""Clean up!"

As soon as he left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Ethan cast a cleaning spell on himself.

After staying in the room full of garlic for so long, the smell had already been absorbed.

This can not only remove surface stains, but also remove the smell.

After casting a spell on a few roommates and familiar little wizards, Ethan left. Now is the end of class, whether he hurried back to the dormitory to change clothes or to find seniors to cast spells.

Next is the Charms class, which is on the third floor of Hogwarts.

When entering the Charms classroom, the first thing that catches your eye is the front window, where a lot of books are stacked in a staircase shape.

As for the reason, those who understand will understand.

The content of this class is the Illumination Spell.

Professor Flitwick explained and introduced it at the desk. After that, let the young wizards practice on their own.

This is the most basic spell. It can be said that as long as it is a squib, one can quickly get started. Those who want to experiment with magic after getting the textbooks often choose the illumination spell as their first choice.

With the intermittent"fluorescent flickering", the classroom is like a lamp of varying brightness, and some are flickering due to unstable voltage.

Of course, there are also those who have no reaction at all. After all, not every young wizard will look at the textbook in advance, or have talent.

Faced with this situation, it is difficult for Professor Flitwick to add points at all. Could it be that all four colleges will add points?

After all, including Hufflepuff, there are some who succeeded in one try, and Ravenclaw has the most.

This can be regarded as adding some face to Professor Flitwick.

"Think about what I just said. Don't panic. Stay calm.……"

Professor Flitwick was running back and forth with his short legs, reminding the little wizards.

Thanks to his reminders, more and more little wizards were able to successfully cast the complete Illumination Charm.

Ethan also understood why Professor Flitwick had such a good reputation in Hogwarts. He was serious, responsible and patient. He was not as cold-faced as Professor McGonagall, nor was he like Snape, who seemed to owe him money.

"The spell must be pronounced correctly and clearly. Don't panic, try again!"

Ethan saw Professor Flitwick stop in front of a little Gryffindor wizard. Upon closer inspection, it was Seamus.

Ethan immediately felt that something bad was going to happen. If this guy had a panel, he would definitely see that he had the talent"Explosion Mastery". There is a chance of explosion when using any spell, and the power of the explosion spell is increased.


Seamus took a deep breath and raised the wand in his hand high up, as if he was holding up a magic wand.

""It's on, it's on!"

Neville, who was sitting in front of Seamus, shouted excitedly. Just now, the two of them were the type of brothers who had no reaction.

Now that Seamus has succeeded, will he be the next one?

"Don't get excited, control your magic power, and try harder!"

Professor Flitwick reminded him immediately when he saw that the light was about to go out.

Seamus nodded seriously and raised the wand in his hand. In an instant, the light on the wand lit up quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it was a five-watt bulb at the beginning, it would have soared to eighty at least.

Ethan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

""Close your eyes!"

He shouted to the surrounding little eagles, and they immediately closed their eyes, turned around, and lowered their heads in one go.

Just after Ethan made the move, the dazzling light enveloped the entire classroom, and the roar of the explosion continued to echo in the classroom.

Although the noise and flash brought by this sudden explosion did not last long, the effect was indeed very impressive. At least now the whole classroom is in a state of chaos, with little wizards screaming and pushing everywhere.

When Professor Flitwick was teaching Seamus just now, many students were watching their situation, wanting to learn some experience from it, so that at the moment when the strong light burst out, they were directly covered in their faces and their eyes were in a state of blindness.

Although the other little wizards were better, they also felt extremely uncomfortable in their eyes and ears in the strong light and explosion.

In the center of the explosion, several little wizards from Gryffindor had black faces and their hair curled up like they were burned by fire.

Fortunately, Professor Flitwick could only stand under the table because of his height and was not affected by the explosion, but he was also blinded by the strong light and his ears were temporarily deaf.

"What happened?"

Terry's vision was a little blurry, his face was full of confusion, he didn't know what happened. He was just chatting with Gene, and when he heard Ethan shouting to close his eyes, he saw Gene closed his eyes, so he hurriedly followed

"Seamus Finnigan's magic exploded."

Ethan explained helplessly that this was just a low-profile flash bomb.

If the noise was a little harsher and the flash was a little stronger, it would be more authentic. After all, the flash bomb can not only blind people, but also make people nearby dizzy.

"Everyone, stay in your seats and don't panic. We'll be back to normal soon."

Professor Flitwick used magic to float himself in the air, and then used a loudspeaker spell to project his voice loudly throughout the classroom. He knew very well what the consequences would be if the eyes were blind and chaos occurred. A teaching accident had already happened, and he couldn't make it bigger.

As a duel champion, he really lost face this time. He didn't even react. He was really old.

Ethan could clearly see that Professor Flitwick closed his eyes tightly, and two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. Obviously, he was not having a good time at the moment.

Seeing this, Ethan could only go with a few classmates who listened to Ethan's words in time and some lucky ones to comfort the panicked students, press those who were running around in their seats, and help those who fell down.

This time, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff It was the hardest hit area. Cassandra was fine, but Hermione was lying on the table with her head down. It was obvious that she had been hit.

After about ten minutes, the sequelae of the super-strong lighting spell slowly subsided, and everyone regained some sight.

After such an accident, Professor Flitwick naturally couldn't continue teaching, and could only let the students take a break.

And remember the name of Seamus Finnigan deeply.

Only Ethan knew that this was just the beginning of Seamus' explosive career. During the Battle of Hogwarts, facing the invasion of the Death Eaters, Neville wanted to blow up the bridge, and Professor McGonagall asked him to discuss it with Seamus Finnigan.

It can be seen that in his seven years at Hogwarts, how many explosions Seamus caused, and what a deep impression he left on these professors.

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