“Harry and Ron, there is a car flying in the sky?”

Hermione rubbed her eyes and confirmed it again, then she realized that it was not her eyes that were blurring, there was really a car flying.

“”Ron, he actually drove out?”

Fred was a little bit unbelievable. This was going to be a disaster!

They had been in stealth mode when they went to pick up Harry and Ethan, or when they circled over Ottery St. Catchpole Village. They only showed up when they were picking people up. Now Ron drove out in such a swagger.

Wouldn’t this cause trouble for the family?

“And took Harry with him!”

Ginny’s face was equally ugly.

Especially when Harry was hanging on the car door just now, he wanted to beat Ron to death.

“”What is Ron thinking?”

George was full of doubts. He knew that Ron wanted to be in the limelight and wanted to attract attention.

But this was not the right way!

If he implicated his father, he might even be expelled, and Harry was also there.

Listening to the words of these three people, they probably had sentenced Ron to death in their hearts.

And they had such a guess that his father would be expelled from the Ministry of Magic, and Harry and Ron would be expelled from school. This would definitely be a result like the collapse of the sky.

But the premise of all this is that the Weasley family is not a pure-blood, and Dumbledore will not intervene.

Ron is the son of his loyal younger brother, and Harry is the savior he trained. Dumbledore will definitely make a big deal out of a small matter, and it will only be a matter of deducting points.

“Gryffindor won’t be”810″ and will lose points before the school starts!”

Hermione’s focus is a little different. He still attaches great importance to honor. Last year, because of Snape, and Gryffindor itself has many stubborn people who dragged their feet. They were ready to work hard this school year, but the school didn’t even start, and this year’s house cup was over.

“Don’t worry, it will definitely be deducted. Do you think Professor Snape will let go of this opportunity?”

Ethan said mercilessly.

At this time, Ron and Harry outside also noticed the situation in this carriage and slowly approached.

“Ethan, Ginny……”

Harry waved frantically in that direction, but when he noticed the expressions of the people inside, his hand froze.

These people were looking at him with pity, why?

Harry didn’t quite understand, but Ron knew, and he immediately sped up and rushed towards the school, wanting to enter Hogwarts in advance, and then hide the car, which might be able to conceal it.

However, when they approached just now, many young wizards on the Hogwarts Express discovered them.

“Let’s go find Percy and ask him to inform Professor McGonagall about the quill. We’ll come back to you when we get to Hogwarts.”

Fred pulled Ginny away quickly. There was no way to hide this. He was not as optimistic as Ron.

The car was not invisible, and it might be exposed to the Muggles. Even if the Muggles didn’t see it, it would be a big problem if so many young wizards saw it. I wonder if Professor McGonagall can save it.

There is naturally a way to contact Hogwarts on the train, but it can only be used by the prefects.

“They won’t be expelled, will they?”

Hermione had this thought, to be honest. Although it was a little inappropriate, they knew each other after all.

But they were too troublesome. They were the main reason for Gryffindor’s points deduction last year. Although one of them was given 50 points for no apparent reason, it was still not enough to offset their deduction.

Without them, there would be no hope this year. Maybe they could still compete for the house cup next year.

“No, this is the savior!”

“We were all expelled, but he won’t be expelled!”

Ethan said affirmatively.

Hermione frowned, not knowing what she was thinking.

Qiu Zhang and Cassandra nodded thoughtfully, obviously agreeing with Ethan’s opinion.

Cassandra knew that Voldemort was back and was still entangled with Harry. What did Qiu Zhang think of?

Soon, the matter of Harry and Ron was forgotten by everyone. Under the leadership of Qiu Zhang, Cassandra and Hermione also began to talk about their interesting stories this summer vacation.

As the sky darkened, the speed of the Hogwarts Express gradually slowed down.

Ethan and others also changed into wizard robes.

At the moment the train stopped, they followed the flow of people to the station. On the stage.

Hagrid was still the guide for the freshmen this year. He was waiting on the side with a lantern for everyone to get off.

But this had nothing to do with Ethan, who was already a sophomore. After saying hello to Hagrid, he went to the location of the Thestrals’ carriage.

They arrived at the Quidditch field of Hogwarts very smoothly along the way. After getting off the car here, Ethan and others separated and went to their respective college teams.

There was also an old man with many alchemical limbs in the front who was collecting the Thestrals. He did this work every year.

Before the young wizards got on the car, he would put the reins on the Thestrals, and after the young wizards got off the car, he had to untie the reins.

“I heard that Professor Kettleburn is in his last year.

Qiu Zhang took the Care of Magical Creatures course, but a senior student told her that Professor Kettleburn had decided to retire, and she was quite excited. She also explained the reason later. Professor Kettleburn liked to use dangerous magical animals in class, and accidents happened from time to time, so they had to be nervous every time they took the Care of Magical Creatures course.

“Well, Professor Kettleburn is probably a hundred years old now, so it’s time for him to retire!”

Ethan also remembered that Hagrid was the professor of Care of Magical Creatures when Harry was in his third year.

When he was patrolling with Hagrid before, he heard Hagrid say that they had a good relationship and Kettleburn helped him a lot.

Ethan felt that the reason why the two of them could get along well was because they both liked extremely dangerous magical animals, but because Hagrid was a half-giant, he had good physical fitness and nothing happened, while Kettleburn only had one hand and half a leg left.

“So old?”

Qiu Zhang was a little surprised.

“When the previous headmaster, Armando Dippet, was in office, Professor Kettle Potter had already been teaching at Hogwarts.”

But Ethan didn’t say that this professor had caused a lot of trouble and had a very strained relationship with the then headmaster, Armando Dippet.

“Senior Avonna said that the Magical Creatures Protection Course……”

The two chatted all the way to the auditorium, but the auditorium this year was a little strange.

There was no problem with the scene arrangement, but Professor McGonagall, who was responsible for the reception of freshmen and presided over the sorting ceremony in previous years, was nowhere to be seen.

Snape, the big bat in the teacher’s seat, was not there, and Dumbledore, who was in the center position, was not here either.

Not long after, Professor Sprout stood up and walked out of the auditorium.

In other words, Professor Sprout was the one who was doing the reception this year?

Because of Harry and Ron’s matter, this year’s back-to-school dinner omitted quite a few steps.

Professor Sprout brought the freshmen directly over without letting them wait.

Ethan saw Luna standing out from the crowd at a glance. She was still wearing carrot-shaped earrings and a necklace made of butterbeer bottle corks, which really attracted attention no matter where she was.

Next to her was Ginny, but she looked quite depressed.

After the new wizards stood up, the Sorting Hat began to sing once a year. This was a song that had been thought of for a year, and even if Dumbledore was not there, he had to sing it.

As the song that had been thought about for a year but was still terrible ended, the sorting ceremony began.

As Professor Sprout read out the names, the little wizards came forward and put on the hats to be sorted. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Just like Ethan and others when they were sorted in the first grade, every time a little wizard put on the hat, the house that was sorted by the sorting hat would applaud and cheer for him.

“Luna Lovegood!”

Soon it was Luna’s turn. She jumped forward, and with carrot-shaped earrings and a necklace made of butterbeer bottle corks, she really looked like a crazy girl.

But after Luna picked up the Sorting Hat, she didn’t sit on the stool and put it on right away. Instead, she kept looking through it in her hands. It seemed that she had other ideas. Suddenly, the Sorting Hat yelled in a panic. This was the first time many people heard the Sorting Hat say anything other than singing and the names of the four major schools.

“Pomona, stop her, she wants to clean and sew me!”

“I am not worn out or dirty at all. This is a symbol of honor.”

Every year, many little wizards have this idea. They dislike their own dirtiness and want to mend and clean themselves, but they just think about it in their minds and never put it into action.

Only this little witch is really brave!

She can sense that if no one stops her, she will definitely be washed and mended.

As a hat with a thousand years of history, it is also the hat of Gryffindor, the founder of Hogwarts, and it is blessed with the ideas of the four founders. It also has its own persistence and pride.

The dirt and traces on the body are all symbols of honor, representing that it has been with Hogwarts for a thousand years.

“Miss Lovegood!”

Professor Sprout had to come forward. The Sorting Ceremony couldn’t have any accidents. If the Sorting Hat was angered, it would go on strike and it would be a mess.

Luna looked away with regret, sat down on the stool helplessly, and put on the hat.[]


Although Luna’s dress and behavior were a bit weird, Ravenclaw still gave her warm applause.

“Ginny Weasley!”

When Ginny came on stage, there were already few freshmen.

But before the sorting started, Gryffindor burst into amazing cheers, especially Fred and George who had already stood up.

They had already determined that Weasley belonged to Gryffindor.

But after Ginny put on the hat, there was still no result for three full minutes.


Ethan was relieved to see Ginny. It was obvious that she was also discussing with the Sorting Hat and insisted on going to Gryffindor.

If it weren’t for her family and Harry, it might not necessarily be Gryffindor.

Just like Percy, he was ambitious, excellent, and pure-blooded, so Slytherin was his home. He chose Gryffindor just because the Weasleys were all Gryffindors. The Weasleys are actually quite excellent and absolutely worthy of the name of pure-bloods. 1.6

Dad Arthur, he is quite strong and good at alchemy.

Mom Molly killed Bellatrix alone.

Bill, with twelve certificates, went to work at Gringotts after graduation. Charlie went to the Dragon Sanctuary. If he didn’t have enough strength, he would be looking for death.

Percy, who had twelve certificates last school year, has a bright future.

Twins, don’t like to study, but they are talented in spells, alchemy, and potions, and are the best among their peers

Ginny, like her mother, was good at being torn to pieces, and she was later invited to join the Slug Club, which proved her potential. (Harry, Hermione, and Ginny were all invited. Guess who was left out?)

Having gotten the desired result, Ginny’s expression was also lifted, and she ran to the Gryffindor table.

When the sorting ceremony was about to end, Dumbledore came back with Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall, with Harry and Ron following behind.

Snape’s face had turned dark, and it was probably because his goal was not achieved again.

Harry was definitely the first person who could make a headmaster and two professors absent from the opening dinner by himself.

After Dumbledore spoke a few words in a hurry, he asked the prefect to take everyone back to the common room.

Obviously, he was not in the mood to talk nonsense like last year. The matter of Harry and Ron was enough to give him a headache.

【Thanks to the old man for the monthly ticket, thank you! 】

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