"Mr. Adrian, I am Minerva McGonagall, the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts, the dean of Gryffindor, and the professor of Transfiguration."

Professor McGonagall introduced herself immediately.

As the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts, she is also one of the few reliable professors. She is responsible for half of the new students from Muggle families every summer vacation.

Over the years, Professor McGonagall has seen many Muggle families, and even experienced being robbed and pointed at many times. She summarized the following points.

Families who do not believe it at all and just think it is a prank will basically ignore the admission notice.

When facing such families, Professor McGonagall has to show off her skills when she visits them, such as turning the door into a lion, etc. As for those Muggle families who are skeptical and send a reply letter within the specified time according to the rules, Professor McGonagall also follows the rules, confirms the time and then visits them to show off her skills.

It can be said that she is very experienced.

"Welcome, Professor McGonagall, please come in and take a seat."

Faced with a wizard with extraordinary powers, Philemon Adrian did not dare to neglect

"Professor McGonagall, although we believe that no one would use this kind of thing to play a prank, can you please prove it?"

After greeting and inviting Professor McGonagall to take a seat, Nitia couldn't help but say.

Although she believed in the existence of magic, as a mother, she must know more about the situation.

"Of course, this is also one of the purposes of my coming here, to prove the authenticity of magic, that little Adrian was indeed admitted to the magic school, and to take little Adrian to buy school supplies."

Professor McGonagall smiled and nodded, then took out her wand and gently waved it at the fruit plate on the coffee table.

In an instant, the fruit plate and the seven apples in it turned into cats, a total of eight British shorthairs, one big and seven small. After the cats were transformed, they were not honest and jumped off the coffee table one after another.

This move really shocked Philemon and Nitia. What happened right in front of them couldn't be a trick, it was definitely magic.

"Professor McGonagall, is this Transfiguration?"

Ethan grabbed a cream-colored kitten and tried to see if he could find any difference from a real cat.

The short and dense fur was very elastic, and the body was thick enough to feel the movement of the muscles. Because of the discomfort caused by Ethan's technique, it was already struggling and meowing.

No matter from which aspect, this was a real British shorthair. Not only did it look the same, but its behavior was also the same. It was completely in line with the habits of a cat, and it was not as dull as Ethan imagined.

No wonder there were Gamp's laws of transfiguration, the first of which was that food could not be produced by Transfiguration.

After all, the transformed food looked exactly like the real thing, and it was completely indistinguishable.

I can only say that this Transfiguration is really awesome.

"That's right, this is Transfiguration. If you have a talent for this, you can join my club in the future."

Professor McGonagall was very pleased with Ethan's expression.

Soon, Ethan asked again:"Professor McGonagall, are these cats under your control?"

"I mean, the one in my hand, and the other two that are scratching the sofa, after all, it looks like something a cat would do."

Only then did Professor McGonagall become serious. This little wizard was indeed different from the others. It was the first time for her to encounter such a problem after working as a freshman receptionist for so many years.

She immediately answered,"No, although I can control all their actions, I am not doing so at the moment. This is all their own instinct."

"Professor McGonagall, you mean that they have become cats and have the natural reactions of cats. Before you remove the Transfiguration, they are cats, right?"

"That's right!"

Professor McGonagall was very satisfied with Ethan's answer. With this high sensitivity to Transfiguration, this boy should come to our Gryffindor.

Think about what has happened in the past two years?

The Weasley twins were the ones who brought Gryffindor to the bottom of the valley.

"Professor McGonagall, did you add the reaction after the transformation when you transformed?"

Ethan asked

"No, this is not something I added, but Transfiguration is like this. To achieve a perfect transformation, you need clear thinking and deep cognition."

Seeing that Ethan had no more questions, Professor McGonagall began to talk with Philemon and Nitia. Showing magic was only the first step.

The rest needed to answer a series of questions about Hogwarts, including the learning environment, holiday issues, and communication with the family.

After all, you can't show off your magic and then the other party will hand the child to you without knowing anything. Who knows if you are using the child for some experiment. (That would be a threat.)

Ethan didn't pay attention to Professor McGonagall's conversation with his parents. He was still immersed in thinking about Transfiguration. After all, he knew something about the situation in Hogwarts.

Although Professor McGonagall's answer just now was not clear, it could only be regarded as a concept.

But the education in the wizarding world is like this. You can't expect professors to crush all the knowledge and feed it to you.

Understand, think, and do it. , then they are talented, otherwise they are stupid, and the professors have no choice but to give up on these students. (If you don't do well in the fifth-year OWLS exam, you will lose the qualification to continue studying this course.)

Professor McGonagall's words, combined with Ethan's experience of using black magic in the past two days, Transfiguration mainly relies on consciousness and magic.

This is completely different from black magic that requires negative emotions and the Patronus Charm of positive emotions.

In your subconscious cognition, the transformed object has what characteristics and what form it is, so it will be what it is after transformation.

In other words, as long as you have enough magic power, enough cognition, and enough understanding of Transfiguration, then not only magical animals, but also mythical creatures can be transformed, and they are still the forms in your consciousness.

In this way, the level of Transfiguration is really quite high.

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