Harry felt as if his heart was being immersed in a cold lake, taking away the warmth from his body bit by bit. His stomach was shrinking, there was a bitter taste in his mouth, and he even felt like vomiting.

"So... Quirrell is... just..."

"Voldemort." Vader reminded: "To be precise, he is possessed by Voldemort."

There was a gasp in the room, and Michael said with a pale face: "Don't mention that name again, Wade."

Wade said helplessly: "If you are even afraid of a name, how did you resist trembling in front of Professor Quirrell?"

"How can that be the same?" Michael retorted: "Professor Quirrell is cowardly, but that person...that person..."

Michael trembled and closed his mouth silently, as if he had difficulty breathing.

Vader looked at the others and saw that they all looked shuddering. Even Hermione looked very scared.

——How wonderful.

Vader thought to himself.

——They even dared to face that person, but they didn’t dare to mention his name?

Harry didn't have such scruples. He said bluntly: "So Voldemort wanted to make a comeback, so he didn't just send two men to steal the Sorcerer's Stone for him... He even came in person..."

"Yes - it was in the form of a pendant, hidden behind Quirrell's head and sneaked in." Wade said: "Wrapped in the smell of garlic all day long, he even had to endure some naughty students throwing it in his face. Throwing snowballs at the top. Think about it, they thought they were sneaking up on the timid Quirrell, but they were actually smashing... uh... the mysterious man in the face..."

Taking care of the emotions of most people, Vader did not speak directly to Voldemort. His words also made everyone feel scared and funny at the same time. Even Harry couldn't help laughing.

"But..." Harry said tangledly: "Why didn't Dumbledore let you tell me? I mean, I also have the right to know the truth, right? Voldemort killed my parents!"

"Dumbledore is trying to protect you, Harry." Hermione explained: "He seems to be worried that you will... seek revenge from the mysterious person after knowing the truth. This is too dangerous."

Harry was a tolerant person, and when he heard that the principal did this out of concern for him, his hidden anger gradually dissipated. But he still didn't understand: "Then why don't we arrest that guy now? When he is still defenseless, if we all do it together, can Quirrell and Voldemort still escape?"

"I guess - well, it's just a guess - based on what Professor Dumbledore said..." Vader said: "Eleven years ago, that man did die, but for some reason, he didn't Complete death, a bit like a ghost state, cannot be trapped or killed. If you take action rashly, you will probably only be able to leave Quirrell, and Voldemort will still escape——"

"Don't say that name, Vader," Michael whispered.

"...Okay." Vader continued: "The mysterious man still has the ability to come back for a second or third time... You never know when he will appear..."

Someone trembled silently.

"——It's like you know there is a venomous snake at home, but you don't know where it is, but it can come out of the shadows and bite you at any time... Compared with this situation, it is better to keep the venomous snake under your nose. It’s reassuring, right?”

"But... isn't Dumbledore worried that Quirrell will steal the Philosopher's Stone, and then Voldemort will regain his former power and even become immortal?" Harry asked again.

"——I told you not to mention that name." Michael muttered and said, "Since Dumbledore knows everything, he must have set up a dragnet to protect the Sorcerer's Stone, just waiting for Quirrell to steal it! But that guy was too cautious and didn’t take action after waiting for so long. "

"Maybe he also discovered that this was a trap?" Ryan suddenly said: "But the desire for immortality keeps him hovering near the bait, reluctant to give up... Maybe he is also waiting for a foolproof opportunity..."

"What's a surefire chance?" Theo asked.

"That must be -" Harry clenched his fists: "When Dumbledore left school! Because Dumbledore is the only person he fears!"

In the days that followed, the little wizards began to pay more attention to Dumbledore's schedule than ever before. If they saw the white-bearded wizard while eating in the auditorium, they would feel at ease for the rest of the day; if not, they would immediately become nervous and try their best to find out from the professors whether Dumbledore was out.

However, soon, they had to devote most of their energy to paying attention to another thing-the exam was coming.

For students, in a sense, exams are as scary as the Dark Lord, even Hermione, who already has excellent grades.

Examinations for most subjects at Hogwarts are divided into two parts: written examinations and practical exercises. The written examination is conducted in a large classroom that can accommodate students from all grades, and a new quill with an anti-cheating spell must be used; the actual operation is varied, and the professor who teaches the class sets the questions himself. For example, Professor McGonagall requires students to Rats become exquisite snuff boxes.

For Wade, the content of all exams is very simple, and the actual operation is more like a personal show. Judging from the satisfied smiles of the professors, he will definitely have a beautiful transcript.

The last course was History of Magic. Since Wade had sorted out his History of Magic scroll, he rarely spent time on this course. He only memorized the knowledge points before the exam. After finishing the test, Wade confirmed that his accuracy rate was more than 90%, which was enough for him.

Today was also Thursday, the day when Professor Murray taught him alchemy. After the exam, the students cheered that they were finally free, and Wade greeted Michael and walked towards the astronomy tower as usual.

Professor Murray was fiddling with a microscope. When he saw Wade come in, he exclaimed: "Look, how wonderful it is - Muggles use this machine to observe various tiny structures of things, including tens of thousands of cells in the human body."

He enthusiastically taught Wade how to prepare glass slide specimens, how to adjust the light and focus. Wade did not mention that he had learned it before. He followed Professor Murray's steps to observe worm eggs and moth wing slices, and then talked about the recent progress of alchemy.

"I want you to see this--"

Wade said, taking out a box from his schoolbag. At this time, he found that the friend book placed next to him was slightly warm. Wade paused for a moment, then he closed his schoolbag and put the blue-gray box, which was only the size of a pencil case, on the table.

Professor Mori's eyes lit up: "You succeeded so quickly?"

"Only a preliminary result was achieved."

Wade reached out and opened the box, only to see that it contained several feather pens and ordinary pens. It seemed that this was all. Then he closed the lid and used the magic wand to point, and the pencil case turned, expanded, extended, and stretched like a page of a book...

After a while, a wardrobe more than one person tall stood in the middle of the room.

Wade opened the door and smiled: "Professor, maybe you would like to go in and take a look?"

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