Black mist began to rise from Quirrell’s body. He stopped struggling on the ground, his eyes turned scarlet, and his pale face began to distort, just like when Ethan drank the Polyjuice Potion.

Until he turned into a monster with a pointed chin and a nose so flat that only two holes could be seen.

After moving his head twice, Voldemort tore off his scarf, revealing his smooth, hairless head, and quickly adapted to Quirrell’s body.

“I’ll give you a chance. Kneel down and submit to the great Dark Lord, and I’ll spare your life!”

Voldemort looked at Ethan with a hint of admiration and resentment.

He resented Ethan for ruining his plan, but he also appreciated the strength that Ethan showed in his current state. Now was a time when he was short of people, and every additional lackey would increase his chances of success.

Moreover, if nothing unexpected happened, Quirrell would suffer a lot of damage after this appearance, so it would be a good idea to prepare a container in advance.

“Dark Lord? Are you talking about the Dark Lord who was defeated by the baby ten years ago and disappeared since then, maybe hiding in that stinking ditch to live a miserable life?”

Ethan sneered, his eyes full of contempt for the ugly guy in front of him.

Then he pointed the wand in his hand, and a stone on the ground turned into a monkey, holding the box of dragon eggs in Ethan’s hand, and”five, two, three” jumped a few times in the woods, and disappeared in front of him. This was to find the three people according to the mark of the ghost. The purpose of his words was to force Voldemort out, otherwise Ethan would have retreated just after getting the dragon egg.

The last time, the attack in the form of a prank could get achievements, and today, directly repelling Voldemort will most likely get achievements.

Voldemort is now in a weak state. If you don’t bully him, when will you wait!

“”Looking for death!”

Voldemort was so angry that he trembled all over. He hadn’t heard such insults against him in many years.

Since he became famous, everyone who saw him was trembling with fear. Those who had insulted him in the past had long been crushed to ashes.

Now he met another…

“Avada Kedavra!”

The big melon released by Voldemort himself was far more powerful than Quirrell’s, thicker and faster, and reached Ethan in the blink of an eye.

But at the moment when it was about to touch Ethan, Ethan disappeared. The green light that continued to move could only open a hole in the open space behind Ethan.

Voldemort stared at the crazy moving shadow in the shadow of the woods. Most people could not see it, but in his perception, Ethan’s magic was still obvious.


Voldemort sneered twice, and spit out his tongue, which was longer than that of an average person, and flicked it upwards. A huge orange-red flame rose from his mouth and directly set the surrounding woods on fire.

Without a shadow, it depends on how you move. With decades of experience in fighting, he saw through the essence of Ethan’s magic at a glance.

However, what Voldemort did not expect was that Ethan walked out of the fierce fire he released, but his body was surrounded by even hotter and more dazzling flames.


Voldemort snorted coldly, his expression became solemn. He really made a mistake. Has such a powerful younger generation appeared now?

Then he waved the magic wand in his hand, and the magic power in Quirrell’s body began to surge instantly. The surrounding orange-red Fiendfyre instantly boiled up, as if countless firewood was added to it, and a giant snake made of Fiendfyre jumped out of it.

The scales on the snake were lifelike, and the body made of red Fiendfyre was flowing like magma, which showed Voldemort’s mastery of the Fiendfyre spell.

The moment the Fiendfyre snake was formed, it shot towards Ethan, as if it wanted to swallow Ethan in one bite.

However, it was intercepted by a giant wolf, which was also made of Fiendfyre, halfway through, and bit the snake. The giant wolf kept shaking its head and biting the snake’s neck, and its huge claws slapped the snake’s body again and again.

Voldemort frowned, and once again paid tribute to Quirrell’s life, and swung the wand in his hand heavily.

The fierce fire snake exploded, and the huge magic power exploded to destroy everything around it. The magic wolf took the full blow at zero distance and was also blown into countless sparks. A huge wall of fire rose in front of Ethan, intercepting the aftermath for Ethan.

Ethan looked at the ground that had turned into magma, and could only sigh that Voldemort really didn’t take Quirrell’s life seriously. After each explosion, Ethan could feel that Voldemort’s body was now more and more bulging, and his face was more and more paler.

Let’s see how much vitality you have left to burn..

The surging Fiendfyre turned into a torrent, gushing out with Ethan as the center like a wave and rushing straight towards Voldemort.

Voldemort’s brows jumped as he watched this scene. He didn’t expect that the unknown wizard opposite him was so proficient in Fiendfyre.

Voldemort would not just stand by and watch. He knew exactly what would happen if he was burned by Fiendfyre. He immediately waved the magic wand in his hand, increased the output of magic power and controlled the flames beside him.

The orange-red Fiendfyre quickly gathered towards Voldemort until it formed a ball, and exploded at the moment when Ethan’s Fiendfyre was about to hit, pushing back towards Ethan with extraordinary explosive power..

The huge waves formed by the flames were fighting, killing, and devouring each other. Suddenly, one by one, the Fiendfyre ravens flew into the air from the sea of fire on Ethan’s side. And launched an attack in mid-air.

Voldemort was not to be outdone, the magic wand in his hand drew an arc in the air, and the orange-red flames began to wriggle again. A giant snake made of Fiendfyre opened its mouth and swallowed the Fiendfyre Raven into its stomach.

Dennis and the other two who stayed in the distance looked at this scene with some horror. They were already several miles away, but they could still see the sky-high flames burning over there. What was the scene like?

And it was certain that Dumbledore and the professors in Hogwarts would not be attracted over there, as the location of the battle was not too far from Hogwarts!

At the same time, he was even more in awe of Ethan. He just didn’t expect that this professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts had such strength.

“Avada Kedavra!”

A green light as thick as a thigh that could blind the eyes penetrated the heavy sea of fire, angrily attacked Ethan, and reflected everything around him in green.

Ethan could feel that Voldemort was already desperate. This was definitely a full-strength attack, and the effect was estimated to be comparable to the attack that destroyed the protective spell when attacking Hogwarts.

Moreover, Quirrell, who had already slumped down, had wrinkles on his skin at this moment, and the whole person looked a little shriveled. (To read the violent novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But it still had no effect on Ethan. A giant black wolf jumped out of Ethan’s shadow and swallowed the incoming green light.

The dazzling green light burst out in the black wolf’s chest, blasting it apart.

But the scene in front of him made Voldemort stunned for a moment. Killing one makes two, this is beating your mother!

And with this wolf here, the threat of his own melon has been reduced to a minimum.

The black wolf stared with scarlet bloodthirsty eyes, roaring and rushing towards Voldemort……….[]

Ethan waved the wand in his hand like a conductor at a music concert, and the Fiery Flame began to shrink and condense.

Voldemort stared at everything in front of him cautiously. He seemed to see a giant roaring in the Fiery Flame.

He was not mistaken. The flame had actually become a giant that was a hundred meters tall. It seemed as if lava was flowing all over his body. It was not just like, but lava. In his hand, he held a giant sword shaped like a flame, with the tip of the sword facing him.

Ethan swung the wand in his hand violently downward, and the giant’s sword in the hand of the giant moved synchronously and stabbed towards Voldemort’s position.

Defense, with Quirrell’s physical condition, it was impossible to defend.

Hide, the attack range is wide and it is not easy to dodge


A high-pitched bird cry accompanied by fire appeared in the open space ahead.

With him, there appeared a tall old man with white hair.

Ethan suddenly increased his magic power, and the giant sword in the hand of the fire giant suddenly ignited a sky-high flame, piercing straight into the position where Voldemort was.

After doing everything, Ethan did not look at the result, and reached for a chain hanging by his waist. The whole person disappeared in a twist.

This was a door key that Ethan had prepared before coming, leading to Dennis’s base in Wales. point.

This was to guard against Dumbledore’s arrival. It was no problem to defeat Voldemort with low health, but facing Dumbledore, who was still holding the Elder Wand, he had to hide.

Dumbledore was also dumbfounded at this moment. What the hell happened?

He received an urgent message from Aberforth’s owl and rushed here. If it happened in Hogwarts, he would be the first to know, but this place does not belong to Hogwarts.

It’s just that he seemed to have arrived a little late. The surrounding environment has been destroyed, especially the attack he just saw.���The ground with a diameter of about 300 meters around the zombie turned into a lava lake.

In addition, a group of uncontrolled Fiendfyre was spreading, and there was also this fire giant that was also raging everywhere.

One of them should be Tom, who is the other one?

What are they doing here, and why did the two of them conflict?

Will it affect the subsequent plans for the Philosopher’s Stone and Hogwarts?

There are too many questions in his mind, but now there is obviously no time for him to think, because if the fire continues to burn, it will reach the Forbidden Forest.

He immediately inserted the old magic wand in his hand into the ground, and a red light began to spread, gradually wrapping up the Fiendfyre and the giant in it, and then there was a collision of magic power.

On the other side, Voldemort, who had forcibly Apparated, had fallen to the ground, or it could be said that he was now Quirrell. The weak soul forced to fight, which consumed Voldemort a lot.

Quirrell, who was lying on the ground at this moment, had his eyes closed, his lips trembling, his face pale, and his body shriveled up, as if he had aged thirty or forty years, and he was missing an arm, and his entire left arm and part of his shoulder disappeared.

This was the consequence of the forced Apparition. The powerful magic collision made the space a little unstable. In addition, he had to face the terrifying attack. Humans were not magical animals that had this ability engraved in their bones. If there was a mistake

, it would be a human body separation. Voldemort was lucky at the time. He only lost an arm after the forced Apparition.

And it was not his own.

【Thanks to Zui Die Gongzi for the reward, thank you very much! 】.

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