“”Ethan, get up!”

Terry looked at Ethan who was still lying in bed today, a little confused.

He got up early yesterday to flirt with the senior, but he’s not going today?

“Ah! Got it!”

Ethan replied in a daze, and then opened his eyes with difficulty.

It was already past five o’clock when he returned to the dormitory today, and it was only eight o’clock now. It was impossible to rest well in such a short time. It would be better not to sleep. I am even more sleepy now after sleeping for such a short time.

“What did you do last night?”

Jean looked at Ethan who was listless and asked curiously.

“”I didn’t do anything, I just couldn’t sleep!”

Ethan made up an excuse. He couldn’t say that he went out for a night walk, stole the collections accumulated by Hogwarts students over thousands of years, and finally went to the Potions classroom to get a textbook of”Advanced Potion Making”.

Although Ethan already had this book, Snape’s book had many of his own revisions to the textbook content, and also recorded several dark magics.

At that time, he thought that since he had taken so many things, he didn’t need Snape’s one more thing, so he went there for some unknown reason, which was regarded as taking away an opportunity for Harry.

“The class next is Defense Against the Dark Arts. I heard from a senior that the teacher of this course changes every year. Some of them have problems before they can finish teaching for a year. I don’t know if it’s true.”

Ethan went to wash up, while Terry and a few others chatted on the side. He talked a lot and was very outgoing. He talked with a talkative senior for a long time yesterday and learned a lot of gossip.

“It’s true. I also heard that a mysterious person cursed the Defense Against the Dark Arts Department.

Gene nodded and confirmed Terry’s statement. He was from a wizard family and lived in a wizard gathering place. He knew some of the news.

“In this case, I don’t know why Professor Quirrell would be so desperate to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, when he was supposed to teach Muggle Studies.”

This is what the senior told Terry, and at the time, the senior looked regretful.

Quirrell is also from Ravenclaw. Although Muggle Studies is an elective course and not many people take it, Quirrell teaches well and is quite popular among Ravenclaws.

Quirrell’s class!

Ethan, who came back from washing up, shook his head after listening to it. This thing is a complete waste of time. To be honest, Quirrell is good enough, but he can’t teach and can’t teach.

It feels like Dumbledore is crazy. None of the professors he found for Defense Against the Dark Arts are normal. Even if Lupin taught something, he is a werewolf and is destined to not teach for long.

The importance of this course is even greater. Above Potions and Herbology, and on par with Transfiguration and Charms, it is all about the ability of wizards to protect themselves, especially for those half-blood or Muggle-born wizards.

In fact, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class can be stopped, and another class called”Self-Defense” or something will be fine. This will also get rid of the reputation of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor being a consumable, and recruit a normal professor.

Dumbledore should bear the blame for those Defense Against the Dark Arts professors who have been left behind or disabled because of this, and the young wizards who have not learned any skills, because he is the headmaster.


“Senior, are you waiting for me to have breakfast together?”

Following his roommates to the common room, Ethan saw Penelope at a glance and immediately smiled and greeted her.

There were more people in the common room at this time than at seven o’clock yesterday morning, but most of them were seniors, that is, fifth, sixth, and seventh grade.

Although the young Ravenclaw wizards in the lower grades were studious, they were not so eager to learn. Only young wizards facing two exams could be so eager to learn under pressure.

“That’s right, I was waiting for you, and I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, but you don’t seem to be awake yet!”

Penelock didn’t show any shyness or retreat, but took a step forward and looked at Ethan.

“Tell me the truth, what did you do last night?”

“I am the head of Ravenclaw, responsible for supervising you. If you do something bad and get caught by me, haha!”

On the spiral staircase, Penelope acted like a stern female senior.

“I really have insomnia. What bad things can I do?”

Ethan spread his hands and pretended to be innocent.

“”Okay, don’t let me catch you!”

Penelope threatened with gritted teeth.

The three roommates were hanging behind and whispering, not daring to come forward. Penelope was the class leader, and she was always serious. They didn’t dare to talk and laugh with her like Ethan.

After breakfast in the hall, Penelope also had to go to the ancient magic class. Although she didn’t choose all the subjects like Hermione, it was almost the same. She only chose to give up Divination and Arithmetic Divination, which she was not interested in and had no help, so her courses were quite full.


“Do you smell anything?”

“Garlic, I smell garlic, and it’s very strong!”

Terry said to Gene with certainty at the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

His family likes to eat garlic, but they don’t make the house smell so strong.

When Ethan walked into the classroom, he could clearly see some students who had already arrived, and their faces were quite ugly at the moment.

“”Bubble head protection!”

Ethan pointed his wand at his head, and immediately a big bubble wrapped around Ethan’s head, which looked like a fish tank on his head.

Now he felt comfortable, and he also understood the happiness of the Tianlong people.

The bubble head spell, a simple and practical little spell, was learned by Ethan when he was flipping through a book. It was originally used for going into the water, but it can also isolate the surrounding dirty air. However, for people with bad breath, the air in this bubble will become unsuitable for breathing after thirty minutes.

“Give me one!”

Michael, who usually doesn’t talk much, couldn’t hold it anymore and went straight to Ethan for help.

Ethan naturally wouldn’t refuse and cast a head-bubbling curse on each of them.

Soon the little badgers of Hufflepuff and the little lions of Gryffindor couldn’t stand it anymore and lined up to have Ethan cast a head-bubbling curse on them.

Later, the Slytherins also came over. This class was one hour long and they didn’t want to endure such a long event.

And they found a reason for themselves. This is not us Slytherins asking for help from the outer courtyard, but for the sake of being sociable.

Students from other colleges all wear goldfish bowls on their heads to class, but we Slytherins don’t. Doesn’t this make us look very different?

Cassandra came in front of Ethan, her face obviously downcast. She didn’t expect to lose again before the class even started. This is a fourth-grade spell, what on earth has he learned?

Fortunately, the Bubble Head Charm is just a simple regular spell that doesn’t consume much magic power, and after using it so many times, Ethan can cast it silently.

When the bell rang, Quirrell was obviously shocked when he came to the classroom. What’s going on?

Even if there is something fishy here, you guys shouldn’t be!

But after all, he is still that idiot. He said nothing, picked up the textbook and started reading. There was no communication or explanation throughout the whole process.

Even if a student raised his hand to ask a question, he ignored it.

Ethan simply put”Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense” on the table, blocked his head and began to rest.

Anyway, Quirrell’s class is a waste of time. You read from the textbook. What do I need you for? You might as well read it yourself when you have time.

【Thanks to the big brother Seraphine?? and the confused kitten for the monthly ticket, thank you very much! 】

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