Having said that, Vader cannot wait here - the little wizards who run to break through the level are unlikely to die, but injuries are unavoidable.

Time has passed so long, I don’t know where they have reached.

"I'll go take a look." Vader said to Padma, "It's almost curfew. You go back to the lounge first. If I find anything, I'll tell you from my friend's account."

Padma grabbed his sleeve and shook her head vigorously.


"That's what Michael told me too..." the girl choked, "I don't want to wait any longer... Waiting all the time is more uncomfortable than anything else. I would rather face gods and mysterious people with you..."

Wade was silent for a moment and sighed: "...Okay, then that guy will follow me."

Padma nodded and followed Vader to the fourth floor.


Mrs. Norris suddenly let out a sharp roar, arched her back and stood in front of them.

Wade glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw dried fish scattered on the ground, seemingly motionless.

"Sorry, we have to get through."

The two of them walked forward. Mrs. Loris bared her teeth and took two steps back. Then she rolled her eyes and ran downstairs quickly.


Vader waved his wand, and a red flash hit the gray cat on the back. She fell down with a thud and slid to the side of the corridor.

"Great - she must want to inform Filch." Padma couldn't help but said, "How could there be such a nasty cat!"

"In the eyes of her owner, she is the most devoted and good cat."

Vader said, pushing open the half-open wooden door. Padma gasped when she saw the scene inside clearly.

The ferocious three-headed dog was tearing at a harp. When it heard the sound, it immediately looked towards the two of them and let out a low roar in its throat.

Padma's lips trembled and she said tremblingly: "Harry said... as long as it hears music... it will fall asleep... Can I, can I sing to it?"

But in desperation, she couldn't remember what she could sing.


Wade threw a small ball on the ground. It rolled like a ball, and sweet piano music began to play halfway through.

"What is this?" Padma asked blankly.

"Für Elise, Beethoven's classic work." Vedder answered.

"No - I'm asking, what is this little ball?"

Padma asked, looking at the little ball that not only sang, but also rotated and emitted colored lights.

"Music player - the magic version."

"——Your new invention?"

"Not really." Vader said, "This is a Muggle invention. I just made a small modification."

Now that he knew there was a three-headed dog in the secret room, Vader naturally chose to be prepared.

Ever since the first note sounded, the originally ferocious three-headed dog began to feel drowsy. After a while, he fell on the floor and fell asleep. Its six nostrils spurted out smelly hot air, and its huge body occupied most of the vision.

Padma mustered up her courage and walked half a circle around the three-headed dog.

"I...I heard there should be a trap door here...on the ground..."

The two of them looked at the three-headed dog at the same time.

"It seems to be suppressed by it."

Vader recited the levitating spell, and the three-headed dog was moved aside and continued to lie down. As expected, a trap door was revealed on the ground. Vader grabbed the ring and opened the door, and immediately heard a familiar voice——

"Great, someone is finally here!" Neville's thankful voice came: "Who's up there?"

"Take out your wand, Neville!" Michael warned in a low voice: "The one above may be their accomplice!"

Padma heard their voices and knew that several of them should be fine. She lay on the trap door and cried and laughed and said, "Michael, are you all okay?"

"Padma!" Several voices shouted in surprise.

"Vade is here too, we are together!" Padma said to the people inside.

Then, several people rode brooms and flew up through the trap door one after another——

Michael took Neville with him - Neville's leg was broken and bleeding.

"Fortunately you are here - the three-headed dog blocked the trap door, and we couldn't get out even though we tried our best." Michael explained.

There was a big bruise on Theo's face, and there were many small and narrow wounds on his body, as if he had been scratched by many sharp knives;

One of Ryan's arms was bent at a weird angle, and he was sweating in pain;

The most serious thing was Ron who was brought up by Hermione - he was unconscious and his head was covered with blood.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing the miserable situation of everyone, Padma was so shocked that she couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I, I didn't bring any alkaloids with me!" she said in a panic.

"It doesn't matter, I have it." Wade said, taking out a few bottles of magic potion from his bag and handing them to everyone: "—and analgesics."

To be honest, he admired these children - with such serious injuries as broken arms and legs, none of these eleven or twelve-year-old children cried, howled, and rolled on the ground. Many adults couldn't do this either. .

——Perhaps magic gives them some innate ability to endure pain...or heal injuries?

Ryan drank the analgesic in one gulp and said with a pale face: "Harry is still down there."

"What happened inside?" Padma looked at the dark hole in fear: "Have you met... that person?"

"No." Hermione crossed her hands unconsciously, and she said nervously: "If Quirrell and Snape wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone, they should have been at the last level... The black flame blocked the way, and there was only one potion that could allow people to safely pass through the flames... Harry chose to go alone..."

Padma exclaimed: "Isn't he afraid of death?"

-Of course he was afraid, but he still chose to face it.

The friend book in Wade's hand suddenly began to heat up. He opened it and saw a message from McGee: [It's okay].

The word [It's okay] can be interpreted in many ways, but at this moment, it only means one thing--

Dumbledore is back.

"Go to the school infirmary first." Wade closed the friend book and said calmly: "Even if it's just for your injuries, Madam Pomfrey will contact Dumbledore immediately."

The last sentence convinced everyone, and everyone rushed to the school infirmary as quickly as possible. The students they met along the way were all terrified-they probably thought that these little wizards had a life-and-death fight.

When they arrived at the school infirmary, they saw a tall and thin figure from a distance, with long silver-white hair that could almost be stuffed into his belt.

——Dumbledore was walking hurriedly towards the school infirmary, holding a black-haired boy in his arms.

"Harry——" Hermione jumped off the broom and rushed over.

Harry Potter's eyes were closed, and he was covered with scars. The lightning-shaped scar on his forehead was red and swollen as if he had just been injured, and his hands were also as if they were scalded by boiling water.

The girls' tears fell immediately.

Wade looked at Dumbledore——

The greatest white wizard was not as calm and gentle as usual, or a little childish and crazy... There was obvious worry on his face.

But besides worry, there was something else... emotions like the deep sea...

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