Soon, Professor McGonagall finished talking to Ethan's parents and turned her attention to Ethan again.

Professor McGonagall completed today's reception mission very smoothly. Compared with the endless variety of strange questions from other parents, this couple mainly asked about the learning environment and the various rules and regulations of Hogwarts.

"It is normal that you don't understand Transfiguration before you have received systematic training. You can think about it after entering Hogwarts. If you still don't understand, you can ask me."

Professor McGonagall saw Ethan was still thinking while petting the cat, and immediately comforted him.

""Okay, thank you Professor McGonagall!"

Ethan put down the cat in his hand and said to Professor McGonagall with a smile.

"This is my duty as a professor!"

Professor McGonagall casually waved her wand, and eight cats, one big and seven small, floated in the air and turned back into fruit plates and apples, which were placed on the coffee table as before.

Even the sofa, which was scratched by the cats after the transformation, was restored to its original state.

After doing all this, Professor McGonagall stood up and said to Ethan:

"Mr. and Mrs. Adrian, it's time to go to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies."

Philemon took out a stack of pounds and sent Professor McGonagall and Ian to the door with Nitia.

After talking, they also thought that Professor McGonagall's identity was fine. If she had bad intentions, she wouldn't have said so much to them.

As for Diagon Alley, according to Professor McGonagall, it's better not to contact Muggles. Forcing contact with the wizarding world will not benefit oneself.

"Now hold my hand, don't let go, we will use magic to reach the outside of Diagon Alley, this process will be a bit uncomfortable."

Professor McGonagall said in the courtyard.

Ethan took a deep breath and nodded to Professor McGonagall.

"Well, I'm ready, Professor McGonagall!"

Ethan already knew what would happen next, Apparition!

Beginners, or those who are not used to it, will feel a lack of oxygen, and their bodies will be squeezed and deformed in their senses.



With the unique sound of Apparition, Ethan and Professor McGonagall suddenly appeared in front of a dirty, shabby, small bar in a London neighborhood.

Ethan, who was having trouble breathing, took a deep breath to adjust himself. This process was indeed a bit uncomfortable.

"Are you okay, Mr. Adrian?"

"It's okay. I was a little uncomfortable when I first landed, but I'm much better now."

While talking, Ethan had almost recovered. Now it seemed that he was just like that!

Seeing that Ethan was indeed fine, Professor McGonagall explained:

"Apparition is one of the ways wizards travel. It can be learned in the sixth grade, but it requires self-funded learning and examination at the Department of Magical Transportation. It is a very dangerous magic."

"The Leaky Cauldron, only wizards can see it, it is the entrance to Diagon Alley, remember the address, you need to come alone to get the school supplies for the second year."

While speaking, Professor McGonagall took Ethan to the bar.

I don't know if it was because of the time or the morning, there were no customers inside, only a hunchbacked man wiping the chairs.

Seeing someone coming in, the hunchbacked man put down the sackcloth, raised his head and took a look, and said casually:

"Good morning, Professor McGonagall. Today you are here again to guide the new students!"

"Good morning, Tom!"

Professor McGonagall greeted him as she led Ethan inside.

Ethan, who was passing by, was a little confused. He had a cleaning spell, but why did he still wipe the table? He was not a squib and could use magic.

They walked through the bar and came to the backyard. Apart from the wall, there were only some weeds and a trash can against the wall.

Stopping in front of the trash can, Professor McGonagall turned her head and said seriously:

"Mr. Adrian, please remember my next move. Count three bricks upwards and two bricks horizontally.

Professor McGonagall tapped the brick three times with her wand.

In an instant, the bricks on the wall seemed to come alive and began to arrange themselves in a regular pattern until an arch was formed.

Beyond the door was the real magical world, with cobblestone roads, winding streets, crooked houses, and people wearing wizard robes everywhere.

"Let’s first exchange for gold Galleons, which is the wizard’s currency."

As a guide NPC for so many years, this process is already familiar.

After exchanging for gold galleons, buy a wand, and then go to the bookstore, clothing store, crucible shop, and pet store, and then you can call it a day. The reason why he bought the wand first was not because it was close, but because the little wizard was in a hurry. Professor McGonagall couldn't remember how many times she had been begged to buy the wand first.

Soon, under the guidance of Professor McGonagall, Ethan arrived at the gate of Gringotts.

After stepping through the first bronze door, Ethan also saw the warning on the second silver-white door:

Come in, stranger, but be careful of what will happen if you are greedy. If you just ask for it and get something for nothing, you will be punished most severely.

Therefore, if you want to rush into our underground vault to take away a wealth that does not belong to you , thief! You have been warned. Be careful not to attract treasure, but bad retribution.

Aren't the goblins themselves the most greedy?

After all, their prototype is a race that likes to collect wealth and stir up trouble.

"Professor McGonagall, how can I help you?"

As soon as I entered the hall, a goblin in a suit came to greet me.

As the vice-principal of Hogwarts, McGonagall had some status in the British wizarding world, and she deserved to be treated seriously by these goblins. Her wealth was still very attractive to the goblins.

"Help the freshmen exchange currency!"

Professor McGonagall said, pointing at Ethan.

"Please come over here!"

Following the goblin's instructions, Ethan and Professor McGonagall quickly came to an empty counter on the right.

Five pounds could be exchanged for one gold galleon, with a maximum of one hundred gold galleons.

According to Professor McGonagall, if the freshmen did not pursue luxury, one hundred gold galleons would be enough, and there would be some surplus, and there was not much to spend in Hogwarts.

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