The space inside the closet is far from the small world that Wade imagined. It is only slightly larger than the umbrella house. The room is empty and there are no decorations.

Professor Mori certainly doesn't want to "see" these superficial things.

He doesn't have the same eyes as Wade, but he has his own way to examine the magic pattern circuits-

The layers of inlaid ancient magic runes form a structure as delicate and perfectly balanced as a honeycomb;

The traceless extension spells that are linked to each other like chains are complex and orderly, simple and neat;

Hundreds of spells are like whirlpools, which not only ensure the stability of the structure, but also leave sufficient space for expansion.

This is just a prototype.

But it takes root, sprouts, and grows tender leaves in the most perfect posture. Professor Mori examined its veins and could almost see the moment when it grew into a towering tree.

After walking out, Professor Mori looked at Wade and smiled with emotion: "There is nothing I can teach you about the traceless extension spell, Wade."

Wade did not hide his joy and smiled happily.

This made him look more like his age than usual.

"What are your plans for the summer vacation?" Professor Murray asked again.

"Reading, studying, nothing else." Wade said.

Professor Murray pondered for a moment, frowned and said: "Students cannot use magic during the summer vacation, which is too inconvenient for your study. You live in a Muggle area, and once you cast a spell, the Ministry of Magic will immediately find out..."

"Actually-" Wade explained: "I plan to stay at home for a few days and then go to the Leaky Cauldron to book a room, so that I can bypass the Ministry of Magic's monitoring of the trace."

Professor Murray nodded slightly and said: "It's a way... but it's not good. Old Tom is a good person, but there are often unidentified guys in that place. It's not safe for you, a child, to live in a bar, and the environment is not good."

"Mr. Lupin can accompany me, and he will teach me Defense Against the Dark Arts!" Wade said.

"Lupin?" Professor Murray snorted: "This is exactly what I'm worried about!"

His opinion of werewolves can be said to be deeply rooted, and he will never give real trust.

"Well, you go home first--" Professor Murray thought for a while and said, "I'll go and discuss it with Mr. Scamander. Maybe he will be willing to let you visit him."

"Mr. Newt Scamander?" Wade's eyes lit up: "You mean--"

"Yes, I guess you must want to see his magical suitcase." Professor Murray smiled: "No one is better than him in the use of space spells and weather spells."

In Wade's excited eyes, Professor Murray said again: "It just so happens that he likes Steven very much, and Steven also told him about you-yes, he mentioned it several times-Mr. Scamander also has a good impression of you."

When leaving Professor Murray's office, Wade still felt his heart beating fast, his eyes were bright, and he walked very briskly.

Newt Scamander.

This man used to be just the protagonist of the "Fantastic Beasts" series of movies to Wade. He was kind, gentle and dull, and almost never looked at people straight in the eye. He loves magical animals, is loyal to Dumbledore, and would go through fire and water for the old headmaster.

Coming to the magical world, Wade found that Newt also left a strong mark in the history of modern magic. His magical box, his outstanding performance in the two wizard wars, and his lifelong efforts to protect magical creatures are all recorded in history books.

Even included - he once caught Gellert Grindelwald.

This is a man full of legends, although he himself may not want such a reputation.

After walking out of the astronomy tower, Wade opened the friend book.

The earlier news has disappeared - this is of course, after all, he spent nearly two hours in Professor Murray's class.

The latest message comes from Padma.

[Padma: They went to the restricted area on the fourth floor. ]

[Wade: Padma? Where are you? ]

[Padma: Merlin! You finally saw the news! ]

[Padma: I'm outside the corridor on the fourth floor. 】

【Padma: It's almost curfew time. Filch's cat has been staring at me. I think I saw Peeves just now... What should I do? Dumbledore is not here... No one has come back...】

Just from the messy words, one can feel the girl's fear and worry.

【Ved: Wait for me. 】

Ved walked quickly to the main tower. When he passed the entrance hall, he turned to the auditorium and packed some bread and barbecue. Filch stood at the entrance of the entrance hall, staring at the students who were still eating dinner unhappily.

Ved nodded at him and said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Filch."

Filch was slightly surprised. He stared at Ved suspiciously, as if trying to figure out what bad ideas he had.

But Ved had already walked past him quickly.

All the way to the corridor on the fourth floor, Padma walked back and forth outside the restricted area, looking out from time to time, as if she was afraid that her movements would be noticed by others.

At a corner not far away, the skinny Mrs. Norris was squatting on the ground, staring at her quietly. Hearing Wade's footsteps, she turned her head and looked over here again.

Wade threw two dried fish to Mrs. Norris and came to Padma.

"Wade!" Padma looked like she was about to cry, and the hem of her clothes was wrinkled by her own grasping.

"Don't worry." Wade stuffed a sandwich into her mouth and asked, "Eat something... Have you notified the professor?"

"Michael found Professor Flitwick, who said the Philosopher's Stone is safe, so we don't have to worry and enjoy the days without exams."

Padma's tone was inevitably filled with resentment towards the professors.

"Professor McGonagall also told Harry the same thing, and she also warned us not to make trouble, otherwise we would lose a lot of points. Professor Sprout is teaching the fifth grade, and we don't have a chance to talk to her."

Padma finished speaking quickly, holding the sandwich and unable to eat.

"Where's Professor Dumbledore?"

"He received an urgent letter from the Ministry of Magic and went to London."

Padma said tearfully, "We don't have his friend list, so we can only send letters through owls. I don't know when he will receive it... Maybe when he comes back, everything will be too late."

"Don't worry, remember what we said before-Dumbledore knows everything about Hogwarts."

Wade comforted.

After recovering his previous memories through the Pensieve, Wade was even more certain that Dumbledore had full control over the school during Harry's first year of school, and that Quirrell's perceived opportunity was merely a flaw that Dumbledore deliberately revealed.

- The "game" in the underground was the real "final exam" that Dumbledore left for Harry and his companions.

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