The evening banquet came to an end!

The deans led the students of the college to the common room, but most of them were freshmen or people who wanted to watch the fun.

As for the rest of the class, it can only be said that this year of youthful restlessness is not so quiet.

There are Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, the three outer houses, and Ravenclaw’s own students.

Ethan saw more than one boy coming to find the seniors of Ravenclaw, basically all of them were above the third year. Of course, not all of them succeeded, and there were many failures.

Ethan also left at this moment.

But he did not go to the Room of Requirement, but went to the lawn outside Hogwarts.

The target was the Whomping Willow!

The Whomping Willow is a very precious plant. There is no such thing in the Forbidden Forest. In addition to the one in Hogwarts, no one knows where else there is in the British wizarding world. This was brought by Dumbledore specifically for Lupin. It was not easy to start with it before. This thing is more precious, and it is also very aggressive. It is easy to be discovered if it is missing branches or stems.

But today, Ron and Harry hit it with their car, and a lot of branches fell off. I went to pick up some unwanted garbage, isn’t that too much? The

Whomping Willow is also a willow tree, and it should be able to be planted by cuttings. Planting it in a space like the Room of Requirement that can meet any requirements, the survival rate is quite high.

There will be no shortage of this kind of material in the future.

Before he got close, Ethan saw the abnormally manic Whomping Willow, with countless branches waving in the air, making bursts of breaking sounds.

“”Relax and unload!”

A series of flames hit the trunk of the Whomping Willow. Under the effect of magic, the Whomping Willow withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its branches drooped and could not be lifted up. The magic of”Relax and unload” is useful for any creature, and can make it weak and powerless.

Using a magic wand is also to exert greater power. Such a big tree, what if it can’t be controlled without a wand?

Without the interference of the Whomping Willow, Ethan directly picked up all the broken branches around, without even leaving a leaf. It must be said that the car hit it really hard, and he picked up a lot of branches as thick as a bowl..

Not only the fallen ones, but also the broken ones with a little bark hanging on them, Ethan did not let go of these, he swung them up with the shadowless sword, cut them off and took them away.

After finishing, he ran directly to the Room of Requirement. The first thing he did was to ask for a room suitable for planting cuttings.

The space that appeared had five acres of fertile land and a warm winter. He followed the steps he saw in the book.

Finally, he applied dragon dung fertilizer. With dragons, there is no shortage of this stuff.

The best fertilizer in the wizarding world is the feces of a moon-crazy beast and the feces of a dragon. Both are the styles that Professor Sprout likes to use.

【[Field Work]

Sow seeds of hope in spring, remove lush weeds in summer, welcome golden wheat waves in autumn, and store the joy of harvest in winter.

Achievement goal: Have your own land again and cultivate it with your own hands (1/1)

Achievement reward: Random potion

An unexpected surprise!

The result of the lottery is also very good, a potion that is not available on the market at all.

Purification potion, cleanse the soul, purify the body, and remove filth.

This is the effect, which is almost like contact with negative status. It should be effective for Nagini’s curse.

But the brewing time is too long!

It takes a full half year, the same level as the Felicity Potion, and the materials required are even more precious, all of which are things with the effect of removing curses and healing.

Unicorn tears and unicorn horn powder, this is easy for Ethan, the powder is available, and the tears can be obtained by going to the Forbidden Forest.

Phoenix tail feathers, this Ethan also has, it was a Christmas gift from Dumbledore last Christmas, but phoenix tears, this is difficult to deal with.

Find another opportunity later and see if I can trick old Dumbledore a little more.

Then he asked for a space suitable for the dragon to live. Onyxia is only five meters tall now. If no one takes care of her, she is not very suitable for the Forbidden Forest.

There are centaurs, werewolves, eight-eyed giant spiders, chimeras, poison sac leopards, winged demons, and five-legged monsters there, all of which can pose a threat to Onyxia. (The werewolves in the Forbidden Forest are wolf cubs formed after mating with werewolves, not in human form.) Not to mention that after being exposed, it is easy to attract the covetousness of poachers.

Therefore, it can only be released when it grows to ten meters. At that time, it is already the size of an adult Hebdi Islands black dragon. Under normal circumstances, there is no way to deal with it without more than a dozen wizards working together, let alone Ethan’s gene mutation.

And I don’t know what happened, the flames spewed by Onyxia are not the normal orange, but black.

This is also what Ethan discovered after returning from Nico. Maybe the fire-breathing organ is gradually developing, which reveals its specialness. (It takes six months for a dragon cub to breathe fire. Before that, it can only breathe out sparks. It takes one year to fly. Ethan’s cub grows fast and is already the size of a normal adult Welsh green dragon.)

After calming Onyxia down, Ethan opened the magic training room after a long absence. He hadn’t practiced the fire god’s way.

As for Nagini, as long as it was not a small space like an iron cage, which allowed her to wander around, she was not picky. She continued to live in the box with the traceless extension spell.


On the first day of school, the class schedule has been delivered.

Except for the cancellation of the flying class, everything else is the same as the first grade, that is, the class schedule has changed.

As expected, this Madam Hooch is just a Quidditch referee, she only teaches one grade, and there is only one class per week. No one has an easier job than her. She is just a salary-earning slacker. I came to the hall with my roommate and met Harry and Ron who also came from the direction of the Gryffindor common room.

“What happened to you yesterday?”

Mainly concerned about the fact that Gryffindor didn’t lose any points.

Such a big thing happened, Muggles saw the flying car, and the matter was reported to the Ministry of Magic.

It was definitely not something that could be resolved from within Hogwarts, and Dumbledore had to step in.

But today, the hourglass representing Gryffindor’s house scores was not less!

Snape didn’t even seize the opportunity to deduct one or two hundred points from Harry. Can you believe this?

According to Dumbledore’s partiality to Harry, if he didn’t bleed Gryffindor’s house points, he would definitely be a bigger competitor than Slytherin in Ravenclaw’s process of winning the house cup.

“I don’t know what happened yesterday, but I couldn’t get into Platform 9 3/4. In order to avoid being late, Ron drove the family car, but he didn’t expect to crash the Whomping Willow.”

Harry sighed when he said this. It was just a matter of sending a letter to the school, but now it has become such a big deal.

“Didn’t Snape make things difficult for you? He didn’t even attend the opening dinner yesterday.”

This matter actually has nothing to do with Snape. Professor McGonagall is the headmaster of Gryffindor. The one in trouble is a little wizard from her college. If she doesn’t go, who will?

And Dumbledore is the headmaster. If this matter becomes a big deal, he will have to communicate with the Ministry of Magic.

Snape, who has nothing to do with it, ran away faster than anyone else.

“He said he wanted to expel us, but fortunately Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall stopped him, and Professor McGonagall also said that the school had not started yet, so the house points would not be deducted, and we only needed to do detention.”

Speaking of this, Harry was quite happy. His own head of house finally showed his support.

In the past, he had watched Snape scold him and Ron, and he would not say a word to help him when points were deducted, and he would even take the initiative to deduct points. Now, things have finally changed.

“So that’s it!”

“By the way, you can’t enter Platform 9 3/4, it must be that the pillars are enchanted. Think about it, who doesn’t want you to come to Hogwarts? Be prepared, since you are here, he will definitely not give up.”

After saying that, Ethan walked to the long table of Ravenclaw.

It seems that Professor McGonagall was scared by the house points last school year, so she is now protecting her hand, otherwise she will be deducted 100 or 200 points now.

You are no longer the fair and just Professor Cat!

“Ron, remember the house-elf I mentioned when I went to your house just now?”

“Well, you said he made your birthday terrible.”

“He said there was a big conspiracy at Hogwarts this year and something terrible was going to happen, so he told me not to go to Hogwarts. I suspected it was him.”

After Ethan’s reminder, Harry quickly found the target. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“But the house elves,……”

“Owls are coming!”

Ethan, who was eating breakfast, was gently pushed by Terry.

Turning his head, at least hundreds of owls rushed in the moment the windows of the hall opened, and feathers rained down wherever they passed.

Ethan casually cast a defensive magic to cover the surrounding area to avoid being contaminated by feathers and owl feces.

Ethan knew that birds had no bladders and short rectums, so it was normal for them to poop while flying.

Two owls flew to Ethan’s side and dropped two packages.

Ethan tore it open directly, and there were magazines inside.

Today’s Transfiguration, this was recommended by Professor McGonagall. Ethan has subscribed for a long time and has not missed any issue.

Sing the opposite tune, this was subscribed by Ethan with an owl when he met Luna, wanting to see how big his father’s imagination was.

I didn’t expect this issue to come so quickly.

Just as Ethan was about to flip through it, a scream came from the Gryffindor table.

“”Oh, no!”

This scream attracted a lot of attention. Ron was holding a wet owl with a wet red envelope in its mouth.

“You better open it, Ron!”[]

Neville whispered to the side that he had experience in this matter.

“It’s even worse if you don’t open it. My grandma sent me one once, but I ignored it, and the result was terrible!”650 said this, Neville was still a little frightened.

Harry looked at all this with some horror, and his feet were quietly moving away from here.

Professor McGonagall said yesterday that she would send a letter to her and Ron’s family, and now it was self-evident who this letter came from.

“”Open it quickly!” Neville urged hurriedly,”It’s too late.”

Ron stretched out his shaking hand, but at this moment a lot of white smoke was coming out of the envelope.


The huge sound filled the entire hall, shaking off the dust on the ceiling.

“……I wouldn’t be surprised if they fired you for stealing the car. Just wait and see how I deal with you. You probably never thought about how your father and I felt when we found out the car was gone.……”

Mrs. Weasley’s voice was much louder than usual. She must have used an enhanced version of the loudspeaker spell, and the surrounding stone walls made it echo.

Ron and his group, who had already attracted a lot of attention, became the focus at this moment. Even the professors were looking at them.

It can be said that Ron was socially dead at this moment, and of course he should be used to it.

Until the roar ended, the whole letter turned into ashes, but Ron and Harry were still stunned in the same place, as if they had not come back to their senses.

Ethan had seen the twin brothers and Percy sneaking out of the hall from behind, probably because they thought it was too embarrassing.

Howling letters, this thing may not come once a year.

Ron, why did the Weasley family produce such a pitfall!

After breakfast, Ethan and others prepared to go to class.

The first class today was the Herbology class.

The Herbology class was in the greenhouse outside Hogwarts.

In the past, Professor Sprout came early, and he had to tell the little wizards which greenhouse they needed to go to for class.

But Professor Sprout has not been seen today.

When class was about to start, Ethan saw Professor Sprout walking on the lawn, with a very ugly face.

There were many bandages on his arms, and the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Lockhart followed behind him.

Ethan didn’t know whether Professor Sprout was annoyed by Lockhart or because he found that the fallen branch of the Whomping Willow was missing.

Looking at the bandages on Sprout’s arm, it can be seen that he probably wanted to reconnect the branch.

But all these preparations have become useless at this moment.

【Thanks to the Thunder Westbrook for the monthly ticket, thank you! 】

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