Outside Gringotts, Ethan was playing with the gold Galleons in his hand, looking at Professor McGonagall with some doubt.

"Professor McGonagall, is there any gold in these Galleons?"

"I don't know about that. The currency in the wizarding world is all made by goblins, and they also add magic processes, such as always shining like new, preventing flying spells and wear and tear."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall sighed inwardly. This kid might really go to Ravenclaw because he loves to explore too much.

Forget it, let's buy it for free!

Ethan made up his mind immediately.

Under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, the two walked through Diagon Alley and soon came to the door of a small and shabby store.

It looked completely different from Gringotts just now.

"Don't worry, the craftsmanship of the Ollivander family is trustworthy. For many years, almost all wizards at Hogwarts have purchased wands from their family."

I thought Ethan was frightened by the old and small store, so Professor McGonagall had to explain and then led the way inside.

Inside the store, Ethan looked around and saw long and narrow paper boxes piled almost to the ceiling, which made the already small store look even narrower and more cramped.

"Good morning!"

Olivander, who heard the noise, came from behind the pile of wands with a kind smile on his face.

"Nine and a half inches, fir, dragon heartstring, exquisite and elegant, suitable for wizards with strong willpower and talent for Transfiguration, Minerva, it seems like it was only yesterday that you bought your wand here."

Olivander's old habit came back again. As long as he bought a wand from him, he would remember it clearly and habitually recall this scene.

"Good morning, Garrick, that was decades ago.

Professor McGonagall looked helpless. She heard this at least once a year.

""The little wizard behind me, can you tell me your name? Come forward."

After saying hello, Ollivander was ready to get down to business.

In his opinion, finding a qualified partner for each wand he made was the happiest thing.

"Ethan Adrian!"

After Ethan said his name, he stepped forward and stood in front of Ollivander.

"What's your dominant hand?"

""Right hand, sir!"

Ethan answered, and raised his right hand to facilitate the magic ruler to measure his body.

He didn't know what the measurement result meant. A wizard who was only eleven years old had a lot of room for growth in the future.

After taking a look at the measured data, Ollivander turned and went to the counter at the back. Not long after, he came back with a pile of boxes.

Ollivander put down the wand box and looked at Ethan seriously:

"Every wand is unique. It is not the wizard who chooses the wand, but the wand that chooses the wizard."

"Mr. Adrian, try this one, made of apple wood, unicorn hair, nine inches long, suitable for wizards with lofty ideals and pursuits, come and try it."

Ollivander said, and handed the wand in his hand to Ethan.

Ethan took it and waved it gently. The next moment, the wand box on the right collapsed with a loud bang, splashing a large amount of dust.

"Ahem! It seems that this is not the root"

"Restored to its original state!"

After taking back the wand from Ethan, Ollivander waved his wand gently, and then the collapsed wand boxes floated up and returned to their previous positions.

"It’s okay, this is normal, try this one!"

"Redwood, dragon's heartstring, eleven and a half inches, this is a wand that can bring good luck, plus the dragon's heartstring, it has great power, a great combination."

After comforting Ethan, Ollivander immediately handed the next wand to Ethan.

Ethan felt a burning sensation in his palm after taking the wand.

According to the previous method, he gently waved it twice.

A ball of red flame suddenly sprayed out from the top of the wand, almost burning Ollivander's white hair.

Touching the white hair on his head, Ollivander didn't say much, and quickly took the wand from Ethan's hand.

"Cedar wood, Phoenix tail feathers, ten and three-quarters inches, suitable for wizards with keen insight."

When he handed the wand to Ethan this time, Ollivander obviously took two steps back.


The vase next to him, which was unknown how many years old, broke with a sound.

After Ollivander cast a skilled repair spell, he took out another wand and handed it to Ethan.


"Try this one again."


"Well, picky customers, try this instead"


In the course of almost an hour, Ethan tried dozens of wands.

Some made a little noise, and some were taken away by Ollivander as"unsuitable".

But some wands were very easy to use, and the magic flowed quickly. In Ethan's perception, the petrification spell and siphon energy he had learned could be used easily, but Ollivander still thought they were unsuitable.

"Mr. Adrian, please wait a moment. I roughly know the wand that suits you."

Said Ollivander, turning around and walking towards the warehouse at the back.

If it were a normal businessman, facing such a picky customer, he would have started to drive him away long ago, but Ollivander would not do that. On the contrary, he was enjoying it.

It was a very fulfilling thing for him to be able to let picky customers get matching wands.

The wands that Ethan just tried were all mainstream in Great Britain, namely unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers, and dragon heartstrings.

These are also the wand core materials that Ollivander likes to use the most. Logically speaking, these three materials meet almost everyone's needs.

Unicorn hair can reflect the essence of magic, and is not easily disturbed by other magic. It has loyalty, stability, and a sense of accomplishment. The only characteristic of the three wand cores is that they are not good at using dark magic.

Phoenix tail feathers have a wide range of magic and a certain degree of initiative, but the wands made of Phoenix tail feathers are very picky and not easy to tame.

Dragon heartstrings are simple and rough. The spells they cast are the most powerful and dazzling. The disadvantage is that they are easy to succumb to dark magic and are not very stable.

In addition to these three wand cores, Ollivander has actually used other materials. This is also to learn from other wand makers to keep himself in line with the world.

For example, the tail feathers of thunderbirds, the horns of jackalopes, the hair of ocelots, the hair of veela, the mane of kelpies, the beard of trolls, the tail feathers of the thestrals, the horns of horned water snakes, etc.

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