when she enrolled. She was also born as a Muggle. After graduating two years ago, she was rejected by the Ministry of Magic many times in interviews. Various large magic industries were unwilling to accept her. Finally, after working as a temporary worker in Hogsmeade Village for three months, she chose to leave the wizarding world.

This summer vacation, Penelope also went to visit this senior sister and found that she was not living well in the Muggle world and became a cashier in a bakery.

Now she is almost twenty years old, has not even finished junior high school, has no skills, can't use magic, and can't find a good job at all. However, the senior sister has adapted to the life of Muggles and started a relationship.

But Penelope is unwilling to return to the Muggle world in a gloomy way like this senior sister. She wants to change her destiny.

"Don't walk along the wall, otherwise the floor it reaches is completely random."

"And this, you can't run on the stairs. If you do, the stairs will be out of place, and sometimes there will be a gap where you can fall."


"Okay, these are the moving stairs, remember them?"

"Remember, thank you for your help, senior sister."

It is no exaggeration to say that Ethan's memory is now photographic. Remembering the pattern of these stairs is not stressful at all.

"Well, it's almost time for class, I have to go to the Charms classroom now."

Looking at the back of the senior sister who hurriedly left, Ethan turned around and went to the Transfiguration classroom.

As the head of the class, although it was Penelope's responsibility to take care of the freshmen, there was no need to do this.

Ethan knew the reason for this, but she didn't hate it. There is a reward for every effort, she just invested in advance.

Besides, who can refuse the initiative of a big wave senior sister?

【Thanks to the big brother and follow the wind and Tianma Xingkong 2002 for their monthly tickets. 】

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