“Nordenham Cottage!”

The precise name came out of Ethan’s mouth in a clear and precise voice. With the appearance of a flame, Ethan disappeared directly from the fireplace.

It was a bit similar to the feeling of being Apparated by Professor McGonagall last time. This time it was almost like being compressed and washed away in a pipe, but it was better than Apparition.

The vision was restored again. This was an empty wooden hut. In addition to the fireplace where Ethan appeared, there was only a set of tables and chairs, and nothing else.

Soon there was a sound in the fireplace again. Denis Gar, Beckley Andrew, and Dorn Jeff arrived one after another.

They all came from merchants who specialized in teleportation business in Knockturn Alley. In Great Britain, they could reach the huts they set up in various places by using Floo powder. Bashi could be alone. Ethan and others were teleported to the outskirts of Hogs-Meade Village. In the outside world, the charges were different depending on the country, and the door keys were also used.

After leaving the hut, Ethan explained to the few people:

“Dennis, you can trade normally later.”

“Got it, boss!”

Then Dennis took the two and the dragon egg to the agreed trading place.

Ethan drank a bottle of polyjuice potion and turned into a 1.9-meter-tall, strong middle-aged white man with black hair and blue eyes, and fell about 500 meters behind the others.

The polyjuice potion was added with the hair of an ordinary person in the Muggle world, an American tourist.

After all, even if Ethan covered his face, his body shape was so big that it was obvious that he was either a dwarf or a minor.


When the three of them arrived, Qi Luo had already been waiting there.

The first thing he did when he saw them was to ask:

“”Where’s the dragon egg? Did you bring it?”

Quirrell still had the purple scarf wrapped around the back of his head. He still smelled of garlic, but he didn’t stutter anymore.

In order to complete Voldemort’s mission, Quirrell had spent all his savings over the years just for this dragon egg.

The dragon egg was related to the acquisition of the Philosopher’s Stone. As long as he succeeded, he would have power, wealth, and honor. Although Quirrell regretted going to the Albanian forest for training and making himself look like a ghost, he had already taken the bait and could only go down one path, believing in the pie Voldemort had painted for him. There was no turning back for him.

“This is natural. When it comes to the magical animal trade, although we charge a high price, we also value integrity, don’t we?”

“”Dorn, open the box and show it to him!”

Dennis looked at Quirrell calmly, just like in previous transactions, without revealing any flaws. The reason why the Thres organization can grow so big is by honest transactions.

But now they have a new boss, and the rules are no longer decided by the three of them.

As Dorn opened the box in his arms, Quirrell hurried over. He couldn’t help but be careful. This was his entire property. As for Thres’s credit!

It was none of his business. Anyway, he couldn’t afford any losses.

There was a big black, reflective egg inside, which was several times larger than an ostrich egg.

“You can’t touch it!”

Just when Quirrell was about to attack, Dorn took a step back and dodged.

“How do I know if this is a dead egg or something else?”

Quirrell certainly disagreed. He was not a researcher of magical animals. He could tell its state just by looking at it for a few times.

“If you just ran away with the portkey, who would we turn to?”

“This is the rule. You can’t touch the goods before you pay.”

Dennis also inserted himself between the two of them, blocking Qi Luo’s further actions.

“I’m Quirinus Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts!”

“I guarantee with my identity as a Hogwarts professor that I will definitely abide by the deal.”

Quirrell directly brought up his identity. In this world, Hogwarts is a signboard, and the professors there all give some face.

And he really didn’t intend to default on the debt.

Although he had this idea at first to save the money, the Imperius Curse can only control one person at a time. He would probably be discovered if he just used it. There are three people on the opposite side. If a conflict occurs, the dragon egg may be destroyed. So he had to give up this idea.

“If it was any other professor, it would be fine, but the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor? You know, we didn’t know that I graduated from Hogwarts. Which professor could teach for a full year without any problems?”

“Either they were sent to Azkaban at the end of the year, or they were dead or disabled!”

“Besides, do you think someone like us can go to Hogwarts or the Ministry of Magic to collect debts from you?”

“If you are not sincere about this deal, then we will cancel it.”

Dennis’s spit was sprayed on Quirrell’s face. He even brought up the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Everyone knows that this is a one-year policy!

Moreover, with their shady identities, they can openly collect debts and go to Hogwarts. Are they dissatisfied with not being arrested and sent to Azkaban last time?


Quirrell hesitated. What the other party said made sense, and he could not refute it. But wasn’t he afraid of being deceived?

During this period, Quirrell studied the information about dragon eggs. From the appearance, it was indeed the egg of the Hexagonal Black Dragon.

But it was only the appearance.

“You pay the money, and we will leave after confirmation, don’t worry about that.”

Seeing that Qi Luo was about to be persuaded, Dennis added

“Trade with him!”

Seeing Quirrell’s hesitation, Voldemort immediately woke up from his sleep.

Contraband such as dragon eggs is not easy to get with Quirrell’s connections. This time he has encountered an opportunity, but he doesn’t know how long he will have to wait for the next one.

The semester is already halfway over, and he doesn’t have much time left. If he doesn’t quickly find out how Hagrid controls the three-headed dog, what will happen when the Philosopher’s Stone is returned to Nicolas Flamel?

Since Nicolas Flamel developed the Philosopher’s Stone, there has never been a shortage of people looking for him, whether they are seeking wealth or immortality, but they just can’t find the specific location. They only know that it is in France, and Voldemort is not sure he can find it.

Besides, Quirrell’s body can hardly support himself, and it’s not so easy to fool the next fool.

“”I know, I know, Master!”

Qi Luo agreed with tears in his eyes. It’s really not your money, so you don’t feel bad about it, right?

“Wait until I confirm before leaving!”

After reluctantly taking out a dragon skin bag with a traceless expansion spell cast on it, Quirrell reminded him again.

This is the legacy left by his parents, plus his salary for many years!

He even sold his house to raise money.

“Don’t worry, trust our credibility.”

Dennis gave Berkeley a look, signaling him to take the purse.

Under Voldemort’s request, Quirrell was honest and didn’t dare to say anything. After handing the purse to Berkeley, he stood aside and watched. After

Berkeley poured out all the gold galleons in the dragon skin pocket, he began to record it with magic.

“No problem, eight thousand gold galleons!”

After counting, Berkeley nodded to the two people beside him.

“Five minutes, after you confirm, we will leave!”

Then, Dorn handed the box containing the dragon egg to Quirrell. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After Quirrell took it, he immediately began to examine it, holding it in his hands to feel it, and shining it against the sun.

“Enough of that, idiots, this is real, let’s go!”

“”Yes, Master!”

Quirrell responded quickly.

At the moment he turned around, Dennis moved the mark of the ghost on his body, telling Ethan that the transaction was over.[]

Then the three of them fled the scene as quickly as possible. They didn’t want to be affected.


“Quirinus Quirrell!”


On his way back to Hogwarts, Quirrell suddenly heard someone calling him from behind. He immediately turned around cautiously to look.

“Thunder Explosion!”

Instantly the entire path was covered in orange-red flames, rushing towards Qi Luo.

“All protection”

“”Armor to protect yourself!”

Quirrell’s reaction was also fast. He immediately drew out his wand and quickly arranged a double defense.

At this moment, he had only one thought, that he was being robbed.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to encounter such a situation just after the transaction.

These poachers really deserved to die. I, the Dark Lord, did not choose to rob thieves, and you dared to rob thieves?

I still believe in your reputation, what a piece of shit!

Boom! Boom! Boom!


Violent roars continued, and the orange-red flames left a mess wherever they passed. The first blue barrier was torn into pieces in just a moment. The second barrier remained standing under Quirrell’s continuous supply of magic power.

“Avada Kedavra!”

Quirrell’s counterattack came very quickly, and it arrived before the flames completely dissipated.

In this dark green light that was faster than usual, Ethan felt a sense of despair in his heart. Is this the feeling of facing a big melon?


A stone wall rose up, intercepting the dark green light, but was also blown to pieces.

The use of Transfiguration transformed a small stone on the ground into a stone wall that could just cover the human figure.

Looking at Quirrell who was intact and able to fight back, Ethan knew his true level.

It should be said that he was worthy of being a Ravenclaw genius who had received twelve O grades and had the confidence to dare to experience adventures all over the world.

It was just that his performance during this period of time made Ethan underestimate him.

“If you leave now, I will pretend that nothing happened!”

Quirrell held the box in one hand and raised his wand in the other, suggesting to Ethan.

After a brief fight, Quirrell realized that this was not something that could be defeated in a short time, or that the opponent’s strength was not inferior to his own.

Carrying Voldemort on his back would have a significant impact on him, and he also had to protect the dragon egg. He really didn’t want to fight.


“Give me the box, Avada Kedavra!”

“The tree is coming!”

Quirrell, who was always on guard, was naturally not so easy to attack by surprise. He was not as good at Transfiguration as Ethan, and he was not sure that he could complete the transformation before the big melon arrived.

But Quirrell was quite confident in spells.

A big tree on the right was immediately pulled by a huge force, almost breaking in half and blocking Quirrell, successfully blocking Ethan’s big melon.

But before Quirrell could launch a counterattack, his heart suddenly twitched, and his body also spasmed uncontrollably and fell directly. It hurt, it hurt a lot, and there was no part of his body that was not in pain.

Quirrell naturally understood what had happened. What? He’s been hit by the Cruciatus Curse!

As for how he was hit, Quirrell couldn’t figure it out, and he had no way to figure it out, after all, he was almost in pain.

Looking at Quirrell lying on the ground, Ethan waved his wand, and the box containing the dragon eggs flew over.

On the surface, it was the Killing Curse, but in fact, the Cruciatus Curse hidden in secret was the real deal. As for why the Imperius Curse was not used, it would be impossible for the Imperius Curse to work with Voldemort at the back of his head. With Professor Flitwick’s spellcasting experience and Ethan’s Unforgivable Curses, which can be cast silently and without a wand, the spell was released quite quickly.

“You useless bastard, give me your body!”

Voldemort on the back of his head finally couldn’t help it. The dragon egg was taken away, and Quirrell was in such a state. If Quirrell died, he would only have a remnant soul left. What else could he do?

Quirrell really didn’t want to hand his body to Voldemort. Carrying him with him was already consuming his vitality. If he handed it over to Voldemort, the speed at which his vitality would be consumed would be like a river bursting its banks, and it would be impossible to stop it.

“Hurry up!”

Seeing that Quirrell didn’t respond, Voldemort began to urge him down.

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