Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 104 Return to the Secret Chamber

Suddenly taking over so many wounded people, Madam Pomfrey thought that some dark wizard army had invaded Hogwarts. Fortunately, for the wizard, the loss of arms and legs was only a minor problem, and she dealt with it quickly.

The trouble is Harry Potter, who remains unconscious. After talking to Dumbledore, Madam Pomfrey arranged a separate ward for Harry.

Wade took out the packed food and shared it with everyone - they seemed to realize that they were so hungry that their chests were touching their backs. While the little wizards were devouring their food, they also told Vader what happened under the trap door.

In order to protect the Philosopher's Stone, the professors in the school arranged many mechanisms. The first was the devil's net laid under the trap door to save them from falling to death. The unlucky Neville did not choose the right landing spot and was broken at the first level. After losing his leg, I could only wait nearby.

The next step was to catch the correct key among the birds-like keys. Harry gave full play to his talent as a seeker to catch the key, while Theo was scratched black and blue by the key in order to protect others.

Then there was a dangerous game of wizard chess. Ron, who came down with Harry, won the chess game, but was punched hard on the head by the opponent's chess piece and passed out. Now he is also unconscious.

Then there was a giant monster, which was bigger and more fierce than the one they met on Halloween. The little wizards tried their best to defeat the giant monster. Ryan broke his arm there, and everyone else suffered their own injuries. Some injuries.

Wade was a little surprised: "——Troll?"

"Yeah, a stinking giant monster." Theo sighed and said, "I can't believe that you defeated that kind of monster without any harm half a year ago!"

"If the trolls were the levels set up by Quirrell, the one on Halloween must have been released by him to cause chaos." Michael said: "I heard that he even pretended to be frightened and fainted at that time!"

Wade frowned and said nothing more.

——The original trio did not encounter the troll.

The Butterfly Effect? still……

"In the last level, we were trapped in the room by flames. One potion left by Professor Snape can go forward, one can go back, and the rest are poison and nettle wine."

Hermione's lips trembled slightly and she said: "I solved the puzzle left by Snape. Harry walked forward. The rest of us each took a sip of the potion, and then found Ron and Neville and wanted to Go back the way you came...you know the rest."

She wrung her fingers tightly and her tone remained calm, rational and coherent. But his hair seemed to be slightly raised, and his body was as tense as a fully-stretched bow string.

"Hermione!" Padma suddenly leaned over and hugged Hermione: "Don't worry...and don't blame yourself...it was Harry's choice to confront that person, not your fault...and he will recover. Yes, isn't it?"

She gently pulled the girl's hand away, and saw that the back of Hermione's hand was covered with blood marks from her own scratches.

"You don't understand, Padma."

Hermione leaned on Padma's shoulder, tears falling without warning.

She choked and said: "There is no bottom under the trap door. When Harry didn't know that a devil's net would catch us, he was the first to jump in... He also said... if something happened to him, we would Just return immediately...I really..."

Padma gently stroked her back, vaguely understanding why Hermione was crying now.

Not only because I was worried about my unconscious friend... but also because after returning to a safe environment, the despair and fear of watching my friend go to death surged from the bottom of my heart...

She looked at the people around her - although the boys didn't shed any tears, there seemed to be something different between their eyebrows... As if quietly, some kind of transformation had occurred in everyone...

Suddenly there was a noisy sound at the door——

"No, Potter hasn't woken up yet, so visits are not allowed!" Madam Pomfrey said sternly.

"Ma'am, we want to come to visit Theo and Ryan - we are both from Hufflepuff House." Someone pleaded at the door.

"...Okay, no noise." Madam Pomfrey conceded.

So a bustling group of people came in through the door - these students probably saw Theo and others walking through the corridor on broomsticks with injuries, and they all came to inquire about the news.

When the wounded were surrounded by "visitors", Michael and Wade winked - probably because both of them were intact, others regarded them as spectators and paid little attention to them.

So the two of them squeezed out of the school doctor's office smoothly.

"I want to see the secret room again."

When he arrived at the door, Michael exhaled and said to Wade: "Now that Dumbledore has brought Harry out, the flames blocking the way may have disappeared... I want to see what happened in the last secret room. ”

Wade said, "Let's go together."

"Of course." Michael laughed: "I guess you must also be curious - how did Harry Potter turn danger into disaster again?"

In fact, Wade was not curious.

He just... wanted to take a look.

The level under the trap door was almost completely destroyed. The two rode brooms and passed through the stone corridors and brightly lit rooms smoothly until they reached the end.

This is a fairly spacious room with a vaulted roof, tall stone pillars embedded in the middle of the stone wall, and remaining flames burning around it.

There is also a huge mirror in the room. The golden frame is very ornately decorated, with a string of words engraved on it, and two claw-shaped feet supporting it underneath.

"Look, Vader."

Michael suddenly squatted down, poked a wizard's robe on the side of the steps with his wand, and said softly: "If I remember correctly, this is Professor Quirrell's robe - look, the scarf is also there -"

His words suddenly stopped, his eyes looked at the dust wrapped in his robe in horror, and he stepped back stiffly step by step.

Instead, Wade took a step forward. He conjured a cylindrical bottle and collected some dust on the ground.

"Vade!" Michael felt his scalp numb and screamed: "Do you know what this is?"

"Professor Quirrell's remains - also the carrier of the mysterious man."

Wade capped the bottle, looked at the soot-gray dust inside and said, "What if it comes in handy?"

Suddenly, something seemed to be awakened, and eerie sounds came from all directions——

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."

"The living will die if they disturb the dead...the dead are nameless and receive no reward..."

"Vade Gray...Michael Corner...do you want to journey into eternal rest..."

Michael's hands and feet suddenly became weak, and goosebumps appeared all over his body. He grabbed Vader's arm and said with an earthy face: "V, Vader... you, you, you, hurry up and throw those things away..."

Vader's whole body felt chilly for a moment, but soon, he discovered something——


Wade said softly.

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